I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 5: Civil War Period - Damien De Millbeau (2)

Chapter 5: Civil War Period - Damien De Millbeau (2)

Translated by Mara Sov

Civil War Period Damien De Millbeau (2)

The messenger waited at his designated spot.

The troops from Millbeau County have been sighted entering our lands, My Lord. 

Good work. Sir Gaston, tell our men to take rest for now. 


We left the Marquisates capital and marched east, then we circled through the south arriving directly in the west.

I would be damned if this strenuous march had been in vain, but thankfully it was not.

With this, I could safely ease my suspicions about Baron Domont.

The possibility of the second son of Millbeau colluding with the Baron was low, but there was still a small chance since the Marquisate, which was the Barons responsibility before my regression, was almost defenseless against raids.

I felt a little guilty for doubting him, but since they moved exactly as we wanted to, the spy was probably a servant in the mansion.

That was fine. Even if you know theres a spy, its possible to find him immediately, and if you know they exist, you could feed them what you want them to know, like this.

Riding up to the hill, I could see the vast forests of the western expanse, and the road that led towards our territory.

As I looked at the scenery, Sir Gaston rode his horse next to me.

Are you sure of this, My Lord? Aquitaine County is a valuable ally, and should they suffer for our actions

Unlike the First Princes faction, who are simply on the same side given their affiliation, Aquitaine County is the only true ally of House Lafayette.

They operate one of the major ports in the Kingdom, securing their position as a mercantile hub, and they also have an alliance with the Marquisate of Lafayette in the form of an arranged marriage.

Although they didnt participate in the Civil War, Aquitaine County has been supplying our Marquisate with war funds or other necessary goods.

Because of this, it was common for supplies to be traded in this location, so this made it the perfect spot to bait the second son of Millbeau without raising suspicions. 

Dont worry, Sir Gaston. Ive already sent a messenger to them. 

Since it would be a disaster for our alliance if a member of their family was harmed in any way, I had sent a messenger to the Count explaining the situation and asked him to increase the escort troops a little without having any key members of the family going with them.

Because of the risks involved, I promised to share some of our profits with them should this plan succeed. 

Sir Gaston nodded at my words as he said.

Thats good, My lord. I was simply concerned since our future Lady might have been endangered. 

It was just like Sir Gaston to worry about every little thing

My Fiance. 

She is a good person.

Although our marriage is not one of love, as is common with the nobility, I feel that if she were to become my wife we would be able to get along quite well.

It is quite strange to clearly recall her features back then, at the age of 28, while also forgetting how she looks now.

The future Lady, huh 

As I muttered softly, Sir Gaston looked at me without saying anything in return.

I never actually married her back then.

Perhaps it was because of the civil war or some other thing, but our marriage kept being postponed due to various excuses, and then one day she died of an illness.

Even after that, the alliance between our Houses continued, but with the marriage no longer on the table, Aquitaine County remained neutral in the Civil War.

I hope that doesnt happen this time.

My Lord. 

My musings were cut short by Sir Gaston.

Here they come. 

I could see the caravan of Aquitaine County making its way down the road.


My eyes widened in sheer disbelief.

Despite my warning, the troops guarding the caravan were rather small compared to the goods being transported.

Have they decided to cut their losses and pushed the risk onto me instead? 

I couldnt help but sigh, but this must be done.

Lets move.



Its the caravan of Aquitaines County, My Lord! 


Damien De Millbeau, the second son of Count Millbeau spoke with barely contained glee as he received the scouts report.

This opportunity was simply too good to miss, but there were also dangers accompanying it, so he came thoroughly prepared.

As he waited anxiously in fear that they had already missed the caravan, Damien jumped to his feet and shouted.

Commence the attack! First unit, Advance! 

A moment later, the troops in Damiens command ambushed the caravan. 

For the glory of His Excellency, The Count! 

For Millbeau! 



As Knight Huey led the charge with his sword held high, a force of about 100 men followed, bursting through the forest and throwing the caravans procession into a panic.

Ah, What! 

Form ranks! Protect the wagons! 

The Aquitaine soldiers, merely thirty men, tried to organize themselves upon hearing the captains command, but


A hail of arrows rained down on them.



The simple armor of those escorts couldnt protect them from the arrows.

In an instant, several of them were killed, but some still managed to raise their flintlocks and pull the triggers. 

The lit fuse touched the gunpowder, and with a small detonation, a loud shooting sound echoed. 


A few unlucky soldiers from Millbeau County fell to the ground, hit by the gunfire, but


Their bullets failed to pierce the charging Knights armor, which was further strengthened with his mana.

Spearmen, Forward! 


Out of my way, vermin! 

Even the spears of the escorts were easily cut by a single stroke of Sir Hueys sword.

Ah!, Heek! 

Pah, as expected of a lowly merchant family using an urban scums weapon.

Watching the terrified man trying to reload their flintlocks behind the spearman, Damien smirked in contempt.

And at that moment, with a shout from the other side of the road, soldiers began to emerge.


Thats the coat of arms of Lafayette! 

Almost simultaneously with Hueys desperate cry, arrows rained onto the soldiers rushing to attack the caravans escort.

Damien gritted his teeth as he heard the soldiers screams.

Damn him! He dares to make a fool of me! 

Damien glared at the fluttering banner carrying the roaring lion, as he spitted out orders.

Second unit, Forward! 


The soldiers from Millbeau, who previously were overwhelming the caravan escorts, had retreated in confusion as the soldiers of Lafayette joined the fray, but they quickly regained their morale as an additional hundred men charged at Damiens command.

Push them back! 


Spears from soldiers of all sides were thrust, pushed, and jostled against each other.


Argh! They stabbed me in the stomach! 

Amidst the chaotic battlefield, Sir Huey swallowed his saliva as he engaged the opposing Knight.

Damien watched as the continuous rain of arrows wreaked havoc, causing persistent losses to both sides, as he clenched his sweat-covered hands.

Although the battle was in a stalemate, his forces had the numerical advantage. Therefore, if he continued to hold on, victory would be his!

As he observed the battle, Damien heard the approaching sound of horse hooves, as he exclaimed with fervor.

Sir Casselle! Lead the third unit and hold off the enemy in the west! 

By your command! 

As his last reserve, the third unit positioned themselves with spears among the western woods. The enemy cavalry bursting from the forest could only recoil in panic at the sight of the spearman waiting for them.



Leading the charging spearman on his horse, Sir Casselle, battled the incoming force, making them scatter in confusion and flee.

Pff, Hahahahaha! 

Damien couldnt contain his laughter any longer.

Since this was too good of an opportunity and the situation was simply perfectly orchestrated, he borrowed some soldiers from other territories and put together the largest force he could.

The Young Marquis had surely underestimated him.

Laying an ambush, and then using the calvary to pick off the surprised troops. Wasnt that the exact same tactic taught in all textbooks? 

But this surprise attack could be easily countered by just his reserves since it was difficult for the cavalry to run amok while still being in the forest.

That fool must have thought he had trapped him, but in reality, he was the one who had fallen into a trap!


Damiens joy didnt last.

M-My Lord! 

Startled by the sergeants urgent shout, Damiens attention was drawn to the opposite side from where the cavalry had just appeared, to the east, where he could see another group of cavalry charging.

Leading them was a knight in armor bearing the crest of House Lafayette.

St-Stop them! Stop them now! 

Damien shouted in panic, but with all his three units already deployed, his shouts only added to the chaos of the battlefield.

Push forward! 

Sir Gastons charge disrupted the battle of the main force, previously engaged in a standoff with spears as the soldiers of Lafayette began to overwhelm the opposition, making the efforts of defending their flanks futile.



Their words did nothing to stop the charging cavalry.


The soldiers from Millbeau struggled to hold against the combined might of Lafayette and Aquitaine, as they were swept away by cavalry.

W-where is Sir Casselle! Command him to stop them at once! 

M-My lord, Im sorry! H-he is still in the pursuit of the cavalry in the west 

The Knight who chased the fleeting cavalry into the forest was nowhere to be seen.

That fool! 

While Damien raged, the soldiers from Millbeau continued to fall like dominoes.

Ahhh, please have mercy! 


Flames seemed to spark from Damiens eyes as he witnessed this scene.

After everything I have done to secure my position as the acting lord! And this, this bastard with nothing but his luck to be born as the only son is trying to take it from me?! 

Once the army started to crumble, the battle was already lost.

Realizing that there was only one way to turn this situation around, he spurred his horse into a dash.

Now that it had come to this, his only way out was to capture the Young Marquis.

Damiens hands gripped his swords painfully, as he charged at the Young Marquis and yelled.

Marquis De Lafayette! I, Damien de Millbeau, the second son of Count Millbeau, challenge you to a duel! 

The Young Marquis, seeing him, galloped towards Damien.

His opponent was a disgrace who lost to a filthy commoner.

His Knights may have been defeated, but it was only because of his cowardly tactics; therefore, in a straight confrontation he could surely win!

Enhancing his body and horse with mana, Damien swung his sword at the Young Marquis.

But as his sword clashed against the Young Marquiss, he nearly fell from his horse.


Damien had barely maintained his balance when the next strike came.


While he managed to miraculously defend against the blow, the third one knocked him off his horse.

Still dazed from the fall, Damien only managed to comprehend the situation when a sword was pressed against his neck.

With a trembling mouth and shaky tone, he managed to spill a single word.


The disgraced noble who was defeated by a commoner.

As If understanding his question, the Young Marquis simply smiled and said.

Ah, it seems there was a bit of a misunderstanding here huh? 

Damien followed his gaze, while still dazed and



He was simply at a loss for words when Sir Casselle returned from the forest and engaged the Lafayette Knight, andWas defeated in an instant.

You see, its not that Im weak, but that hes too strong. 

His mind reached a halt.

Well, cough. Its a bit late, but welcome to the Marquisate of Lafayette, Lord Damien de Millbeau. I hope the ransom prepared for you is sufficient? 

And with those words, Damien fainted on the spot.

TL: hahaha suck it mama boy

French toast for da winnnnnnnnnnn


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