I Decided to Kidnap the Male Lead

Chapter 106: Death Hunters (X)

Chapter 106: Death Hunters (X)

In the slowly brightening room, the eyes of the child were shining more than ever.

Richard, who had been looking into his eyes for a while, patted the child on the head before whispering.

Close your eyes.


How could he not obey?

The child closed his eyes tightly, and Richards low voice somehow resonated in the distance.

Dont tell anyone what you saw today.

In response, the child closed his eyes and mouth tightly, and nodded vigorously.

How long did he stay like this?

The door slammed open behind the child who had kept his eyes closed.

Young Master!

Then the child opened his eyes.

It was the day as usual. The child was alone by the window where the sunlight was pouring in.

In response, the nanny hurriedly approached the child, who stretched his neck and looked up blankly at the brilliant sun.

Oh my God, the window was open? Could Could it be that something happened?

The child blinked quickly, then covered his mouth with his hand and his head swayed from side to side.

Nothing was there?

The child nodded at that, but the nanny questioned further.

Then why are you covering your mouth?

The childs eyes shook, then he laughed.

Dont tell anyone.

It was a command given by a golden lion encircled by the sun.

How would he dare break it?

Im glad that nothing happened.

The child grinned at the worried nannys words.

The day when the lion embracing the flame came down from the sky would probably be a memory that would never be erased by the child.

The moment when the solar eclipse, the fourth sign of destruction, passed.

A man involved in human trafficking, pseudo, and Raisas village has finally been caught.


Around the time when Richard had confined a man who had neither fulfilled his mission nor offered himself to God in a corner of the Imperial Palace

The man who gave that man a mission was kneeling and praying with his arms raised toward the sky.

Oh God.

And around him, everyone in the village held their breaths and fell onto their knees one by one.

They prayed to the man, not to the gods.


Please lead us!

In Gods will!

Soon the man called the Prophet opened his eyes.

He let out a long sigh after confirming the return of the sun that had been eaten by the darkness.

Hiding the sun and casting darkness Was the last choice wrong?



Where is he now?

There was only one person in this village who hadnt come out and kneeled.

Prophets last choice.

A man who was branded as impure and locked up in a warehouse.

James is in the warehouse.

On one side of the village, people moved in line following the prophet who walked to a warehouse that was empty due to a swarm of locusts.

Datak, tadak.

The huge lock opened and the chains attached to it fell to the floor.


The dense stagnant air inside shuddered as the door opened with the creaking of rusty hinges and dead wood.

And deep inside.

There was a man with his head drooping like a corpse, and his arms tied to poles.

As the prophet approached him, the people performed their respective roles.

Some opened a window to let in the light, some eyed the man warily, and some stayed close to the prophet and waited for his words.

Those who moved like one body for the one prophet held their breaths at once.

Because the prophet raised his hand.


The man clinging to the name that came out of his mouth slowly opened his eyes.

He was a mess of dust and blood, but his eyes were clear.

As the prophet tried to remove the gag from his mouth, the woman beside him cried out in great reverence.

Its dirty! I will do it!

At that, the prophet shook his head without lifting his hand.

No, I will.

He put his hands on the dirty thing with his own hands.

Even though the gag was removed, James said nothing.

He did not vent his resentment or anger, nor did he give thanks to the prophet like everyone else in the village.

Just staring at the prophet with those clear eyes.

This, you cheeky!

The prophet shook his head when the woman beside him raised her hand toward James.


S sorry.

When the woman withdrew, the prophet sighed.

It seems that imprisoning you was against the will of God.

The corners of James mouth twitched as the word God flowed from the prophets mouth.

He opened his mouth, but only a hiss escaped from his parched throat.

With a gentle gaze, the prophet shook his head.

Let him down. Its Gods will.

The prophet moved on, leaving James behind, and people followed him like ants to a corpse.

Eventually, a dreary warehouse with only a few people and James remaining.

This impurity.

Ugh, didnt you hear what the prophet said!

But! Isnt this guy the one the prophet loved so much but betrayed him!

That prophet is the one who brought back the lost sun!

Behind the womans screams, a voice that split and became hoarse rang out.

W-What d-did you j-just say?

After exchanging a few glances, one of the people replied to James question.

The sun disappeared and returned.

The sun is gone?

James couldnt understand what they were saying, so he asked again, but he stopped asking further when they answered.

The prophet brought the sun back from darkness through prayer!

The person who was dissatisfied with releasing James spat and murmured in a way that all around could hear.

To show mercy to this filthy impurity, he doesnt even know how to show gratitude for the grace.

And nobody stopped him. They just disappeared after faithfully completing the work the prophet ordered.

James, who remained in the warehouse and slowly patted his messy body, scoffed.

A traitor or an impurity?

Really, wasnt that a ridiculous statement?

The villagers say this village was normal.

It was not different from other villages.

But what kind of ordinary village tried to kill those who didnt obey one of its members, calling them traitors or impurities?

At first, yes. A group of like-minded people could have gathered around one person.

If the town grew naturally, James Gryu would not have paid any attention to it.

However, he found this bizarre village with Neirs name and a suspicious transfer of funds.

There was no way he wouldnt take a look at the man called the prophet.

The voice of God. Thats amazing.

Dont say that.

The man called the prophet just shook his head and laughed helplessly.

Then, at some point, he began to talk about Gods will.

Fanatical bastards.

James rubbed his bloody lips and clicked his tongue.

The villagers were under the spell of fanaticism.

A man blindly followed by the villagers the prophet.

No matter how much James tried to tell the truth or explain it logically, they just blocked their ears and closed their eyes.

Even if he showed reality as it was, they insisted that it was fabricated, so there was nothing he could do.

James only felt sorry for those who were sacrificed unjustly.


Frowning at the sunlight he hadnt seen in a long time, James soon found a child alone.

She was a crippled girl who always held hands with her brother.

James approached the child, looked around and asked.

Where is your brother?

He went to fulfill his mission.

Even as she said that, she didnt show any sign of pride.

A dark face, an anxious expression, and a voice mixed with some sense of resignation.

Come here.

James held out his hand, and the child took it without hesitation.

Since he joined the village late, it was worth playing with the children for several hours a day to melt the peoples hearts.

Thanks to that, he became something like a friend to the man called the prophet, but that was until he was accused of being a traitor and hung in a warehouse.

When did your brother disappear?

Its been a few days. There, Mister.

I see.

Will my brother come back? Can you ask the prophet?

James could not give the child the answer she was looking for.

Young men and women started disappearing one by one in the village one night and day.

Besides, when he listened to the accounts of the people around them, they told him the same story as if they had promised.

They went to fulfill their mission.

The mysterious disappearance was what James was investigating before he was locked in the warehouse.

Fortunately, the reason he was bound was not because he investigated the disappearances, so the material he had hidden would not have been discovered.

And in the hidden data, the last acts of those who disappeared from the village were always the same.

Because not a single one came back.

I hope so.

I I miss my brother.

I really hope that this girls brother will come back.

James patted the girl on the head, took her hand as her brother had done, and headed towards town together.

Their shadows were getting eaten by the shadow of the huge town.


When James Gryu faced the prophet who experienced an eclipse

Richard was staring down at the man spread out on the floor.

Before long, Richard, who had put his foot on his back, gently pressed.

Soon after, the man came to his senses, floundering his limbs like a cockroach.

Ugh, heuk! Haak.

He struggled with the pain that resonated through his body, but he couldnt escape the force that was pressing on his back.

His eyes were about to become distant again when the feeling of pressure disappeared in an instant.

Hak, huu!

The man who was exhaling as he scratched the floor started screaming.


Ouch! Aaaagh!

His leg bones were crushed very easily.

Credits goes to Jassie for raw providing, Ame for translating, and Dea for proofreading.

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