I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 182: Break Even

Chapter 182: Break Even

"1000 Gold Coins!"

A series of gasps came out of the mouths of the bidders as Shi Yanmei called out her bid. 1000 Gold Coins is nothing to laugh at. Although it may not amount to a Titanium Rank Spirit Beast Core with a fuse-able Spirit Beast inside, it's still an incredible amount. After all, no one would buy such an extravagant pen for 1000 Gold Coins. At most, it would cost only 500 Gold Coins.

But the Boundless Calligraphy is a priceless treasure. And its value lies in its usability. Since Master is probably already in the realm Beyond Transcendence Realm, she must be confident that she could use it.

"1100 Gold Coins" Another bidder screamed before I could gather my thoughts. It had already climbed to a significant price but there are still a dozen or so people who are raising their hands.

I smiled to myself. The Boundless Calligraphy would end up in my hands in the end. Let's not ruin their fun and just watch from the sidelines. I'm sure they'll be pretty desperate sooner than later.

Now that I think about it, why is a calligraphy pen called the Boundless Calligraphy? It sounds like calligraphy art more than a calligraphy pen. The person who named it probably had a horrible naming sense. But then again, it's the only pen to have the power to record anything it writes, be it cultivation technique or martial arts. Maybe someone from the Higher Plane dropped it on the Lower Plane and thought that nobody could use it. However, he didn't take into account the progressive evolution of every cultivator.

For many years, I've wanted to acquire such a treasure but our Sect just never had the fund... wait, don't I have priceless treasures in the Tang Sect? I'm sure I have... there are a lot of them in our treasury. It may not be as valuable as a pen but some of them could prove to be useful for the Tang Shelter and the other surrounding shelters. I'm sure no one would've found out about it since I hid it in a very secure and obscure place. I mean, who would look under the cave where I cultivated until I almost reached the Transcendence Realm? No one would do that. The moment our Sect collapsed, they probably looted everything in my quarters. Curse those people, they probably stole even my priceless magazines.

Magazines about architecture. What are you thinking? They're priceless because they have architectural designs that are pleasing to the eyes. I've always wanted to be an interior designer... but then my parents died in a fire or something but I don't believe a thing about it. But then again, I wouldn't be where I am now if they didn't... sigh~

So I guess my next stop after this auction is the Tang Sect, or whatever's left of it, right? And then after that, I'll go to the Tang Shelter for real this time. I've had a series of stop-overs but the remains of the Tang Sect will be the last one. After that, I'll stop by the Tang Shelter, give them all the resources and alliances I could ever find so I can guarantee their safety, and then cultivate a little bit more to prep myself for my climb to the Middle Plane.

"2500 Gold Coins!" Someone suddenly called out from the group.

To my surprise, it was none other than Shen Rong himself! Of course, he wasn't just overseeing the auction, he could also bid. Although I could tell that he was using his own money instead of the money of the shelter, I know that he's got a lot of them in his pocket. He's someone who's almost in the Transcendent Realm after all.

"2600 Gold Coins!" My Master, Shi Yanmei, called out as easily as someone naming their pet. She was smiling, probably pretending that she still got a load of money in her storage ring.

For a moment, I thought the Immovable Mountain Sect Master, or should I say Shelter Leader, wasn't bidding at such an important time. I was waiting for him to bid but for some reason, he still hasn't said a word ever since the Boundless Calligraphy was displayed.

Then I remembered one of the etiquettes of an auction... and realized that maybe the Immovable Mountain Shelter Leader was actually the one selling the item.

"2700 Gold Coins!" Shen Rong called out a bid once again, this time, he was wearing a constipated face since he was running low on funds. Or maybe he was just pretending so he could raise the price so high that everyone will be surprised.

Someone from the crowd raised her hand and voted. "2800 Gold Coins!" She called out.

And then, something unexpected happened, a lot of bidders actually raised their hands this time around. I was so surprised that my eyes almost fell out of my sockets as I stared at the sea of hands that filled the entire bidder section.

"2810 Gold Coins!"

"2820 Gold Coins!"

"2821 Gold Coins!"

"2840 Gold Coins!"

It kept on increasing in small increments that I got tired of waiting. But just as I was about to raise my hands, Ye Zhiyun raised hers. She was wearing a very determined look on her face that for a moment, I remembered how she was in the past.

Five years ago, Ye Zhiyun was the type of girl who wouldn't even hurt a fly. She's one of my disciples who hated fighting so she always remained in the outer court. She is extremely talented, but she uses it in helping other cultivators by teaching them her techniques or by assisting them in their cultivation. Everyone she assisted managed to get to the Inner Court while she remained in the outer court, helping everyone climb up by putting herself on the position of the stepping stone. Everyone availed of her help, but in return, they left her and didn't do anything for her in return. Only a handful of my disciples, like Natalia and Luo Zehn, saw her worth and became friends with her. As for me, I gave the disciples she helped a great talking-to. I told them that a good deed should be returned with a good deed.

Because in the end, it's your good deeds that matter. If you don't have any, it won't be long before you tarnish your name with something you didn't even do. In a competitive world where the strong prey on the weak, this is a normal scenario.

At that time, I never understood why Ye Zhiyun did that. But now, I finally knew.

She's really just someone who wanted to help people. I mean look, she even built a Shelter just so she could keep as many people as she could safe. She's a woman of pure heart, and I hold great respect towards her.

Back to the current event, Ye Zhiyun closed her eyes and gulped as her name was called. After stealing a glance towards me, she yelled out a price. "3000 Gold Coins!" She shouted.

A hush fell on the audience as the price was put out. No one raised their hands anymore since the price was too much for them. Even Master, whom I thought would raise her hand and raise the bid, just smiled and calmly placed her hand on her lap. Shen Rong also stopped bidding.

"Calling once!"

"Calling twice!"

"Ye Zhiyun, why? Do you need the Boundless Calligraphy that badly?" I asked her.

She shook her head and smiled. "No, I realized you've been expectantly looking at it for quite a while now, Master. I already told you to tell me if you need anything, I'm getting it for you, Master."

This girl... that was probably every Gold Coin she has in her possession. I patted her on the head. 'Thanks, but keep those Gold Coins for later.' I said in my mind as I raised my hand.

"10000 Gold Coins!" I screamed.

And then there was silence.

Even Ling stopped talking as I placed my bid. As for Ye Zhiyun, she hung her mouth wide open as she stared at me. I gave her another reassuring smile. "Save your Gold Coins for the Tang Shelter, I have more than enough for myself and for your Shelter," I told her.

Shen Rong was the first one to recover, elbowing Ling so he could proceed with the auction. He almost fell on the floor as he realized he was supposed to be confirming the final bidding price. "Calling once! Calling twice! Calling thrice, congratulations! Ten thousand Gold Coins for the Boundless Calligraphy, courtesy of Sect Master Tang Yongrui! And now the highest bid for this auction has been set!"

A series of claps erupted from the audience as they glanced in my direction. I shrank on my seat, making Ye Zhiyun and Shi Meili chuckle. I didn't want to garner any unnecessary attention to myself but I bid in the heat of the moment. Sigh~ this is why auctions are dangerous.

Meanwhile, from afar, I saw the Sect Master of the Immovable Mountain Sect stand up and cupped his fists towards me. My hunch was right, he really was the one selling the Boundless Calligraphy!

I cupped my hands in return.

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