I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 178: Qi Control

Chapter 178: Qi Control

When I said it was just like controlling a marionette with a million strings, I mean it in every sense of the word. To further emphasize this comparison, I'll just have to paint a clear picture with words.

Consider what someone does when he or she is in the process of cultivating. First, they empty their minds of thoughts that would rob them of their concentration. And once that's done, they will ease their breathing as they tried to meditate and focus on the Qi Energy in their body and the Qi Energy in the surroundings. Once that's ongoing, he or she would then act on gathering those Qi Energy in one place, preferably near the navel so it would be easy to detect and control. And it doesn't stop there! That's just the beginning of cultivation.

Furthermore, every element has a different way of cultivating. Just like how any fruits would have a different taste. That's just how it naturally is.

So yeah, it really is just like controlling a marionette with a million strings.

But, how do I go about controlling her mind? Could I even enter in her mind and make her think of calming herself down amidst her delirium? How do I even do that?

Anyways, let's just do this one at a time.

Fortunately for me, I have what's called the Blood Control Skill which essentially gains me full control of her blood flow. For now, I'll try to bring her fever down... that should get rid of her deliriums.

And next, I worked on pacing her own breathing since that's one of the most fundamental components of cultivation. I said this before but it wouldn't hurt to remind myself so I can keep track of what I'm doing. It wasn't as easy as controlling the blood since the lungs should move in sync with each other. Of course, the body usually breathes naturally but in Wu Jia's case, she's too beaten up to even breathe normally. That's why I had to do it for her.


<Congratulations! Your Skill: Blood Control has leveled up!> 


<Your Skill: Blood Control has leveled up!>

<Blood Control is now level three!>

<Notice: You can unlock the second form of your Skill: Blood Control>

The notifications rang in my head but to my surprise... it was as soft as a whisper. It's as if the System wanted me to continue focusing on treating Wu Jia. This was unexpected, but I guess the System is developing a personality unique to hers. Sigh~ I really do need to give her a body now. She and Hui-ying deserve it.

With that out of the way, I now focused on giving Wu Jia's brain more oxygen by speeding up her blood flow a little bit. Fortunately for us, the clinic had a lot of oxygen tanks so I just had to get one of it and released it in the room.

And now we're prone to blowing ourselves up if someone lights a fire! Awesome.

Pretty soon, Wu Jia's body underwent drastic changes. Thanks to my skills- Blood Transfer and Qi Energy Conversion, Wu Jia's pale face finally turned pinkish, indicating that healthy blood was already flowing through her body. I also made sure to fix her muscles and the tone of her skin just so she would be back to her former self.

Two hours in... and Wu Jia is finally looking better. But the most critical issue was still not yet resolved that is, cultivating her Qi Cores using her own body so she'll unconsciously familiarize herself with it.

Now that she was back to her former appearance, I can't help but admire how beautiful she was. I badly wanted to avert my gaze from her naked body but I needed to constantly monitor her just in case something goes wrong. This is all for the treatment and I'd better apologize as soon as she wakes up.

By now, all the nurses inside the room already headed out. I could hear their murmurs from afar but I decided not to listen too much to them. They're only speculating about me after all.

I could see Wu Jia's face flinching every time I tried to take over her Qi Core, which means that I've already fed it enough Qi Energy. This was all thanks to my Astral Lion, Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf, and Feng who were gracious enough to lend me their boundless Qi Energy. After thanking them, they all went back to my System Barracks or wherever it is they're hiding and I'm finally left alone with Wu Jia.

She really is prepossessing. A genius with the time element and a curvaceous body to boot, every man would want to marry someone like her. She's the epitome of beauty herself, probably on par with Shi Meili or on par with Wu Yan... or maybe my judgment is just being clouded because she's naked... who knows.

Argh! Yongrui! You have to focus, stop staring at her!

In a haste, I averted my eyes from her and just stared straight at the left side wall of the room. Yes, that's a beautiful wall. I can't stop looking at it. What an awesome wall. Totally charming. Its craftsmanship is something else...

And no, admiring the wall is a bad idea. It's just making me think of Wu Jia even more. What on earth.

Since I can't do anything anymore... I decided to see what the System has in store for me. She did say that the second form of Blood Control is readily available for me to learn.

Just by thinking about it, a panel appeared in front of me, containing the skill and the description of Blood Control's second form.

[Skill: Qi Control

Description: Allows the user to freely control the Qi Energy Flow of someone with lower cultivation. This is an extremely complicated skill that requires intricate control over Qi Energy. If used incorrectly, the user may experience a terrible backlash with the worst-case scenario of becoming a cripple. Please use this skill wisely.]

"Why just now?! I've been waiting for this!" I shouted, but in my mind, I was thanking the System for giving me a much-needed skill that would totally change Wu Jia's life. It's nothing short of a miracle.

'Wu Jia, you lucky woman.' I thought to myself as I heaved a sigh of relief.

<Would you like to learn this new skill?>


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