I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 156: The Guardian

Chapter 156: The Guardian

I now realized how desperate White was. Although this is unknown territory for him, he decided to travel to this Plane just so he could fix the Middle Plane himself. It is kind of a grandiose ambition but he's trying to do his very utmost. He's a commendable and straightforward person.

Also, I kind of understood why he acted like that the moment he arrived at the Lower Plane. Of course, there were legends in their Plane where the Lower Plan holds the secret to the Ancient Power that he was eagerly looking forward to.

And then when he arrived, everyone was so weak. Of course, he felt offended.


My thoughts were interrupted as soon as my senses detected a massive amount of Qi Energy. The Qi Energy almost suffocated me and I almost fell on my knees due to the pressure. The pressure was only a little bit weaker than White's but it was still intense. I could tell that the entity a few meters from us was more powerful than me. If I were to go head to head with it, I'll probably die.

"So, the Guardian's just up ahead, right? If we beat him, then we'll finally get a clue on this Ancient Power." White's eyes gleamed. He was brimming with anticipation as he strode through the Void Tower.

Now that we've finally reached the bottom of the Void Tower, we arrived at a long, pitch-black tunnel. The intense Qi Energy was right in front of us. I may not see the Guardian right now but the Qi Energy emanating from it got even more intense the closer we approached it.

White and I cautiously moved through the tunnel. As expected of a powerful cultivator, White still remained cautious even though he defeated the majority of spirit beasts and monsters that existed in the Void Tower.

By the end of a tunnel, a towering door was etched on the wall. The door had ancient runes and writings on the sides of it and the handles were twice my height.

"You ready?" White asked with a sneer.

"Sure, go ahead."

<Ferocity Activated>

<Rage Activated>

<Killing Intent Activated>

<Virus Madness Activated>

<Berserk Mode Activated>

<Strong Will Activated>

<Strong Will Activation Successful>

Just like before, my muscles and body swelled up in size. My eyes became bloodshot and my nails became longer, becoming harder than steel. My Qi Cores were agitated but they were controllable, all thanks to the Strong Wil Skill that the System gave me. At this point, I was merely relying on stacking up my skills just so I could go head to head with White and the Guardian of this Void Tower. Right now, my current Cultivation Level was that of the Ancient Realm, but now that I used all the skills I got, I finally reached my most powerful level. Right now, my Cultivation Level has risen at least three levels.

That's right, I finally reached my life-long dream! Even though I'm using my skills, I finally reached a level beyond the Transcendence Realm. The power was so overwhelming that I almost laughed out loud at how incredible it is.

I've never felt so elated in my life. It felt like I could do anything. The power I have right now was someone that has only been attained by a handful of people in the past. Right now, I can basically defeat everyone in the Lower Plane. I mean, right now... I can definitely rule over the Lower Plane if I chose to, right?

Ehrm, Tang Yongrui of the Esteemed Tang Sect, don't get ahead of yourself. This is just temporary. You haven't reached the Realm beyond the Transcendence Realm. It was all thanks to the System that you're like this right now.

Having struck myself with reality. I was now prepared to face the Guardian.

"Wow, that's some insane power-up you got there. No wonder you're strong. If you were on my level, I'd have no chance of defeating you. That being said, are you fully prepared now?"

"I was born ready," I smirked. It may be a cliche way of putting things but I just had to say it. Right now, there's a huge chance that I'll be gravely injured or maybe I'll get killed as soon as I entered through these doorways. Nevertheless, I must go through with this. I've made it this far with the help of White.

Also, this is aa once in a lifetime opportunity that would grant me more information about the System on my head and Hui-ying who apparently existed in the Ancient Times. Who would've thought that she was such a great figure in the past? It won't even be an understatement if someone were to call her a hero. She may no have saved her world from an outbreak, but right now, she's making history through me.

Argh. I shouldn't be too sentimental right now! I've got a fight to finish!

"You done with your pep talk?" White teased. "Should we head in? Or do you still need a few more minutes to yourself?"

"No, I was just trying to come up with all the possible scenarios that could happen once we enter that room. You know, if we're not careful, we might die on our first step."

"That's right. But don't worry too much about it. I know you've lived this long because you are a very vigilant individual." White acquiesced while nodding his head.

For a moment, I thought he was teasing me but upon closer look, he was complimenting me. That's unusual. Maybe White is getting nervous as well.

"If there are traps laid out in there, or if the Guardian was too powerful for both of us, I know that I must simply cut through it. With my sword, I'm unstoppable, so just follow my lead. Okay, Yongrui?"

I nodded.

This guy... this guy is hopeless.



A huge gust of wind came out of the door as soon as White touched it. Since there was no other choice, White and I headed into the room.

It was a huge room with stone walls and a ceiling filled with stalactites of some unknown material. The room was your typical cliche dungeon boss room.

"That's the guardian, Yongrui. Can you really defeat that?" Hui-ying concernedly asked out of nowhere.

"Yes, with White's help, I think we can take them down. Why? Are there any other gimmicks to this Guardian?"

"No, but rather... um, I don't know if this is a gimmick but every ten percent of its health, its power will move up another realm. So by the time you whittled it down to ten percent of its health, its power could rival thrice the power of the Transcendence Realm."


I tried to rein in my composure since I almost screamed my lungs out in surprise. "Why are you telling me this now? Why didn't you tell me anything about it earlier? We had plenty of time! Why? Why are you telling me this now?" I hissed, clenching my fists as a thousand thoughts ran through my head.

We're dead. We're really dead.

"Yongrui? Are there any problems? Let's go." White called out with a carefree expression on his face. "Let's kill this thing over there."

"But... I thought all boss monsters are that way. You didn't know?" Hui-ying cluelessly asked. "I'm really sorry Yongrui, I didn't know that what I made is such a powerful boss. In our time, that monster is just a normal boss. Stronger bosses increase their cultivation level by two or three levels."

"Sigh~ next time just tell me everything about it. You can't do this to me." I told him.

But it was too late. No matter what I think of right now, I know that there's no going back. Either we defeat this boss or we get killed.

We can still try going out of the boss room... but I know that dungeons like this wouldn't allow that. The entrance might close in front of us, or we get killed after breaking the rules of the dungeon. In short, there's no way back.

The Guardian had a body of a muscular, large-sized human. Its body was tough like a hide of an impenetrable beast and although it was still in its dormant state... the Qi Energy coming out of it was so powerful. And lastly, its head was of a minotaur but one of its horns was broken. And as for the weapon, it carried a BroadAxe that was twice my size.

And just when I was admiring the size of its weapon... its eyes suddenly flashed open, showing us its orange pupils. Smoke came out of its nose as it snorted.

The damned Guardian. It's finally awake!

"White, I just noticed that this Guardian is not what it seemed to be. The more damage it absorbs, the stronger it gets! Once we whittle it down to ten percent of its health, its cultivation level will exceed yours by twice the amount!" I hastily informed White just so he would be aware of the gravity of the situation we're in right now.

"T-t-that's very reassuring, you know that." White stammered. "Anyway, we won't do anything if we stand around for too long."

"Let's kill this thing."


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