I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 154: Enter the Dungeon!

Chapter 154: Enter the Dungeon!

The Void Tower stood more ominous compared to how it was before. Before its image was that of an ancient tower but now, it appeared to be even darker and cataclysmic. It was just like a huge billow of cloud that would bring upon a huge rain to the land.

Lightning and thunders surrounded the Void Tower and a low echoing scream could be heard from the inside the sound was like a wailing woman and it sent chills down my spine.

"So, this is the one, the clue to the Ancient Power." White admired the Void Tower with a pleased expression on his face. "In retrospect, I definitely thought that you were going to trick me, but who would've thought that you will tell me the truth. Are you really fine with this? You could've gotten a lot stronger if you had gotten your hands on the treasure inside here."

Luo Zehn, Liu Zhi's party, and Yang Mei Mei all gulped as they desperately eyed me. In their eyes, I could sense that they wanted me to get in White's way and dissuade him from clearing the Void Tower. However, they were too afraid to voice out anything. That's why I was left trying to figure out what they were trying to say.

As for Shen Rong and Shi Yanmei, the two of them pursed their lips since they cannot do anything about the whole situation. They knew that such a rare dungeon would give valuable rewards and right now, I'm basically giving it to an unknown individual for free. What if White turned out to be a villain and he decided to annihilate everyone in the Lower Plane? No one would be able to stop him, that's for sure.

Nevertheless, something tells me that he isn't exactly a villain. After all, everything that he told me a moment ago was all sincere and he wasn't lying in the least. The Middle Plane is in danger and he took a risk going to uncharted territory just to find a clue about this Ancient Power that could possibly save their whole world.

And now, he got a clue as to what it is. Surely he feels overwhelmed by it. If I were in his position, I would be jumping for joy and screaming in exultation.

White closed his eyes and spread his Qi Energy around. It's the same thing as my detection skill but White's technique was far more refined and he was using his Qi Energy more efficiently. Even after firing such a large-scale lightning attack towards me, he still had enough Qi Energy and his control was exceptional, to say the least.

A smile formed on his face, revealing two sets of white teeth that glinted in the sunlight.

"Very well, so you have spoken the truth. This time, I tried to sense if there are hidden gimmicks inside the Void Tower. Aside from the strong Guardian at the lowest floor, I don't think there isn't anything else. My confirmations are done and all I could say was that you kept the end of your deal." White muttered.

"Sure, if I didn't, I would've died through the Blood Contract. At least the fight was fair and square. No hard feelings on my part since it was clearly my loss." I shrugged.

"Well then, since you've done me a huge favor. I've decided!" White pointed a finger at me as his voice exuded confidence. "I'll tell you everything about the Middle Plane!"


Everyone was surprised at the sudden announcement. I wasn't that shocked, however, since I knew that White isn't a villain, to begin with. Sure, he's a threat; but that's only because he was leaps and bounds stronger than anyone else in the Lower Plane.

I was right. He clearly didn't harbor any animosity to the Lower Plane.

"You are a very trustworthy person, Yongrui. In the beginning, I've made up my mind not to trust anyone but you, you didn't try to take advantage of me and my lack of knowledge about the Lower Plane. As such, I will return the favor by being a trustworthy ally. You're almost at the Transcendence Realm, right? Then, that means you will be climbing to the Middle Plane soon. If you have any questions, just ask me anything as we clear this dungeon. I'll tell you everything I can." He offered.

"Deal," I smiled, extending my hands for the mutual agreement of a handshake.

After shaking my hands, he turned around and headed inside the Void Tower Dungeon. The gargoyle at the entrance of the place didn't even show up so we just walked straight through.

"Are you sure about this, Yongrui? You may find something helpful for us here. Why did you tell him about this place? If he gets one of my treasures first, then clearly, we won't be able to get it back."

"That's fine. I don't really need anything right now. Besides, I need as much information I could get about the Middle Plane. I don't want to go there without knowing anything, and then I'll die without knowing how I died. At least, with White's help, we might be able to survive the Middle Plane."

"What if one of my treasures is a weapon or armor that is above Titanium Rank? Or a Mythical Beast like the Astral Lion?" Hui-ying reasoned out.

"If that's the case, then I got a plan, you don't have to worry about anything," I said, assuring Hui-ying that I didn't make a mistake.

"Whatever you say." She mumbled.

Ignoring her, I headed inside the Void Tower, following White as he descended downwards.

I still can't believe that this is called a Void Tower when it's basically a dungeon. If it was a Tower, then it's a given that we should be going upwards. And yet for some reason, there is no way up. This is indeed one of the most mysterious dungeons I've ever seen. As for Hui-ying, she wouldn't even tell me anything about this dungeon aside from the Guardian on the deepest parts of the dungeon.

"Yongrui, be careful." Shen Rong called out from the outside.

For safety purposes, I didn't let anyone enter the dungeon with us since White could just turn on me and use one of them as a hostage. If there was a small chance that that would happen, then I'd like to avoid it as much as possible.

"Are they not coming?" White asked, jerking his thumb towards the entrance which was already above us. Right now, we were already descending a flight of stairs that would lead to who knows where.

"No, I wouldn't want you taking one of them hostage, or using one of them as bait or sacrifice." I half-jokingly said. "And also, I don't know what's waiting for us inside this dungeon. This dungeon is connected to the ancient and mysterious power and I planned to reconnoiter around the place alone. With you around, it makes things easier for me."

"Yeah, right. But you do know that I can easily overpower you, right? If worse comes to worst and there really is a priceless relic here, then I can easily take it right under your nose." White returned, clearly telling me that I shouldn't have any funny ideas.

"Sure, you do you." I tried to sound as casual as possible. "I won't stop you from taking anything. In return, you should keep your word and tell me everything about the Middle Plane."

"Once you get to the Middle Plane, you will realize that everything I'll tell you is all just common knowledge. If you badly want to know about this, then I don't mind telling you." ]

White had a pleased expression on his face. It was obvious what was going through in his mind. He's probably thinking that he's got the bigger bite on the bone, but he doesn't know what's about to hit him next.

"I don't mind. I need all the information I can." I continued. "Before you tell me about the general knowledge of the Middle Plane, I have one question?"

"Sure, what is i "


A huge bird instantaneously appeared in front of us, flashing its beak as it asserted its dominance. The bird was about thrice my size and it didn't show any hesitation in attacking us.

For something its size, it's a literal bird-brain. Can't it see that White is more powerful than any individual in the Lower Plane? Or maybe it planned a surprise attack and it was too late for it to back down.

Either way, I instantly knew that it was dead meat.

"Shut up." White calmly said as he snapped his finger, blowing the Griffin-like beast as if it was booger. "Now, where were w oh yeah, you were asking about something."

"Ehrmm~" I cleared my throat, surprised that White didn't even bat an eye at such a creature.

Based on my judgment, the bird was at least a Platinum-rank Spirit Beast. Well, I'll just harvest its core and spirit later.

"How is the Black Spirit Sect doing up there in the Middle Plane?" I asked straightforwardly.

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