I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 150: Blink

Chapter 150: Blink

<Bloodlust detected>

<Hostility detected>

<Notice: Your Qi Cores are starting to get agitated. This is due to the higher cultivation level of the user. The higher the cultivation, the more sensitive the Qi Cores and Qi Energy get.

Every fiber of my being told me not to be friendly with this white-robed person. However, I know that showing just a little bit of disrespect is not bound to end well especially when he's leaps and bounds stronger than me. My adrenaline continuously rushed through my System as I extended my hand. And even the System, who wasn't always this suggestive when it comes to opponents, is now warning me about the Bloodlust and Hostility being detected from the white-robed man, himself.

Regardless of the warnings I received, I still shook White's hand as I forced myself to wear a smile on my face. I don't know how I looked like when I did that expression but if I had a mirror in front of me, I would've looked like the fakest cultivator to wear the fakest smile.

"White, nice to meet you. I'm Tang Yongrui. Sect Master of the Tang Sect." I continued shaking his hand.

A series of gasps erupted from the audience as I  said something I shouldn't have. I don't know but for some reason, my lips just moved on their own. It was probably because my identity has been driven into a corner and my instincts told me to bring out some sort of title in front of this white guy. My pride as the strongest was hurt since there really is someone who is stronger than me albeit being younger than me. I may be the youngest person to almost breakthrough to the Transcendence  Realm in the past, but this guy clearly is beyond that.

And that's probably why I revealed my identity in front of everyone.

"I see, I wasn't wrong when I assumed you were the leader of this place." White continued as he walked to the other side of the arena. "You certainly are interesting. Just as I thought, you were related to that master. I hope you will entertain me, right here and now."

"Y-Yong Rui? What are you saying? Luo Zehn asked from the audience." By the looks of it, he must be thinking that I was pretending right now but I wasn't. Although it was a bit late for me to reveal my real identity, I figured I should just come clean now that I said it out loud for who knows how many times now.

This is the last time I'll be claiming that identity... because I'm Tang Yongrui in the first place.

"Gust of Fei Lan!" I screamed, remembering the time when I used such a powerful wind element technique to blow countless rabid humans away. This time, I used it to blow away the pressuring Qi Energy that came from the white-robed man.

Luo Zehn stared at me, pupils dilating. He probably remembered that technique. After all, the first time I used it was when we were escaping the horde of rabid humans chasing us. Seriously, I wasn't expecting a reunion to be as desperate as this.

No matter how I look at it, I'm dead, right?

"Is it true? Is he really "

"No, there's no way!"

"But don't they look alike?"

"No, I remember hearing a news report about him being the first one to die during the outbreak."

"Maybe he went into hiding."

"That's impossible, they caught a recording of him walking around as a zombie. There's no way that's fabricated. It was even shown in the international news!"

The audience started their murmurs but I ignored them. Right now, the enemy is in front of me and he's indirectly challenging me to a fight. In response, I also stepped up the stage and stood opposite of him.

"Tang Yongrui of the Tang Sect, tell me, what is your relationship with those two?" White asked, pointing at Shen Rong and Shi Yanmei as if they weren't even worth batting an eye on.  "Why did they say they're the leader of the shelters when clearly, you're the one leading them?"

I cupped my hands. "Don't misunderstand. There are a lot of Shelters here and they are the leaders of them. They weren't lying when they said that." I responded, trying to be as respectful as I could. I didn't want to irk him since he was obviously already annoyed.

"So that's how it was. Now I get the situation." White mumbled.

"Now, if I may be bold enough to ask of you a question, White," I said, slightly bowing my head to show that I didn't mean any harm. "What is the purpose of your descent to the Lower Plane?"

He chuckled.

Before he even answered my question, he chuckled.

"I see, so you're well aware of where I'm from. Well then, that makes things easier for me." He answered. "I'm looking for someone. A master from a different world. Legends say that she's the only one who can stop this outbreak and the power of the Black Spirit Sect. She was a great figure and her story has reached the edges of the universe through enlightenment."

His response triggered a lot of question marks in my head as I tried to talk to Hui-ying in my head. "Hui-ying, are you really that famous?" I asked.

'I don't know, maybe.' Hui-ying said. "But the story he was saying is altered a bit. I didn't get to stop the outbreak in my world, let alone save it. There's no way I have the power to stop the outbreak this time. I mean, it's possible, but not without your help."

"A misfortune has befallen the Middle Plane and we're on the verge of collapse. The balance in power has been tipped to favor one side and sadly, we are not on that side." White explained. "In our desperate attempt to find a solution in this imbalance of power, we decided to comb through the ancient written texts in hopes of finding the source and the answer. Our search has led me to great power and a trace of it existed in the Lower Plane. I've risked my life to come down here, only to meet weak people." White continued. "But you, you're different. You may be weak, but you have the potential to get to the Middle Plane."

"Me? Why me?" I asked, hoping that he didn't detect the greater power he was talking about in me. "I'm just a regular cultivator."

"Really? Are you sure about that? I hate people who bear false witness, you know." White said.

It's as if a cold gush of wind blew on my face as the power that leaked from White suddenly increased. I knew that he was only releasing a fraction of his Qi Energy a moment ago but I didn't expect him to be five times stronger than before. If I were in the Transcendent Realm, I'd say he'd be five times stronger than I am. (Well, I'm not really in the Transcendent Realm so I don't really have a right to say anything.)

Blue lightning descended from the sky as White unsheathed a white sword from his back. Who would've thought that he was wearing a white sword. I, for one, didn't imagine him to be a sword user.


One moment, he was twenty or so meters away from me, the next moment, he was right in front of me, swinging his sword at full force! Blue lightning coursed through the sword and it got stronger and stronger as he swung it. I swear I heard a thunderclap from his sword but that was probably just my mind overexaggerating things.

It was too fast for me but I could have dodged it if I were expecting it. Even with my speed, White's movements were like a blur to the eyes. I immediately knew that if I were to dodge right now, I would still get hit by the sword no matter what. It was a 'die or die' scenario.

And somehow, my legs weren't responding to my call. I wanted to sidestep so hard but my legs were locked in place as if slabs of concrete fixed them on the ground.

<Notice: Your life is in danger.>

<Ti-ring! You've unlocked autopilot mode!>

<Generating the best-case scenario.>

<Would you like to use autopilot mode.>


Somehow, my mind worked faster than ever and I immediately answered yes in my head. The sword was almost at my neck now and I could feel the heat of the lightning touching my skin. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best.

<Skill: Autopilot mode is on.>

<Accessing System Shop.>

<Would you like to buy the skill: Blink?>


[Skill: Blink (Active)

Description: Allows the user to teleport from one location to another. Limit of distance 5 to 10 meters depending on user mastery. This skill expends a lot of Qi Energy but it can be used as many times as the user wants.] 

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