I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 148: The Portal

Chapter 148: The Portal

The skies continued to darken.

Even though it was time for the finals, everybody seemed to forget that it was about to take place. Just like the others, Shen Rong was heavily distracted by the portal. It continued to grow in size as the power it accumulated become even more intense.

Well, I as well don't know what's currently happening so I decided to stay quiet as I watched the scene with the others. The once small portal was now about two meters in diameter and it continued to grow. Its purplish shade of color became a more intense shade as it grew... and then the color changed entirely. What was previously violet became a dark shade of crimson as the portal continued to fill the skies.

And just like the portal, the skies continued becoming heavier and heavier as rain clouds filled the sky. A slow rumbling sound could be heard emanating from the far reaches of the atmosphere as it groaned because of the portal. I, for one, know that something rather important is happening so I should just continue watching without asking anyone what's happening.

For sure, they have no idea what's going to occur next, just like me.

"What's that?"

"Is something coming?"

"Should we evacuate"

"What should we do?"

"Maybe the heavens are punishing us for everything that we've done wrong to the earth."

"No, maybe it came for you because you are rotten to the core, just like the tomatoes in my backyard."

"Shut up, now's not the time to be joking around."

A half chuckle escaped my mouth as I heard the conversation of a few of the audience. I could tell that they were trying to make the best out of the situation even though it might as well end their life. Even though they were faced with something that seemed unusual and hopeless, they still tried to make light of it which is a good thing, considering that the future looked bleak as it is.

"The finals for the Red Sea Tournament are postponed for now, please head to the nearest shelter as orderly as possible and remain inside while we deal with this unknown portal." Shen Rong announced, just in time as the portal finally opened.

That's right, the portal finally opened.

Instead of getting a move on with things, the audience just stared, wide-eyed, on the portal as a figure clad in a white robe descended from it. The portal released such intense Qi Energy that everyone was forced to kneel. Even Shen Rong spat blood as he felt the pressure of the Qi Energy that came crashing down on him

<Automatic Qi Condensation Activated>


<Congratulations, Automatic Qi Condensation Skill has leveled up!>

<Notice: You have gained a skill: Portal>

[Skill: Portal

Description: Allows one to freely create a portal at any given point in a situation. One must learn the Space Element first before accessing the skill and it takes a few years to master the placement of this portal. It is easier to create a portal that would lead to a destination where one had already been to. If not, then the portal could teleport the user to a random place within a ten-kilometer radius. Using the Portal would increase its proficiency, making the 'jumps' to other dimensions or places a bit more accurate compared to before.]

The notification flashed in my mind. For a moment, the notification made me forget about the white-robed man who was slowly descending from the sky as if he were some sort of fallen angel. If he really was a fallen angel, then why doesn't he look majestic compared to how I pictured him to be? Could a fallen angel really have such unkempt white hair? I mean, it looks nice, but from my perspective, it looked weird.

But then again, it could've also been the result of traveling through the dimensions. I mean, having unkempt hair is a small price to pay when using a portal that and probably an incredible amount of Qi Energy needs to be expended as well.

Shen Rong stepped forward as he respectfully cupped his hands to the being. I don't know if they know each other or not but I'm guessing it's the latter since Shen Rong looked genuinely scared. He wouldn't even make eye contact with the guy. He just kept his head down as if he was a dog that chewed on his owner's shoes and was caught red-handed. For someone who's almost at the Transcendence Realm, it was quite a rare sight to see someone on that level bowing down to someone.

Not only him, but Shi Yanmei, who was already in the Peak Transcendence Realm, also cupped her hands in humble greeting as she went beside Shen Rong. She probably did it so Shen Rong wouldn't feel so awkward. Or maybe she did it so that white-robed man wouldn't feel disrespected as he descended.

The white-robed man had white hair and unusually long eyelashes and thick eyebrows. His eyes were white-colored as well. Yes, you guessed it. His features totally complemented his white robe. In any case, he wasn't that muscular in stature, nor was he thin enough to be called thin. If I were to compare him to anyone else here, I'd say he probably has the same body type as me.

Adding to that, his robe clearly spoke of royalty. Not only was it pristine white, it also had golden intricate patterns running through its hems. They were like symbols of some ancient language but I couldn't quite decipher them.

"System, can you read that?"

"I'm sorry, Yongrui, but even those symbols are beyond my understanding." Hui-ying apologetically said. "But judging from his clothes, I can tell that he probably came from the Middle Plane."

The Middle Plane? Did Hui-ying just say, the Middle Plane? If so, then what is he doing here?

"His purpose or purposes of visite remains unclear but he doesn't seem to be hostile. I wouldn't rile him up though. He's two times stronger than Shen Rong, the Shelter Leader of the Red Sea Shelter." Hui-ying relayed.

With his robe fluttering in the air, the man slowly descended until he touched the ground, just a few feet away from me since he descended in the middle of the arena. He then deeply inhaled and exhaled before looking at everyone's faces.

A smile formed on his face. "Looks like I'm not too late." He said to himself.

Now that I got a closer look at him, he didn't seem like a man at all. In fact, he looked significantly younger than me. And yet, his Qi Energy was so refined that I could only detect a portion of it. There's no doubt about it. This guy is a genius from the Middle Plane.

It was plain that an intense aura was coming out of his Qi Core but he was suppressing it so much that no one could detect it that much. Only those who is in my level or higher are probably the only ones who could see just how much control he practiced over his Qi Energy.

"Who is your leader?" The white-robed person asked out of the blue, making everyone flinch as if their life just flashed before their eyes. By the looks of it, even Shen Rong wanted to get out of the center of the Coliseum. But, he remained composed as he kept his hands cupped. Shi Yanmei did the same as well.

"Greetings esteemed master." Shen Rong greeted. Fortunately, he didn't stutter as he spoke. "What did you visit us for?"

"Greetings to the esteemed master. We welcome you to this humble Shelter." Shi Yanmei backed him up.

The white-robed man stopped short as he stared at Shen Rong and Shi Yanmei. His mouth frowned a little bit as his expression turned into a disappointment. However, instead of insulting or saying something to Shi Yanmei or Shen Rong, he decided to walk around them as if they were rocks in the middle of the flowing river. And then, when he was already a few feet away from them, he turned around and asked the same question once again. "Who is your leader?"

"Esteemed master, if you're asking for the leader of this Shelter, then it is I, Shen Rong." Shen Rong slightly bowed his head as he addressed the white-robed person.

"And you?" The white-robed man asked as he pointed at Shi Yanmei.

"I am the Shelter Leader of the Meili Shelter. I may be weak but our shelter is one of the strongest in the area." Shi Yanmei continued. "I hope we find favor in the eyes of the esteemed master."

During this exchange, no one dared to make a move. They knew that one misstep, one slip, and everything will be over. Everyone could probably already see this white-robe man snapping his fingers and causing the Red Sea Shelter to turn into rubble. He was simply a dangerous being and none can deny that. Heck, no one even dared to breathe as Shen Rong and Shi Yanmei conversed with him.

Judging from how humble Shen Rong and Shi Yanmei sounded, the people concluded that he was probably tens of times stronger than them. And they were right. I'm surprised these people had good judgment.

"You and you. The two of you are not the leader here. Now, let me ask again, who is your leader?" The white-robed man asked as his brows furrowed.

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