I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 132: Setting Up

Chapter 132: Setting Up

After a sumptuous late-night meal with Liu Zhi's party and Master, who was accompanied by Shi Meili and other women from the Meili Shelter, all of us headed back to the Red Sea Shelter to rest for the night.

"Yongrui, Yongrui," Hui-ying suddenly called out to me, sort of in a panic.

"What is it?"

"Your daily quests, you have to finish your daily quest!" She exclaimed in my head. "There are a lot of people around you. If you were to get punished by the System, then they might be in danger."

Right! That's why something at the back of my head kept bugging me. I almost forgot that I haven't done my daily quest for the day.

Without further ado, I discreetly raised my right hand and bit it ten times.


<Congratulations! You've completed your Daily Quest!>

<You've received 10 EXP cards!>

<You've received Shop Coins!>

<You've received 4 unused Stat Points.>

While walking with everyone, I totally ignored the notifications that resounded inside my head. Before, I really thought that I had to bite ten humans, ten rabid humans, and ten miscellaneous stuff. But who would've thought that biting myself would complete all the quests at once.

Don't ask me how I found out that I just needed to bite myself. I wouldn't even bother telling you anything about it.

"Yongrui, who are you talking to?" Hui-ying asked, totally oblivious to the fact that I wasn't talking to anyone else.

"No one, I simply answered. In any case, do you still have any other information about the Void Tower Dungeon? What enemies should we expect if ever we run into them? Also, about that powerful guardian you told us about, can I fight it head-on?"

"At your current level, you might be able to deal some damage to it if you use all your trump cards." Hui-ying continued. "That guardian is at least as strong as the Imperial Zombie you fought a moment ago."

"I see. That means I should be at least above the Transcendence Level right now, right?" I heaved yet another sigh.

Right now, I feel like I'm revolving around my own world where I'm strong and talented. And then there are those monsters and rabid humans that are leaps and bounds stronger than me. The difference in genius might very well be the difference between heaven and earth. If I were to compare myself to them, I wouldn't even amount to anything at all. I guess it's true that no matter how good you are, there will always be someone better than you.

As our group made our way back to the Red Sea Shelter, a few thoughts occurred in my head. First, there was the Black Spirit Sect, then there are those who dwell in a higher plane of dimension called the Middle Plane. Then there's the grandpa, Master Ling, who managed to break through beyond the Transcendence. And as if those aren't enough, there are also rabid humans, spirit beasts, and mythical beasts who are more powerful than Transcendence Realm Cultivators even though they don't cultivate. Really, the world can be unfair sometimes.

That just means I have to get even stronger. If I had retained my cultivation in the Past, then I would

ve reached the Realm beyond the Transcendence Realm. Not that I care so much about it though; it's all in the past after all. Right now, I've started afresh and my journey is tenfold faster than before. It's only a matter of time before my overall power could reach the Dao Realm. I mean, my Virus Qi Core is already on the level of Ancient Realm.

My thoughts were then interrupted by Master Shi Yanmei and her daughter, Shi Meili, as they argued about something. They were talking in a rather low voice but because of my sense enhancement and more sensitive perception skills, my hearing is a lot better compared to most people. Hence, I could hear every single word they said.

"No, mom! Stop saying that!" Shi Meili clenched her small fists as she tried to persuade her mom to drop the topic. "He already has a different life... and I can't catch up to him. There's no way he'll look in my direction. We are like the east and the west, never meant to be a part of each other's lives as we go our opposite ways. Even if we did go the same way, we are like parallel lines that are never meant to cross. Before, I had the notion that I can reach him. But now, it's simply impossible. Besides... he already has a lot of women fighting over him. It would just add to his pride if I try to take him for myself as well."

"You have a chance! You certainly have a chance! I've never seen Yongrui stare at anyone like that except you. You've been close to him ever since you were kids, right? And also, I've decided to ally with the Tang Sect, improving our relations by marrying you off to him will be quite satisfactory for both parties. And, it's obvious that the two of you want it so why not?"

"Seriously, mom? You're marrying me off?"

Master nodded with a slight smile on her face. As for me, I almost let out a chuckle at the panicky expression that Shi Meili wore. Her cheeks were as red as a beet.


The moment we arrived at the entrance to the Red Sea Shelter, I was surprised to see that it was already open. As it turns out, a young lady was waiting by the entrance to the Shelter, wearing a worried face. I immediately recognized that it was Yang Mei Mei who was waiting there.

Wearing a concerned expression on her face, Yang Mei Mei paced back and forth as she waited intently.

"Is something wrong, Yang Mei Mei?" I greeted as our party walked towards her.

In a split second, the worry on her face disappeared in an instant as she saw me. With a huge smile on her face, she ran towards me and gave me one of the biggest tackle hugs I've ever experienced. But then again, I only ever experienced one tackle hug in my whole life and that hug cost me my life.

"Yong Rui!" She said in a high pitch as she buried her face on my chest.

Suddenly, I felt a few intense glares raining down on my neck like laser beams boring a hole on it. There wasn't even any need to turn back since I perfectly know the people who were giving me those looks.

After a few seconds, Yang Mei Mei looked up towards me. "The children! The children!" She said with a heavy tone.

"The children? Why what happened to them?" I asked. There was only one group of children she's probably referring to the children I rescued from the Ziyou Shelter along with her.

"They're awake... but... " She trailed off, biting her lips in what seemed like a mixture of frustration and pity.

There was only one explanation for it. The children are in a critical serious condition!

"Lead the way," I ordered.

Hanging her head down as she tried to suppress her tears, Yang Mei Mei ran straight through the Red Sea Shelter towards a small clinic where the children are being monitored and taken cared for.

There were a lot of questions in my mind but I know all of them would be answered once we arrived at the clinic. I know that if I were to ask Yang Mei Mei some questions, her emotions will get the better of her and she will bawl her eyes out. And right now, we can't have someone losing their composure.

Once we arrived at the clinic, we were greeted by three people who wore white robes, probably the doctors who are assigned to look after the children. Judging from their expression, it was plain to see that there really was something going on with the children.

"Are you... are you the one who rescued these children?" One of the white-robed individuals asked.

"Yes, that's me, Yong Rui. Is something wrong?" I asked.

There was a pause, and then the second person in a white robe walked towards me. "Sir, we're sorry. We tried to do our best but "

By now, Liu Zhi's party and Master's party were already inside the room. Apparently, they accompanied me inside, hoping that they could help.

" we can't save them, young sir. Their bodies are lacking so much in nutrition and their Qi Energy is destabilizing. It won't be long before their Qi Energy destroys their whole body, ultimately killing them. With their current physique, I'm not sure if they could survive this. They've lost too many nutrients in their body in other words, their body is basically rotting. Even though they're still alive, they're dying a slow and painful death."

The explanation of the caretaker was enough to make everyone gasp in shock. As for me, I wasn't shocked, per se. I was infuriated. It was because of that damned Forsaken Tree that they ended up this way.

I clenched my fists. "Let me see them," I requested.

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