I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 123: White Pearl Snake

Chapter 123: White Pearl Snake

Now that explains why she was overconfident with her skills. As someone who's still in the Immortal Realm, having two elements could only mean one thing. She's a natural-born genius. And to top it all off, she got two of the best element combinations out there!

Usually, when it comes to elements, a person could commonly just awaken one element. And if they were lucky, they might be able to unlock another element once they reached the Ancient Realm. But when it comes to geniuses who awaken two elements on their first awakening, they have a chance of awakening one or two elements in the ancient realm. But having two elements from the start is incredibly rare that only one in twenty million people could awaken it. It's like winning the lottery, except you win a cheat code in cultivation instead of money.

"I hope that you won't take me lightly, Yong Rui." Xiang Xiaoqing smiled an evil smile as she stared directly into my eyes. Her eyes then flashed for a split second. And then, the White Pearl Snake which was idly staying where it was suddenly slammed its tail towards me.

A split second was all it took for me to judge my next move. Since I was fast enough, it was easy to dodge the attack. I felt bad to those who had to fight this White Pearl Snake, however. Not only is it on par with me when it comes to speed, it also has a high regenerative ability all thanks to its owner's skill.

"I'd say I'm surprised. You're a talented cultivator, if I may say so." I said in a formal tone. "However, when it comes to fights, one shouldn't be too overconfident in his or her abilities. A small misstep can lead to demise, you know."

Barely dodging yet another attack from the White Pearl Snake, I strained my ankles to charge towards Xiang Xiaoqing. I didn't think about attacking her though, just a small distraction would be enough to make her use her White Pearl Snake as a meat shield.

And just as I had expected, when I was already a few meters away from her, she immediately summoned her White Pearl Snake. In that brief moment, I saw a hint of panic in her eyes when I suddenly pulled in close to her. It was clear she wasn't expecting me to move as fast, or perhaps faster than her White Pearl Snake.

There wasn't really that much to do for my next move, except to punch the snake straight into oblivion. Once again, bits and pieces of flesh, organs, and a trail of blood splattered all over the coliseum. A few gasps erupted from the audience due to the blood and gore but Xiaoqing and I paid it no mind. Just as fast as the White Pearl Snake's head erupted into smaller pieces, Xiaoqing healed her and made her battle-ready again.

Now that I saw it for the second time... I finally realized something.

Isn't this animal cruelty? What is she doing?! 

I was about to point that out when the White Pearl Snake dove its head towards me, fangs bared. Since it was already enraged, its speed rose incredibly. It almost took me my maximum speed just to dodge its bite and even after that, its teeth grazed my right arm.

"This fight is finished." Xiaoqing disappointingly looked at me before sighing. "I thought you are a man of your word but I clearly overestimated you."

"AAND! There it is! The special move of Xiang Xiaoqing's White Pearl Snake! With this, it is only a matter of time before the White Pearl Snake poison engulfs Yong Rui's body. Out of all the contestants who've fought against the White Pearl Snake of the White Pearl Sect, now the White Pearl Shelter, there was none who had survived its bite... except, of course, those in the Dao Realm and higher." The commentator began his long string of words. "Would Yong Rui be able to survive? Will he tap out?"

As if on cue, Xiang Xiaoqing raised her hand, signaling everyone to shut their mouths. "I believe you've magnanimously lost, Yong Rui. I believe you won't last long if you continue to fight with the "

"I know I know. The White Pearl Snake poison, right? I've heard a thing or two about it in the past." I started, scratching my head. "The poison makes the body feel an intense heat and shivering cold at the same time, right? And then it would also make the airways swell so the poisoned individual would have a hard time breathing, ultimately leading to asphyxiation and death. And to top it all off, once the person dies, the poison corrodes the body down to the bones so no trace of him or her would be left behind. It's kind of a cruel way to die, honestly."

"Y-you?! How did you know that?" Xiaoqing's pupils dilated from shock at the amount of information I relayed.

I didn't reply. Of course, how could I tell her that her mom, or should I say, the Sect Master of the White Pearl Sect is practically my best bud in the past. Well, to be more specific, she was my mentor when it comes to herbs. We've gone through a few nights drinking together while discussing different herbs and potions before. Heck, I even went through a few explorations with her to widen my knowledge when it comes to herbs.

Well, if she were here, she would've recognized me just as quickly as Shi Meili did.

Honestly, though, she looks just like her mom five years ago.

"So, are we just going to stand here?" I asked in sarcasm. "I mean, the poison is not working."

"Don't put such a brave front, mister. If you give up on this match. I'll be willing to give you an antidote."

As soon as she said that, I pulled out something from my storage ring and showed it to her. Out of everyone in the audience, Xiang Xiaoqing was the most surprised out of everyone. Raising my hand, I held out what was clearly a glass bottle with intricate designs. It looked like a luxurious flask but it's just a regular bottle without any hidden qi energy powers of the sort. Inside it was the clear blue liquid that was known to the White Pearl Sect as the antidote to the White Pearl Snake poison.

"Y-you! Where did you get that?!" She exclaimed once again.

Now that I think about it, she was too dumbfounded that she even forgot we're in the middle of the match. She must've lost her composure the moment she realized that I had the antidote and it was unnecessary for me to give up on the match.

But it's still not enough to intimidate her. to give her something that would really make her flip out, I'd have to step on a higher level.

It was hard to suppress the smile forming on my lips as I held out my hand to attract her attention. "Hold on. Is this really the antidote? I have about a hundred of them in my storage ring." I declared.

Shen Rong, the commentator, and the audience all looked at me with paled face. They couldn't believe that something so valuable turned out to be so common in my storage ring.


"You're just trying to anger our Xiaoqing!"

"Yeah! Go back to your cave, you worthless cultivator!"

murmur. murmur.

Disregarding everyone's comments, I extended my hand and took out hundreds of bottles of the antidote to the White Pearl Snake poison. Xiang Xiaoqing's eyes widened even more and this time, her jaw seemed to fall off the floor the way it hung on her face. "Now that you mentioned it, how many of these bottles do you have?"

"N-no, this is not possible. These are all fake! You can't fool me with your lies, Yong Rui!"

The White Pearl Snake charged towards me with great vigor, baring its fangs towards me yet a second time. I immediately put back all the antidotes I had before the White Pearl Snake would trample on them. Seriously, this girl could tell that they are all genuine antidotes. What was she thinking trying to destroy all of them with her summon?

Since I wasn't done intimidating the poor soul, I decided to not move from where I was standing. This caused the White Pearl Snake to almost fall back as it realized that I didn't have any intention to dodge. In that split-second decision, the White Pearl Snake's eyes dilated due to its indecisiveness... but in the end, it still went through with the bite.

Well, it hurt, but not as painful as being cut in half. The White Pearl Snake's fangs pierced my stomach and chest and it bore a hole in my back. It then lifted me up in its rage as it let out more and more poison from its fangs.

Wait, I already told them that the poison doesn't work on me, right? When are they going to believe me?

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