I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 235 235. Meeting Lord Inquisitor

By evening, the people started to return to the village and clean the streets or their homes. The monastery remained untouched for the most part, so the Inquisitors also helped the people. This was done by the Order of General Arnold as he believed in keeping the community united and happy with the faith—especially after the whole crusade ordeal.

Sylvester required a night's rest, at least, to get his energy back and heal the wounds to some extent. The one good thing about his strange body was that it recovered abnormally quickly.

He rested in a room in the monastery, awaiting the Inquisitors to prepare to march. He didn't sleep, however, and kept looking at the ceiling and various beautiful carvings. The monastery was truly built with love for god and money—provided by a family that was killed in the name of the same god.

'How do I get my body fixed now? I don't know any great healer that's independent, good, and can keep a secret. I can't have anyone take my blood either.'

"Maxy, look what I found in the demon's house with Aurawra." Miraj returned from his little excursion with Lady Aurora and jumped onto his chest.

Sylvester patted the head of Miraj. "I hope you were discrete at following her. Now, show me what you got?"

Sylvester sat up straight and took the little golden chain with a locket from Miraj. He opened the locket and was surprised. "Such fine craftsmanship. Who even painted such a miniature family picture?"

"Ah! Dad!" Amy's ghost was around, as was the rest of the Mizar family.

He looked closer and noted all the features of the family. In the middle was a strong, tall, tiger Beastin, likely the patriarch, Elyon. Beside him was the rest of the family with little kids at the front. They were all smiling so happily.

'This is depressing.' He thought and put it in his pocket.

"Let's get ready now. I don't want Lord Inquisitor to wait for me. Chonky, you are to remain with me now. No excursions, and no stealing bananas."

"What? But I never stole a ba-"

Sylvester glared into Miraj's eyes and shut him up.

Miraj lowered his head. "It was just one banana from the kitchen. You were sleeping, and I was hungry."

Sylvester patted his head and gave him another strategic banana from his strategic reserves. "That's why I'm not angry. But never steal when you can have something legally. It's a slippery slope otherwise."

"B-But… we take so much money from others," Miraj argued.

Sylvester caressed Miraj's chubby cheeks and grinningly replied. "Chonky, that's called charitable donation towards the betterment of mankind."

Miraj's eyes shined before he proudly raised his chin. "Really? Then I do banana charity."


"Nyahaha… Maxy, I am not dumb-dumb." Miraj laughed with a few bursts of meowing and a big toothy wide mouth.

Sylvester shook his head and went to take a bath. Miraj was too unpredictable for even him, as his chaotic brain sometimes seemed too bright and sometimes too naive.

Soon, he got ready and put on full armour as his martial duties were still not done. He cleaned his spear and checked the remaining crystals before leaving the room. The ghosts also followed him behind.

Sylvester walked to the main hall of the monastery first, where at the end of the long hall, a giant replica of the sun was kept. He prayed to it in front of all the other clergymen and went outside. The Inquisitor camp was set up right outside the monastery, but now it was all empty as everything had been packed.

The air felt fresh now, and the village was returning to normal. Not much damage was done to most of its parts other than the hill where the Mizar family used to live. The hill was obliterated and appeared like farmland with a lot of garbage.

"Move, move, we must reach the Baron's keep by evening!" General Arnold ordered an army of ten thousand soldiers.

Sylvester walked over and joined him. "How far is the Baron's keep?"

"It's near the Iron Mountains. Not too far from here."

'I hope the Shadow Knight isn't camping there.'

"Then we should hurry up. I will go and bring Lady Aurora."

By breakfast, the long convoy of Inquisitors was ready and set to go. There were about two hundred carriages carrying all the supplies. Now they were empty, however. Then there were eight thousand horses.

Sylvester, Isabella and Lady Aurora also got on their horses and led the convoy with the General at the front.

"You will likely receive the news of the fate of the Baron soon enough, Archpriest. Please hold a small cleansing and purification ritual at the previous residence site of the Mizar family after that." Sylvester addressed Archbishop Brylee.

The Archpriest bowed his head after a nod. "I will, Lord Bard. I must also thank you for saving the people of this village. We are all indebted to you and Lady Aurora. For as long as this village shall survive, every generation will remember your name. We will make sure of it."

Sylvester shrugged. "It's not as important to remember the name of the bard as are the bard's hymns about the lord. As long as my hymns live, we shall live too."

The Archpriest, two Bright Mothers and a few villagers nearby bowed their heads respectfully and saw the convoy of Inquisitors move out slowly.

It was so long that it took minutes for the last men at the back to pass the monastery. Though the road was going to be wider soon, and the speed would pick up. Not to mention, the church gets the right of the way.

Archpriest Brylee watched as the last shadow of them disappeared. His heart felt somewhat overwhelmed by Sylvester. A man so young, yet so strong and wise. "If it's the hymns we must remember, perhaps we can create a large cluster of marble sculptures to honour the Mizar family, Lady Aurora and Lord Bard. We should etch some hymns on it too."

"Brilliant idea, Archpriest." The two Bright Mothers chirped.

"But how big should it be?" a villager asked.

Archpriest rubbed his chin while wondering. "It should definitely be large, or else it would be disrespectful."

"I hope it's good news this time," Sylvester muttered as they moved toward Baron Karl Rockwood's keep.

"If it were good news, then the Lord Inquisitor wouldn't be here to tell it personally." Lady Aurora instantly ruined all the hopes Sylvester had.

Of course, he knew it too. But ignorance was bliss, and for that moment in time, he wanted nothing but some calm. "Thank you for ruining my mood. I guess I will play the violin to pass some time. The scenery is excruciatingly boring here."

On the road going through the plain and vast farmlands, Sylvester started playing music. The Inquisitors close to him felt their hearts at peace and minds relaxing just from hearing him.

That was nothing magical. It was just what music did to people. Especially if played masterfully. However, Sylvester didn't sing this time as there was no topic. He just played some great violin pieces from his past life. Such as Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik

[Search on YT: W.A.Mozart - Eine kleine Nachtmusik [Violin Solo] - Roman Kim]

It was just the beginning of the summer season, and the Season of Solis was around the corner. So, the summer heat was starting to build up, but the cold breeze of spring was still lingering and making everything calm and relaxed. The butterflies on the sides of the roads and the crackling of many insects melted in with the melody to energise the mood of all those nearby.

No words were spoken for fear of disturbing the music. But all felt like closing their eyes and enjoying the literal song of nature, warmth, joy and spring.

Sylvester had his eyes closed, though. Frost, the good horse. He was a loyal servant and knew where to go. Not to mention, the horse enjoyed the music, too, as evident by his rhythmic trotting while shaking his head.

As for Miraj, the furry boy was sitting on Sylvester's head of all places, enjoying the blonde hair like it was a bed. He had his eyes wide open, looking at the road while his paws were extended in four directions as if he had melted in his seat.

"Maxy, you're the best…haa…" Miraj whispered and yawned cutely.

Sylvester chuckled and slowly played music all the way with a few intervals of talking with the others. In one single trip, he surely calmed his and Lady Aurora's nerves. Meanwhile, Isabella was reminded of her happy childhood, which prompted a smile on her face.

Eventually, before the evening came, they reached the Baron's keep. It was not too big, being just a tiny castle in the middle of the farms. There was no moat around it or a town. It was a simple stand-alone castle with not many high towers.

But, there were a thousand men in Inquisitor armours standing outside the castle with their armoured horses.

"So the Lord Inquisitor has arrived?" Sylvester muttered as he put the violin away. "I hope we're not too late."


"Lord Bard! May the holy light enlighten us!" A thousand Inquisitors saluted Sylvester firmly.

Sylvester was used to that by now. The Inquisitors were always fanatical about him and considered him their own brethren, a part of their department. So he saluted back and proceeded into the castle with Lady Aurora. General Arnold and Isabella remained behind to manage the army.

As Sylvester entered, he found there were a thousand more men. They were not in armour and instead donned various tunics and pants.

'These must have been the Crusaders who attacked Ender Village. I hope it's all of them.' He thought and didn't spare them a glance.

In his mighty armour and spear in hand, he soon followed the Baron's prima into the great hall of the keep. Most of the furniture inside the castle was made of wood, and even that seemed very old and rotting.

'No wonder the Baron was lusting for the Mizar family's fortune.' He realised and soon saw Lord Inquisitor sitting on a grand chair.

Sylvester respectfully bowed his head. "May the Holy Light enlighten us, Lord Inquisitor. Grand Crusader reporting."


Lord Inquisitor stood up, shocking Sylvester. The man had the same old rageful and scary vibe along with the smells. But then the big man patted Sylvester's arms, back and head. "You fought a Soul Eater and survived unscathed?"

Lady Aurora chimed in. "I nearly died, Lord Inquisitor. But we were able to defeat it somehow. My soul was taken for a few minutes while Sylvester received a lot of physical injuries. But, in the end, he somehow did it—ripped it apart from its core."

The Lord Inquisitor nodded as he proceeded to pat Sylvester and Lady Aurora's shoulders. "I am immensely proud of you two. The strength you have shown will be remembered for years to come—for I am sure this was not the last of those vile demonic scum."

Sylvester agreed and took a seat at the side. He didn't even greet the fat Baron. "Thank you, Lord Inquisitor. What is it that you wish to discuss?"

Instantly, Sylvester smelled anger as if it was a burning fire. There was rage, disgust, hate, and hope too. It was something big. Sylvester knew it.

"The issue with the Gracia Kingdom appears to have spre–"

'Big brother Sylvester! Save my dad! He's below the ground… I saw him!'

"What!" Sylvester stood up abruptly as he heard the ghost Amy's voice when she came out of the floor, looking all distraught.


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