I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 196 196. Chamber Of Schemes

Sylvester was initially going to make his way to the administration office to hand over his report about the recent mission. But, since he was now going to the Pope, he decided to hand it over to the man instead.

Soon, he arrived at the top office in the world, at least on the West side of it. He proceeded to the Pope's office, as he reckoned he was called there.

But, instead, he was stopped, and the assistants told him that he had been called to the Sanctum Council room instead. Now that was different for him. He had only heard about this place where the top decision-makers of the Church gather and decide what direction to lead the Church. In that room, they could determine the fate of a kingdom with just words.

"How are you, Lord Bard?"

Sylvester saw Lady Aurora there too, sitting in the waiting area outside the Sanctum Council room. Felix and Bishop Lazark were there as well. From that, he could guess the Pope had called them for matters related to their recent assignment.

"I see you're all here. What about Zeke?" He looked at Felix.

Felix showed a thumbs up. "He's good. He's a really nice guy and helped me clean my home. It's not too big, just two rooms, one for him and one for me, with a common hall. But he needs time to get used to the new name. I had to call him Dungface once since calling Zeke was not working."

Sylvester sighed as he took a seat beside Bishop Lazark. "It will take time."

"Maxy…" All of a sudden, Miraj whispered near Sylvester's ears. "I go in and spy for you. I will help you today!"


Sylvester stood up quickly, but Miraj ran away by then, following another clergyman who went into the Sanctum Council chamber for some reason.

"What happened, Max?" Felix asked.

Sylvester cleared the frown from his face, but his heart was beating fast. 'That fool! That fucking fool!'

"Nothing. Anyway, did you hear any news, Lady Aurora? Did the Lord Inquisitor send someone to arrest the Gracia Royal Knights?" Sylvester quickly changed the topic while stealing glances towards the entrance of the Sanctum Council chambers.

"I don't know. They will likely decide what to do next today. But I'm sure the order to arrest has been sent already. After all, they are as much at risk of dying as their victims. Whoever the top schemer is, he won't like leaving those men walking." She replied.

"How's Sir Dolorem?" Bishop Lazark interjected.

"Surprisingly amazing. He does not appear to be in a miserable state. He's trying his best to overcome this hurdle instead. I'm in awe of his will to never give up." Sylvester remembered the enthusiastic Sir Dolorem he just saw.

"Indeed." Lady Aurora bobbed her head. "That's why despite being low ranked and not as strong, he's valued by the Lord Inquisitor. He's been close to the top commanders of the Inquisition longer than I've been a Guardian."

​ "Max!" Just then, Felix stood up from his place and forced himself beside Sylvester before wrapping one arm around the shoulder. "My brother, where is Princess Isabella? Be honest… tell me what happened? I heard you took her to the terrace, and after that, I didn't see her."

Sylvester looked at his friend's face with disgust. "Ugh… bring your mind out of the gutter, Felix. I am not a horndog like you, for I live and breathe only for the lord, for I am his Bard. As for Princess, she's safe and sound. My mum is taking care of her as per Lord Inquisitor's orders."

Felix still grinned creepily and elbowed Sylvester. "Come on, you can't deny she's extremely alluring. She's the prettiest woman I've ever seen, and she's around our age. Be clear, Max, if you don't go after her, then I might."

Sylvester closed his eyes and sang a few lines to shame his horny young friend.

♫Lord of the Light, use all your might.

On this horndog, let your wrath strike.

Or give your Bard the authority to make him straight.

For I believe the only way out is to castrate!♫



Bishop Lazark and Lady Aurora muttered simultaneously, making Sylvester chuckle a bit.

"Felix, you are a mere second son of a Count. Yes, you will be a strong man later and high-ranking clergy, but that's still not enough for King Gracia to allow his family's flower to be taken by a little man like you."

Felix scoffed and folded his arms. "I am handsome, tall and mighty. My family is one of the richest in Gracia, so why not?"

Sylvester sighed, seeing a lack of understanding in Felix about politics. "My friend, in the end, it does not matter how handsome you are, nor how beautiful the Princess is—the fact is she's the second daughter and at the mercy of her brother. In the end, she will be wedded to some fat middle-aged man for political reasons because he fulfils the King's most desirable needs of that time—something that he requires, it could be money, arms or power."

"Spoken like a real politician." Lady Aurora approved. "Priest Felix, this is how the world works; this is how it has worked for centuries."


Felix tiredly sat back. "Man, it'd be a shame if she was really wedded off to some fat fuck… forgive me, lord, for my language. But honestly, she may be pretty, but she seemed dumb too."

"Sheltered is the right word," Sylvester corrected. "This is the first time she has left Green City. She knows nothing about the madness beyond the walls of her castle—it's surprising she even had the guts to reach out."

"I wish her good luck then, though I will try my best too, hehe." Felix was never going to give up. After all, it was his goal from the start to leave the clergy once he found a woman worthy of himself.

"Dreams don't require tax, my friend. So dream on." Sylvester patted his shoulder and silently sat back, staring at the door, worrying about his little friend.

Inside the Sanctum Council Chamber.

As a little invisible furball took a seat near the exit, the session was in motion, and a sense of unease was in order. Everyone had serious faces as they read the various documents and discussed the happenings around the world.

"So it was the Masan Empire behind the trouble in the north. How did you miss this, Saint Seer? You're my spymaster, I didn't expect this incompetence from you."

As always, Cardinal Roman Vas Zenim kept a straight face while replying to the Pope. "Your eminence, I am shocked by my own incompetence too. I have ears and eyes everywhere, and yet I could not find him. Apparently, this Sir Walder, the chief planner of the scheme, had installed himself in his role so well that it was all organic. Even my distant eyes and ears were blinded."

The Pope didn't show much anger as this was a normal occurrence. Politics was a never-ending game of gambling, after all. "Masan is becoming restless. We have Archpriest Sylvester to thank for finding out about the schemes so quickly. We must send better and more senior investigators to other Duchies and investigate if they have been compromised as well."

Saint Wazir agreed and put forth another matter. "Besides this, the Gracia Family has been having some trouble. They seem to be involved in the ongoing murders of noble women across the Kingdom. To the point that they tried to kill Sir Dolorem, an Inquisitor close to Lord Inquisitor and the Bard."

The Inquisitor High Lord spoke at that instant. "Hence, I wish to eradicate this menace myself. We must remove the rot before it renders all our work for nought."

"Granted, see that this mess does not spill out." The Pope approved.

"What if the rot starts from the top?" Lord Inquisitor asked further.

At that stage, everyone fell silent and stared at the Pope's face.

"When the tree rots, we remove it from the roots, lest it leaves the land tarnished. If it arises to that, inform me before taking any major steps."

"Understood." Lord Inquisitor silenced after that.

The Pope then stood up and walked over to the wall at the back. He simply tapped on it, and a metal safe appeared. "Let's proceed to the more important part now. As per the first Pop–"

"One more thing, your eminence." Saint Seer straightened his back as he interrupted the Pope. "There is one more thing you should know—regarding Lord Bard."

As the Lord Inquisitor became alert, the Pope returned to his seat with interest. "Speak, Saint."

With a smile on his hairless face, Saint Seer seemed elated. "Our long hard work has come to fruition. Article 66, which we made Lord Bard enforce on the family of Count Ranthburg, has shown its effects. It has now come to my knowledge that the Shadow Knight hunts Lord Bard with its full might. Although Lord Bard was able to survive on his own with his mighty blessings, he can never again sleep or live a normal life outside the Holy Land."

"Good work, Saint Seer." the Pope appeared content. "It is essential for the future of faith that talented individuals remain dependent on the Church and one day support the faith on their back. The closer the Bard is to us, the better we can educate him. I have high hopes that he may become the Pope.

"But, at the same time, we can't put all our bets on one—for being the Pope is easier said than done. Still, he may become a better replacement for Saint Scepter… or one of you instead. For this, having him constantly rely on us is a good decision—at the same time, it shall train him—for when the time seems too grim."

"Your eminence." Lord Inquisitor interrupted while his eyes under the visor shined red. "Isn't this against the spirit of the faith? Why must we resort to such crude means? Why not train him with planned regimes?"

Scoffing, Saint Seer spoke in a ridiculing tone. "Lord Inquisitor, I understand your occupation does not allow you to think sideways, for we know the bull only sees what's at the front. So leave this to us."

"Saint Seer, have you ever gotten stabbed in your chest while attempting to save a child from a slaver?" The Inquisitor High Lord asked calmly.

"No, why wou–"

The Inquisitor High Lord interrupted. "Sir Lorenzo Hike, a little ordinary Inquisitor—he died this morning while doing just this. So speak not of bravery and wits to me, spymaster. For if you fought in a true battle, even a new squire would last longer."


"Apologise!" The Pope boomed, glaring at Saint Seer. "Ask the Inquisitor High Lord for forgiveness, Saint Seer. You do not sit in this high seat to dishonour another Saint. What he asked me was a genuine question and did not require your valuable feedback—not after you cost me eight thousand men in the recent battle up north. Apologise!"

Saint Seer bowed his head towards the Inquisitor High Lord instantly. "Forgive my disgraceful conduct, my lord."

"Remember, this chamber is not for you to squabb—"


The Pope suddenly stood up, eyes turning red as if anger erupted. He looked left and right, at the ceiling.

"Your emine–"

"Silence!" The Pope roared. "Freeze your breaths! We have a rat—a little one, listening to us! I can feel an extra body breathing here."

The Pope walked towards the door, and his left hand rose, creating a dozen layered rune circles. "Come out and live! Stay hidden and perish!"

But, only silence resumed.

"Fine, you leave me no choice!"



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