I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 93: Northern Conquest War (10)

Chapter 93: Northern Conquest War (10)

After our victory in battle, over the course of two months, we divided our forces into appropriate sizes and plundered about 400 villages where the barbarians lived.

As a result, we captured approximately 400,000 prisoners, and the number of cows, pigs, and sheep we seized was countless—an achievement that would be long remembered in history.

Since the Northern Army didn’t have a force of similar size to relieve us, we couldn’t leave the northern part of the Copenhagen peninsula, the territory of Ludwig.

One might think that after speaking this way, even though we completely annihilated Ludwig and his tribe, other hostile forces would appear.

But the other barbarians in the north, though savage and ignorant, had survival instincts developed close to the limits of human capability.

“Regiment Commander, this is Captain Hendrik Hommel. A barbarian tribe from the north of Copenhagen has requested to surrender and pledge loyalty.”

Instead, to avoid the fate of becoming slaves of the Empire like Rudolf’s warriors and their families, they voluntarily came to offer their entire territory.

There was no one foolish enough to oppose the Empire, which had destroyed a powerful force nearby and emerged as a new power.

Moreover, many who intended to surrender to the Empire’s army preferred to do so through the area we were guarding.

That’s probably because I killed the Khan.

“Damn, I’ll have to put on my armor. You have a cup of warm milk here that I was going to drink. Drink it and wait.”

“Thank you, Colonel.”

“Saying so, Captain Hommel saluted me with shining eyes and drank the warm milk.”

Following his suggestion, I changed into my armor and moved to the location of the gate our regiment was guarding.

After about a 10-minute walk to the gate, or rather, the border post we were guarding, there were quite a few barbarians on horseback.

About four of them looked like tribal chiefs, adorned in splendid attire, with 2,000 warriors capable of fighting on horseback and 5,000 of their family members.

Given their nomadic nature, the total number of horses, cows, and sheep appeared to be around 10,000 to 20,000.

I looked at them imposingly and said,

“Wise northerners seeking to return under the Empire, we welcome you. However, unless you are soldiers of the Empire, we cannot allow you to enter our territory armed. Please disarm yourselves.”

As I said this, the soldiers of the 1st Battalion on duty at the border post aimed their spears and weapons at them.

They began to guard with fervor, as if a war was about to break out.

It seemed like an overreaction to those who came to surrender, but a week ago, when ordered to disarm, a fight almost started with swords drawn, so it could be seen as a necessary measure.

While both sides were in a standoff with arms, I heard a woman’s voice, seeming to be about my age.

“Everyone disarm. Put down your weapons and follow instructions.”

With that single command, warriors from other tribes showed some reluctance, but they all laid down their spears and swords on the ground.

Relieved that another unnecessary battle or standoff did not occur, I sighed and said,

“Northerners, I, Colonel Peter Yaeger, commander of the Reich Empire’s 24th Regiment, welcome you. Lastly, before passing through our border post, please line up and enter. In addition, we will inspect all the luggage you brought.”

“Let’s do that.”

Having said that, they weren’t barbarians.

Having surrendered to the Empire, the northerners who lived in the Empire’s north quickly lined up as I instructed and went through our inspection.

Although we didn’t ask why they came or where they planned to stay, like entering from abroad, the inspection itself was carried out very strictly and thoroughly.

The Empire’s soldiers checked everyone, regardless of age or gender, touching them over their clothes to ensure no weapons were hidden.

All the luggage brought was unpacked, its contents checked, and then returned.

However, having a man touch a female tribal chief could be problematic, so Laura was called to conduct the inspection herself.

And so, mobilizing the entire regiment, we completed the inspection of all the luggage and people brought by the northerners in half a day.

“Thank you for your cooperation. Is there anyone representing this group?”

Upon my words, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl took off her fur hat and walked up confidently.

“I represent these people.”

Though young for a tribal chief, she was a beauty, and not just a chief in name, as she was surrounded by the dignity befitting a leader of a tribe.

So, it made sense that when she ordered her northerners, who followed her in front of the Empire’s army, to disarm, they all obediently complied.

“I am Anastasia Kerzhit, the Chieftain of the Kerzhit tribe and the White Wolf of the North. I have come to surrender to the Empire with this group.”

However, some soldiers and officers seemed displeased by her speaking informally to me, a colonel of the Imperial Army, and some looked at her as if they wanted to kill her.

She was not a prisoner but a person who surrendered, and it would be strange for her to act cravenly in front of me, considering she led a large group here.

“I sincerely appreciate the firm decision of the Chieftain of Kerzhit to come here. By tomorrow or the day after, I will get permission from the commander in the north, and we will make arrangements for you to live as official citizens of the Empire. Moreover, you must have had a hard journey here, so how about enjoying a banquet?”

“Let’s do that.”

After receiving her consent, I ordered the soldiers,

“This is a joyous day, as four tribes, including Kerzhit, have come to us. Let’s have a banquet with the cattle, pigs, and sheep looted from Ludwig. We don’t know when other tribes might come, so alcohol is prohibited, but there will be no limit on food, so eat to your heart’s content.”

When I said that, the chieftain of the Kerzhit tribe looked at me with an interested gaze.

Laura watched her with a look of great caution.

Perhaps Laura was guarding against the Kerzhit chieftain, worried she might harm me.

“Lieutenant Laura, it’s okay. We’ve inspected all the luggage her tribe brought and confirmed they’re not hiding any weapons, and we just checked that she doesn’t have any weapons hidden in her clothes, right?”

“Well, if we really go into detail, there are other ways to hide weapons.”

“But that’s unlikely.”

“Well, that’s true, but…”

“Besides, this is my responsibility. If you’re still worried, we can double the number of soldiers guarding outside my quarters. Then let’s have a brief conversation while Chieftain Kerzhit and the others enjoy the banquet.”

When I said that, Anastasia smiled and responded,

“Let’s do that. The thought of having a conversation with the hero who killed the Khan excites me.”

Three hours later, as night fell,

“Ha ha, thank you for killing that damned Khan.”

“Hem hem, it was our Regiment Commander who killed that rotten bastard. I happened to see it! He flew in and plunged a dagger into the villain’s chest.”

“You are like the White Wolf from our tribe’s legends. It’s similar to how you, at a young age, defeated the evil Khan!”

Outside my tent, the northerners and the Imperial Army were heatedly discussing the story of how I killed the Khan and brought down the accursed Ludwig’s tribe.

Usually, it’s difficult to assimilate so quickly with surrendered barbarians.

Seeing them get along, it seemed they harbored resentment for being driven by Ludwig to the harshest parts of the north.

Our army, having liberated them from that, must appear quite favorable, allowing for this possibility.

Moreover, by surrendering, they acknowledged their weakness compared to us, showing the need to express their intention not to fight the Empire.

While listening to the conversation outside, Anastasia Kerzhit, the Chieftain of the Kerzhit tribe, entered my tent.

Upon seeing me, she spoke with a much more respectful demeanor than she had outside.

“I am Anastasia Kerzhit, Chieftain of the Kerzhit tribe, meeting the hero who killed the evil Khan. Please look favorably upon us.”

It seemed she was trying to dilute the aversion to surrender among her followers with her bold attitude, while here, she bent her pride and everything else to gain something from me.

I found it somewhat appealing, but…

“Rise. Also, I am just a Regiment Commander. It seems you don’t know, coming from the north, but I don’t have the authority to decide your treatment.”

Finding it appealing and how to deal with her are entirely separate matters.

Additionally, as a Regiment Commander like me, stationed at the border, I had the duty to appraise the value of each surrendering tribe and report it.

I might not have the authority, but I had the right to request how she should be treated.

Let’s see her prove her worth.

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