I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 144: Battle Of Jungfrau Plains (1)

Chapter 144: Battle Of Jungfrau Plains (1)

Ticino Canton, Leven Village, the house of the village chief, also served as the village assembly hall.

A roughly made wooden desk and chairs, walls evenly smeared with mud, and a fireplace as big as a human torso.

It wasnt very spacious, but it was still decent enough that one might hear compliments about it anywhere in Europa.

Originally, it was the residence of the family, which had been the village chief for generations, and was occasionally used for village meetings.

Now, this place hosted a serious meeting led by Count Ticino, the ruler of Ticino Canton, and the leaders of the support troops from other cantons.

Count, the order from the Duke is for us to find a suitable place and conduct a delaying action. But in our current state, even that might be difficult.

Too many soldiers have died. In the ambush to kill Lieutenant General Yaeger, 300 were killed and nearly 350 were injured. Its dangerous.

They think we can no longer attack. Thanks to that, several of our castles have been occupied. Tal, Lykeneck, Lucenbourg, Hainel have already fallen, havent they? We need a strategy, Count.

In a feudal state where the lord had both military and administrative power, the Barons, though of different affiliations but virtually the Counts vassals, openly protesting might be akin to risking their necks.

Switzerland, due to its geographical features, had many high and rugged mountains, making it difficult to implement centralized policies, resulting in strong local autonomy.

The Count, in terms of power, was equivalent to that of 2-3 barons combined.

Thus, in such a situation where the fault was obvious, it was impossible for the Count to silence them by asserting his authority within the Duchy alone.

So, while showing a hint of apology for their words, Count Ticino thought about how to overcome this situation.

When a good idea struck him, he hit the desk sharply and spoke forcefully.

Enough! Stop it! Although I proposed this ambush operation, didnt you all actively agree, saying it would be effective like when Switzerland won a great victory over the empires pigs 200 years ago? You are making so much fuss about your own decisions! Moreover, this operation was also desired by the Duke.

Hearing this, the barons backed down and shut their mouths.

Because it was true that they had actively agreed with the Counts proposal for the ambush operation.

Thus, Lieutenant General Yaeger, who anticipated such an ambush and marched through the treacherous paths of Switzerland in full military armor, maintaining obsessive levels of vigilance, was indeed a monster.

A typical Imperial general would have been vigilant, but not to the extent of being ready for immediate combat in full armor.

They ambushed with the conviction that they would achieve significant results.

So, they started coughing a bit, as if embarrassed.

The Count decided to give them an opportunity to shake off their embarrassment, like consoling a crying child.

Of course, as you said, I must have had the greatest influence in making the wrong decision. But it was a decision made by all of us. From now on, even if I think something is right, I wont push it blindly. Lets all put our heads together and come up with a good strategy.

With that, the atmosphere, which had been tense until then, softened enough for everyone to offer their opinions, though it couldnt be described as entirely harmonious.

Count Ticino then placed a map on the table and continued speaking quietly.

Lets accept that the ambush operation failed and move on. So, how many troops do we have left now?

At that, the second-in-command of Bern Canton, Baron Lichten, answered.

About 9,000 men.

The strength of one division of the Reich Empire is roughly 8,000, so we have a bit more in numbers.

But the opponent is Lieutenant General Yaeger of the Reich Empire. And the enemy has many cavalry.

If the opponent had cavalry, including knights, and their side lacked cavalry, it was common enough to abandon the battle and flee.

The presence of heavily armored cavalry indeed plays a significant role in determining the outcome of a battle.

However, Baron Lichten, advising the Count, responded as if the enemy having cavalry was not such a big deal.

To others, it might look like the commanders were collectively intoxicated or on drugs

Switzerland has always fought against the arrogant knights on horseback with our infantry and led us to victory. It wont be an exception this time.

Its been 200 years since we fought the Reich Empire, but in the meantime, weve battled knights from Chekovia and the Duchy of Ostarica several times and won every time, even in plain battles where knights are most confident.

Thats why our mercenaries are renowned all over the Europa Continent, right?

Indeed, the mercenaries of Switzerland were those who fought fearlessly for their lives and livelihoods in this harsh land.

Under the condition of having proper formations, they were the tough warriors of the Europa Continent who could even withstand the lance charge of knights.

Of course, the sacrifice required to withstand a charge couldnt be ignored.

But still, the Duke has ordered us to conduct a delaying action, so we must focus on tying down their forces. I plan to station 6,000 troops on this road between the Lindenhorf hills for a defensive battle.

Thats an excellent idea. Where do you plan to deploy the remaining 3,000?

Rest them behind the Lindenhorf hills and then strike the enemys rear when the battle intensifies. The key is to conduct a pincer attack to delay them. This delaying action will be the battle where we properly avenge ourselves against the Reich Empire.

This might seem like a very simple tactic, but most great generals win by driving the enemy into disadvantageous positions and using simple yet efficient methods.

The strategy proposed by Count Ticino was precisely like that.

Because, from the standpoint of the Reich Empires army, bypassing the Lindenhorf hills they were waiting for was practically impossible.

This was because if Lieutenant General Yaeger chose a detour to avoid clashing with them, and if their paths overlapped even slightly, the Swiss army could cut off the supply line to Yaegers unit in the rear.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Yaeger would inevitably have to pass through the wide road between the Lindenhorf hills.

Furthermore, the Baron, along with other Swiss nobles, said with a sinister smile.

Moreover, its been several years since Count Bern pretended to betray Switzerland. And I heard that he passed on quite a lot of this operations secrets to deceive the Crown Prince.

Haha, thanks to that, all divisions except Yaegers will comfortably reach Reichenstein Castle.

And the Crown Prince will hear the news that Lieutenant General Peter Yaeger has been annihilated by us, which will utterly demoralize the Imperial Army. And if we strike the expedition led by the Crown Prince at that moment

Having heard this far, Count Ticino pointed at the Lindenhorf Hills with a dagger and then said,

Our infantry is the strongest on the Europa Continent. And the road between the hills where well face them is not wide enough for the enemy to use their knights properly. In this battle where knights cant maneuver, its as if weve already won.

Then he took a breath and said,

But remember, the opponent is Lieutenant General Yaeger, who has seen through our ambush before. So, lets not be complacent and prepare as thoroughly as possible.

Thus, a week later, the Swiss army completed the preparations for thoroughly guarding the road passing next to the Lindenhorf.

Just try to come, you damn pig-like brutes.

Dare to invade our precious land, and well bring divine punishment upon you.

Reacting to the ambush was good, but our Swiss soldiers are stronger in head-on battles. Well kill them all.

The soldiers, constantly working, along with non-commissioned officers and junior officers, were grinding their teeth in anticipation.

Count Ticino, looking at this scene, enjoyed the feeling of his heart swelling with the expectation of finally cutting off Lieutenant General Yaegers head, saying,

I will personally execute those wicked Reich Empire scoundrels.

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