I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Seeing the familiar faces closing in around him, Lynns eyes lit up.

Well, well, unexpectedly, there were old acquaintances among them.

He had been wondering how to find them, and here, this group of good friends had come to him on their own.

Thinking of the rules aboard the shipno arbitrary killing allowedLynn realized that now, having disembarked, that rule was null and void. He suspected these wizard apprentices shared the same sentiment.

Lynn glanced back.

A few wizard apprentices conveniently obstructed Lynns view.

No need to look, Wizard Harin left after disembarking, Lynn observed as the voice emerged from the crowd, belonging to a finely dressed, fair-faced young man with blond hair.

This young man appeared to be around sixteen or seventeen.

Are you the leader of these people? Lynn asked, subtly tightening the wizard robe he was wearing.

The blond-haired youth confidently responded, Not exactly a leaderwere just like-minded friends. Let me introduce myself. Im Hans, from the Morning Glory Marquis family.

Hearing the family name, Lynn couldnt help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

Why are you smiling? Hans looked embarrassed.

Nothing much, just happened to think of something amusing, Lynn peculiarly restrained his emotions.

In the Erdolu Kingdom, the Morning Glory Marquis family symbolized honor, divination, love, calmness, and illusion.

So, the Morning Glory Marquis family posed no issues. Still, when Lynn heard the marquis title, he couldnt help but find it amusing.

I see you smiling. Hans seemed somewhat angry. Can I interpret it as mocking the reputation of our House of Morning Glory?

No, you misunderstood, Lynn smiled, waving his hand.

What I meant was that youre too close to me. As Lynn spoke, he spread his hand, raising it high. A powerful mental wave emanated from the center of his palm, expanding outward.

Dark, semi-transparent sound waves rippled outward, creating undulating waves that instantly covered an area of about thirty meters in diameter.

Within this range, all the wizards were instantly assaulted by a powerful shockwave, accompanied by a roar from the depths of their souls, akin to the howl of a monstrous beast.

The one-ring spellTerror!

The intense area-of-effect spell instantly deterred all the wizard apprentices within its range.


Hans chest was adorned with a necklace that emanated a silvery starlight grid-shaped barrier, protecting him in the center as the ripples from the Terror spell met this silvery shield.

Between the two, a fierce friction arose. The ripple of Terror spell collided with the silvery starlight grid-shaped barrier, generating intense feedback on the surface of the barrier, causing it to ripple like waves on water.

Buzzing sounds echoed.

This spells casting speed is really slow, Lynn mused inwardly. He had discovered a special techniquespeaking different words while actually secretly preparing a spell in his mind. Although this delayed the casting time of the spell, it made it more covert.

Of course, it would generate a strong mental fluctuation during the operation of the spell framework in the mind. If there were wizards with keen perception around, they could detect it. However, this group of wizard apprentices evidently lacked such abilities.

Lynn had been secretly preparing this spell since the moment he realized he was surrounded by these people.

Apart from Hans, two other noble wizard apprentices had magic accessories on them that provided protection. However, the protective ability of these two apprentices magic accessories was evidently inferior to the one on Hans.

After barely neutralizing most of the damage, the magic accessories on the other two wizard apprentices were also damaged.

However, the Terror spell, now significantly weakened, only caused these two noble wizard apprentices to have weak legs and sit down on the ground. They didnt faint like the other wizard apprentices around them or shiver in fear on the ground.

The effect of the Terror spell is to subject all units within the area to a mental check for fear. Those who fail the check will experience fear, manifested as weakness in limbs, mental confusion, as well as symptoms like chest tightness, difficulty in breathing, sweating, stomach discomfort, trembling, numbness in limbs, and even a sense of impending death. People with poor psychological resilience may exhibit madness, running aimlessly, talking to themselves, and other abnormal behaviors.

Of course, if the mental strength was too fragile, the bodys self-defense mechanism would cause the person affected by the Terror spell to directly faint.

Lynns ring flashed with two discreet silver lights.

The next moment, two huge Iron Earthworms appeared alongside Lauren.

Descending into reality, under Lynns cold and emotionless command, the Iron Earthworms and Lauren indiscriminately slaughtered the wizard apprentices in the vicinity who had lost the ability to resist.

Without spells and devoid of resistance, these wizard apprentices and their followers were as fragile as paper.

Lynns right hand reached behind him, grasping a hard object, and swiftly pulled it out, pointing it at Hans not far away.

If there was any wizard apprentice in the surrounding who still maintained combat capability, it would be Hans.

The magic accessories on his body shielded him from the area-of-effect spell, Terror, but he also fell into a temporary silence, needing to recharge before being able to use it again.

Hans took out a silver-tipped magic staff from his pocket, adorned with a red ribbon.

Obscure incantations simultaneously emanated from both of them.

Hans forehead began to bead with sweat, his eyes locked onto Lynn.

Meanwhile, a smile gradually appeared on Lynns face, accompanying the final syllable.

The air distorted at the tip of the magic staff, and a spark ignited the surrounding air, rapidly expanding into a blazing fireball.

In an instant, the fireball, now formed, hurtled towards Hans.

Simultaneously, Hans had just finished uttering the final syllable of his incantation.

His magic staff emitted a frigid aura, and under the sunlight, an arrow-shaped ice crystal aimed at Lynn.

However, the Minor Fireball was already speeding towards him.


The Minor Fireball collided violently with the ice crystal arrow. The two spells clashed in mid-air, and the explosive shockwave instantly sent Hans flying.

Sorry, I chanted the spell half a second faster than you. On weekdays, Ive been secretly practicing my oral skills just for this moment. 

Young man, your incantation speed is not as fast as mine. What do you have to compete with me in spellcasting!

Lynn infused his mental energy into the magic staff. The next moment, a rolling mass of acidic fluid condensed and took shape.

Acid Missile!

Seeing the incoming Acid Missile, Hans, who had just crawled off the ground, turned pale. In a panic, he rolled to the side like a donkey avoiding a kick.

It was evident that Hans, from the House of Morning Glory, underwent rigorous training.

Though the rolling motion might have looked unsightly, at least it proved highly effective.

He managed to dodge the majority of the Acid Missile, with only a portion landing on his legs.

The noble robe he wore immediately corroded, emitting billowing white smoke. Simultaneously, his legs suffered the effects of corrosion.

The young man let out a wretched scream, collapsing to the ground. The excruciating pain from the strong acid corrosion caused him to writhe on the ground.

Seizing the opportunity while he was vulnerable, Lynn continued chanting an incantation. This time, he cast Mages Hand, and not just any Mages Hand, but the most powerful version infused with the maximum mental strength, consuming 0.5 standard mental energy per second.

While other spells had distinct trajectories and were susceptible to evasion, Mages Hand, which could move freely, wasnt as easily avoidable.

A colossal transparent hand materialized above Hans head, and without any hesitation, it descended heavily onto his skull.

The handsome face of the blond-haired youth instantly transformed into a pool of mutilated flesh.

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