I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Damn you wizards, always so despicable and cunning, the voice of Maesys, the God of Tides and Sea Monsters, echoed ominously from the depths.

Clearly, the feeling of having ones inner thoughts guessed was not pleasant.

This is the power of knowledge, Sir God, Harin smirked slightly, his right hand resting on his left shoulder, leaning forward.

Without knowledge, I wouldnt know the purpose of this trident, nor could we have struck this deal. Its like certain antique dealers in the mortal realm who can find treasures in what others see as junk. To those without insight, such items are always just junk. So, knowledge is wealth.

Maesys fell silent. I dont want to argue these matters with you wizards. What do you seek from me?

Its not about what I can gain, but about what you can offer me, Harin replied. Godhead, divine flame, divine occupation1, divinity, and divine power represent the five fundamental powers of the gods. Godhead is the cornerstone of your existence, and I assume you wouldnt want to split your Godhead. Divine occupation is useless to us, as they are for naught without the other four divine powers. Moreover, divine occupation is significant to you, so what you can offer us as compensation is divine flame, divinity, and divine power.

Divine flame is impossible for you to have, Maesys refused. Without faith, having divine flame is useless to you.

Then, divinity it is, Harin seemed to have anticipated this and said. 

Alright, a strand of divinity. Maesys said.

One strand is not enough, I want five strands of divinity, Harin demanded.

Grabbing the lions share! And do you really dare to ask for so much of my divinity? Arent you afraid of being assimilated by me, wizard? Maesys said with a meaningful tone.

Divinity is the essence of a god, and each gods divinity is unique. Mortals can absorb divinity to acquire a gods traits and even elevate their essence fundamentally. However, its dangerous because divinity encompasses the personality and beliefs of the god. Fallen gods can potentially nest in those who absorb their divinity.

Why not? This trident, revered by the Siren Clan for an extended period, contains the power of faith. If you use your divine flame to transform it into divine power, it will undoubtedly be worth it because both you and it are Sea Gods. Although Im not a god, my understanding of gods is not shallow. Conversion rates for items related to the same god or divine occupation are not low, Harin explained.

Maesys fell into a prolonged silence. Why did this wizard have such knowledge of gods? That was a story from an unspeakable past.

Three strands of divinity, that is my bottom line, Maesys declared. Accumulating divinity is no easy feat for me. Since being sealed, it takes me a long time to accumulate even a single strand of divinity.

Four strands, if you want our cooperation to continue in the future, Harin asserted.

Damn it, Im at a loss in this deal! Maesys exclaimed in frustration.

The statues eyes emitted a blue light, projecting a blue-hued projection into the room. In the next moment, four points of golden blue light flew out from the blue projection, drawing closer, transitioning from illusion to reality.

Gradually, they transformed into four strands of golden blue mist hovering in the room.

Pleasure doing business, Sir Maesys, Harin handed over the trident. As he let go, the trident floated in the air.

The surrounding air was filled with an azure projection, and as the azure light intensified, the ambient light deepened. Lynn looked towards the window, where the blue-hued projection reflected on the window continuously undulated, as if plunging into the depths of the ocean.

Just like this, the trident slowly faded into the void before Lynn and the others, captured by some force.

Outside, the ship sailing on the sea became slower, as if bogged down in a quagmire.

Captain Ghost in the captains quarters sensed something amiss and quickly came out to the deck.

After the previous incident, no wizard apprentices dared to stay on the deck at night. The empty deck, at the ships bow, only had the standing figure of Captain Ghost.

Standing on the deck, Captain Ghost surveyed the surroundings. Suddenly, he froze, a look of astonishment and fear appearing on his face.

He had been the captain of this ship for a long time, traversing this route many times. Due to the special identity of this ship, he had rarely encountered any trouble on his journeys, but he never expected such an incident on this voyage.

The surrounding sea was bright, the deep sea in the distance was profound in the pitch-black night, and the dark waves rolled incessantly.

However, the sea around the ship emitted a vast azure light.

The surrounding storm gradually subsided, and the bright light under the ship persisted for a long time before gradually dissipating.

Captain Ghost regained control of his body. As the one in control of this ghostly ship sailing on the sea, Captain Ghost had been subjected to a special spell cast by a wizard, permanently imprisoning him on this ship.

Although he had lost some freedom, he gained greater security.

However, in that fleeting moment just now, Captain Ghost felt like his entire body had lost control.

It felt like being under the scrutiny of the king of the deep sea.

However, what frightened him was not the feeling of being scrutinized but what lay beneath the ship.

Standing at the ships bow, he saw it clearly. The blue light under the ship just now was not some environmental phenomenonit was a blue eye.

A colossal creature, only its eye visible, dwarfing many islands, appeared beneath the ship in that fleeting moment.

Harin stored Angley in the spatial ring. Then, he took out four purple crystals and separately collected the four strands of gas floating in the air into the purple crystals.

After being absorbed into the crystals, these purple crystals gradually transformed into pure gold.

This is your reward, Harin handed one of the pure gold transparent crystals to Lynn.

Although Lynn didnt know the specific function of divinityit might be too distant for himbut it didnt prevent him from recognizing the preciousness of this strand of divinity.

After all, I borrowed your statue to communicate with Maesys, Harin remarked.

For you, this is definitely a very precious material, even for many wizards, it is extremely rare. So, youd better keep the information about possessing a strand of divinity hidden. Otherwise, your troubles will definitely not be few, Harin advised.

Understood, Lynn placed the crystal imbued with divinity into the spatial ring.

The laboratory is well cleaned up. Come to my laboratory at this time tomorrow, Harin casually mentioned.

Lynn left Wizard Harins room and returned to his own room.

Suppressing his inner curiosity, Lynn first entered the Alchemy Laboratory and then took out the crystal imbued with divinity from the spatial ring.

As this crystal, filled with divinity, was brought out, the two Iron Earthworms that had been lying quietly in the corner of the Alchemy Laboratory suddenly became excited. They wriggled over like two loyal dogs, and the emotion of eagerness continuously transmitted from the wristband2 to Lynn.

Master, what is this? Lauren exclaimed in astonishment, looking at the crystal of divinity in the masters hand. Lauren felt his body couldnt help but tremble, and an extremely strong desire overwhelmed his will.


  1. -Divine occupation seems more fitting in the overall book context, previously first mentioned in chapter 44 as priesthood, now fixed.
  2. -Wristband will now be used instead of bracelet. Changes were also made in chapter 20, 30 and 34.

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