I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

The fly demon didn’t care much about it. To its perspective, it was just a mount that could be replaced at any time. It chose the evil-winged bird simply because it was convenient.

Lynn grabbed the nobleman by the collar and hoisted him onto the evil-winged bird’s back. This nobleman knew a lot, and Lynn felt it would be a waste to dispose of him before extracting all the information.

As the brute force demon and others gradually climbed onto its back, the evil-winged bird visibly struggled under the weight.

Flapping its wings twice, the evil-winged bird finally exerted enough force to soar into the sky.

“Did your Silvermoon Kingdom possess any powers beyond those of ordinary people?” Lynn inquired.

At Lynn’s probing question, the nobleman hesitated. Wasn’t this common knowledge? It was confirmed then; these were definitely demons from hell.

But he harbored no noble intention of protecting the world from demons; he just wanted to survive. Perhaps, if he played his cards right, he could even become an advocate for the demons.

The nobleman eagerly divulged all the information he knew.

Through his narrative, Lynn learned that magic existed in this plane too. However, their magic was said to be bestowed by the Elven Mother Tree, a kind of innate magic that only the genius of the elven race could master the spellcasting abilities.

The innate talent one was born with determined the limit of a mage’s power. The purer the elven blood, the stronger the awakened magical abilities. This was the reason why pureblooded elves could dominate the nine major kingdoms.

Listening, Lynn thought it sounded somewhat like bloodline warlocks. So, the elven race was essentially elven warlocks?

Apart from these elves who could wield spellcasting abilities, there were also the branded swordsmen, who broke through the limits of their physical bodies through rigorous training and the consumption of magic potions.

“It seems we’ve encountered an army,” the fly demon chuckled.

In the sky ahead, eagles circled, each bearing a scout armed with a bow or crossbow.

They spotted the approaching evil-winged bird but didn’t approach recklessly. Instead, they encircled the fly demon’s group, trapping them in the middle.

As one scout drew near, the fly demon narrowed its eyes, ready to act, but Lynn intervened.

“These scouts seem suspicious,” Lynn keenly observed that the eagles they rode on didn’t seem right; their wings appeared modified.

As the scout approached, he took out a painting from his pocket, depicting a vividly detailed academy emblem.

Seeing the emblem of a demon wizard academy on the painting, the fly demon sighed in resignation, muttering a curse under its breath. It was like seeing a delicious meal only to be told it already had an owner.

With the other side revealing their identity, any further aggression would be seen as provoking that demon wizard academy.

Seeing the fly demon’s group refrained from attacking, the other party also showed no intention of hostility, escorting Lynn and his companions away before returning.

In the sky, Lynn looked down at a castle in the distance. Tens of thousands of heavily armored infantrymen formed a square formation around it, their spears standing tall like a forest of steel.

These heavily armored armies were robust, but from this distance, Lynn couldn’t discern specifics.

Meanwhile, at the rear of the formation, leopards and tigers, whose size exceeded that of ordinary beasts, glared menacingly. Perched on the backs of these leopards and tigers were over three thousand archers, clad in cloth armor and wielding bows, forming the second formation.

Above, numerous eagle scouts circled in the sky.

In the center of the formation, a large flag fluttered in the wind, bearing the emblem of a demon wizard academy.

As the evil-winged bird flew southward, they encountered many rebel forces along the way, many of which bore the emblems of demon wizard academies.

It was a feast, a banquet where various forces divided up this plane.

Lynn had a feeling that his first plane invasion trip wouldn’t last long. The cake was too small, and there were too many people vying to slice it.

He just hoped that the decision to head to Whitefall wasn’t a waste of time.

Lynn silently thought in his heart.

“That’s Whitefall,” the half-elf nobleman said.

The nobleman, still being held captive, pointed ahead to a larger city than any they had seen before. The city was built around a small mountain, and atop it stood a castle surrounded by white walls.

At this moment, several demons had already entered the city. Some people wearing mage robes were working together to besiege the demons, with other agile figures surrounding the demons and engaging them in combat.

But judging from their difficult struggle, even dealing with these few demons was extremely challenging. Lynn glanced around, relieved that there were no high-level demons inside; the most powerful ones among them were just middle-level blade demons.

If there were a high-level demon, relying on its powerful racial talents, it would be extremely difficult for these half-elves to deal with it.

Not to mention that most high-level demons would awaken the Blink racial talent. A Blink directly to the side of a mage could easily break through their defenses.

Lynn looked up at the azure sky. The wizard network in the sky seemed denser.

The density of the wizard network was even denser than when he first arrived in this plane.

It seemed like many “spiders” were busily weaving these web-like network, allowing them to weave successfully at a faster pace.

The approach of the evil-winged bird caused fear among the mages on the rooftops and the people on the ground who were fighting the demons.

But the evil-winged bird didn’t linger in the city at all; it flew directly towards the central castle.

“Hurry to protect the Queen!” The leading mage’s expression changed suddenly.

These demons, like those recorded in ancient texts, had already drawn most of the city’s forces into battle. Now, the defense force around the Queen was weak.

“Go straight there,” the fly demon ordered the evil-winged bird, pointing towards the central castle.

As the evil-winged bird approached, archers on the castle shot arrows into the sky, but the evil-winged bird casually flapped its wings, and the arrows were swept away by the wind. Some arrows landed on its wings, leaving no mark.

“Queen’s decree, cease fire.” An official rushed out of the castle.

The evil-winged bird landed silently on the ground.

The official glanced fearfully at the brute force demon and the fly demon, then gathered courage to address Lynn and his companions. “Please, follow me.”

“Simple solutions are always best,” Lynn’s eyes flickered. Although he didn’t know what the other party’s intentions were, it was best to resolve things simply if possible.

If the other party was willing to cooperate, it could save a lot of effort.

Turning left and right in the castle, they soon arrived at a grand hall.

On either side of the hall stood mages clad in white robes, while in the middle, a woman with her back to Lynn and the others sat on the throne steps.

In front of the woman was a map, which seemed to depict the territorial map of this plane from the mountains and rivers on it.

“Even the most ancient court will fall one day, and the greatest empire will eventually come to an end.”

The Ironblood Queen turned her head, and Lynn saw the woman who was referred to as the Ironblood Queen by the nobleman.

This Ironblood Queen was different from what Lynn had imagined. She didn’t have a stunning appearance; in fact, she was quite plain-looking, almost androgynous. Her features were sharp, and she exuded an aura that only someone who had wielded power for a long time could possess.

“You must be Wizard Lynn,” the Ironblood Queen Dyo said, looking at Lynn.

“Hello, Queen Dyo. I’m curious how you knew my name?” Lynn said.

“A wizard told me,” Dyo said.

A wizard? Who could it be?

Lynn frowned.

He didn’t know many wizards. The wizard who could arrive here early must be an official wizard. Lynn recalled a name that came to mind—it should be him.

Ever since he arrived at the wizard academy, Harin had said he had important matters to attend to. Could it be that he was involved in this?

“To be honest, I’m a little reluctant to admit defeat like this,” Dyo sighed. “My father told me when I was born that the towering mountain hanging over our nine major kingdoms was the Elven Court.”

“I have been working all my life to overturn this mountain. Since potions can push swordsmen beyond their limits, isn’t there a potion that can also push mages beyond their limits? I employed researchers and doctors to study the secrets of the human body. Although we didn’t manage to develop a potion to push mages beyond their limits, we stumbled upon another discovery just as the experiment was about to succeed.”

“Right when the experiment was about to succeed, you arrived.” A fleeting expression of loss flashed across Dyo’s face, and her aura became even more imposing.

“A wizard approached me, asking for my cooperation in conquering the kingdoms, promising to grant me power in the end. But I refused,” Dyo said.

“Because it is the Elf King of the Elven Court who will hold the world-sacrificial ritual, plunging the entire world into the Abyss, and in the end, it is those elves who will gain the greatest benefit.”

“I refuse to accept it! Why should we be plunged into the Abyss, and yet those elves still gain the greatest benefits? They have squeezed us dry for tens of thousands of years from beginning to end. I won’t stand for it!” A fierce glint appeared in Dyo’s eyes.

“Even if this world is destroyed, I will personally deliver the final blow!”

Upon hearing Dyo’s words, the fly demon couldn’t help but feel excited. “Hehehe, ambitious, full of aspirations, hahaha.”

Lynn furrowed his brow. “But hasn’t this world already been sacrificed and plunged into the Abyss?”

Could it be that there’s another sacrifice to come? Or is this world preparing for one last struggle before its demise?

“No, the sacrificial ritual has not yet been fully completed. To be precise, we are still in the midst of the sacrifice,” explained the fly demon.

“What are your plans? Do you know about the world-sacrificial ritual? Do you need my help?” The fly demon was eager to try its hand, the chaos only seemed to excite it more, especially chaos that it orchestrated itself.

But Dyo simply shook her head.

“I just needed to vent after keeping it in for so long,” Dyo said.

Lynn could understand Dyo’s sentiment.

She was the high and mighty queen, usually stern and authoritative. The other subjects weren’t deemed worthy of listening to her inner thoughts. Only as a wizard was Lynn seen as an equal by her.

“As for what to do, you’ll find out soon enough,” Dyo said, her eyes bright.

“I’ve summoned you for another matter,” Dyo said, turning to Lynn.

“Regardless of whether it ultimately succeeds or not, the achievements of my many years of effort are useless to me now. I feel it would be a pity to let them disappear into the annals of history. After all, it’s the result of my struggles in the first half of my life. I want to see if it can also shine among you wizards,” Dyo said confidently.


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