I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 249: He is really so sweet!

Chapter 249: He is really so sweet!

*swoosh* Mei Xiu and Shi Yixian materialized within the vast expanse of grasslands contained within the artifact.

Mei Xiu's gaze was immediately drawn to the brilliant white moon hanging in the night sky, its soft light casting a mesmerizing glow over the landscape.

As a gentle breeze danced through the grass, it playfully tousled Mei Xiu's hair.

She glanced at Shi Yixian, who had an emotionless expression on her face "How... can you kill them like that? So casually?"

Shi Yixian didn't mind her and removed the ring from her finger, which has the name 'Shenyi' on the inner side.

She merely borrowed it from Xia Shenyi to teleport back into the artifact and its time to return it.

Without giving Mei Xiu a second glance, Shi Yixian walked towards the mansion, which is in the center of the grass fields.

Huh? Mei Xiu was confused "Weird... woman."

Shaking her head, she quickly caught up to Shi Yixian and walked beside her "Where is Tian? Is he in the mansion."

But Shi Yixian didn't reply and continued her stroll towards the mansion making Mei Xiu frustrated. However, Mei Xiu's annoyance quickly turned to curiosity when she noticed a glimmering light catching her eye.

As she turned her eyes to the shining light, she saw a large blue array and under that three women were sitting cross-legged, closing their eyes.

She could identify two of them, Zhao Ying and Zhao Suyin, but she couldn't identify the third woman who is Chi Miya.

Shi Yixian first entered the mansion and Mei Xiu soon followed after. She glanced around and the living hall is empty.

"Is Tian in his room?"

Shi Yixian just walked up to the stairs to go upstairs. Walking through the grand hallway, she quickly reached a room.

*knock* Xia Shenyi who was engrossed in researching a sword stood up from her seat and opened the door.

Looking at Shi Yixian, she was surprised. "Yixian?"

Shi Yixian extended her hand, showing the ring on her palm and seeing this, Xia Shenyi narrowed her eyes. "She got into a danger?"

Shi Yixian nodded her hand and Xian Shenyi came out of her room walking downstairs.

Mei Xiu who was roaming around the living room raised her head looking at Xia Shenyi "Where is Tian?"

Xia Shenyi shook her head. "Tian is not here right now."

"Look who it is..." Hearing another voice, Mei Xiu turned her head and saw Zhao Ying walking inside the mansion, a teasing smile on her face.

Xia Shenyi raised an eyebrow "You are slacking off again? Weren't all of you determined that you should not drag Tian and should get stronger quickly?"

Zhao Ying giggled "Sister Shenyi, I came because I sensed her presence."

As she spoke, she glanced at Mei Xiu "Tian placed Sister Yixian as her bodyguard and if she is here... she got into danger. And it should be around 1 am in outside world. What problem you get into?"

"Let's sit and talk.." Xia Shenyi said and sat on the couch.

Following her, Zhao Ying also sat and beckoned Mei Xiu. Letting out a sigh, Mei Xiu also sat beside them and began to tell them what happened."

"You are really a stupid if you came out during midnight."

Mei Xiu lowered her gaze "I just wanted to meet Tian."

Zhao Ying noticedthedarkcirclesunderhereyes andquicklyrealized that Mei Xiu has cried a lot "Did you eat anything?"

"I..." Mei Xiu hesitated for a moment and shook her head "No."

"Oh. Wait a while, I will bring something to eat." Zhao Ying stood up from the couch and walked upstairs.

Xia Shenyi let out a chuckle. "It was a good idea that Tian placed Yixian as your body guard."

Shi Yixian's body is very weak because of the constant burning of the fire within her body, so its hard for her to fight powerful people from High stars.

But the people in this star are easy for her.

Mei Xiu took a deep breath and looked at Xia Shenyi "I want to know... about Tian. Why is he having so many women like this. he was trying to explain... but I was throwing tantrum and..."

A mischievous smile appeared on Xia Shenyi's lips "Oh, don't worry... I will tell you everything about Tian."

*knock* There was a gentle knock on the door, causing Fei Ziyu to stir from her sleep. As she groggily made her way to the door, she was surprised to see Zhao Ying standing on her doorstep.

"L-Lady Ying?"

Zhao Ying gave a nod "Ziyu, you prepare a meal for Teacher Xiu."

Z-Ziyu? Fei Ziyu was dumbfounded, as this was the first time, Zhao Ying actually called her name, because she always calls her as 'Bitch'

"Will be done, Lady Ziyu." She enthusiastically nodded and hurried to the kitchen.


Next day morning-

*tap* As Zhao Tian lay still, he suddenly felt a gentle tapping on his cheeks. His long, white eyelashes fluttered slightly in response to the sensation

"Ah, he is waking up.."


Upon hearing some faint murmurs, Zhao Tian slowly opened his eyes and was met with the sight of three women gazing at him with gentle smiles adorning their faces.

"Good morning, Husband."

"Good morning, Little brother."

"Uh, good morning... Mr.Tian."

As the morning light filtered through the curtains, Zhao Tian slowly roused himself from his slumber and moved to sit up on the plush bed, the cozy warmth of the soft bedsheets enveloping his lower half.

"Very Good morning."

He glanced at Ling Huang, who is completely naked, while Ling Chen and Ling Meiying are dressed.

Ling Huang moved and hugged him, her bare boobs pressing on his chest. Embracing her, Zhao Tian glanced at Ling Meiying "You were with me last night and now..." hetrailedoff,eyeingherattirewithcuriosity.

"Ah, that... Sister Chen came this morning and pulled me from the bed, making me bathe. She also tried to do the same with Sister Huang but she got kicked."

Ling Chen spoke in a cold tone, "Because both of you are messing with his hair, disturbing his sleep.. so I pulled both of you."

Ling Huang smiled playfully "Heh, showing this much care for a man whom you hated a few days ago?"

A faint blush adorned Ling Chen's cheeks and Zhao Tian gently ruffled Ling Huang's purple hair "Stop teasing her, come on... let's go and bathe."



After Zhao Tian and Ling Huang left the room to bathe in the lake, Ling Meiying and Ling Chen also came outside.

Ling Meiying was about to head towards the kitchen when Ling Chen stopped her "Sister Meiying."

"Hm? Sister Chen?" Ling Meiying looked at Ling Chen curiously.

With a little hesitation, Ling Chen asked "Sister Meiying... can I see the ring Mr.Tian gave you?"

"My ring?" Ling Meiying frowned slightly in confusion.

Ling Chen nodded her head "Yeah, I want to confirm something."

Ling Meiying delicately slipped the ring off her finger, the glinting metal catching the light as she handed it over to Ling Chen and Ling Chen took the ring in her hand.

Assherotatedthe ring in herhand,her eyes weredrawnto thedelicateengraving on theinside,revealingtheelegantscriptof Ling Meiying'sname.

This surprised her and she mumbled "You have your name on the ring."

Ling Meiying raised an eyebrow "Yeah... why? You don't have your name?"

Giving back the ring to Ling Meiying, Ling Chen shook her head "No, I do have my name."

Ling Meiying got even more confused "Then,, is there any problem, Sister Chen?"

Ling Chen lowered her head "I thought Mr.Tian is randomly giving rings to us... but I didn't expect my name to be on the ring. I was really surprised when I first noticed that."

A soft and tender smile appeared on her lips as she spoke "He is engraving our names on the ring. He is so thoughtful and sweet."

Huh? Ling Meiying couldn't help but giggle "Sister Chen, the whole ring is made by our Husband."

H-Huh? Ling Chen's eyes trembled in shock "You mean... he took time to create these rings?" she asked in shock, looking at the beautiful and detailed ring on her finger.

Ling Meiying nodded her head "En. You see this stone here, it is actually a rare and high purity astral stones. It is hard to even break."

"But he took time to sculpt these and make these rings with his artifact tools. The every detail you see in these rings is hand made by him."

Ling Chen's heart shook as she glimpsed at the gorgeous ring on her finger. How much time does it to make one like this?

Ling Meiying rolled her eyes "Yeah... now that I remember it, he made the rings for me and Sister Huang first as we quickly accepted him."

"But for the Queen and you, he made them later."

E-Eh? Hearing this, Ling Chen was startled, 'So, that's why... he didn't give me a ring that day?'

She closed her face with her palms being so embarrassed by herself 'So, I am the one who misunderstood him first. What a fool I am?'

As she pulled back her hands, her eyes drifted down to the delicate ring adorning her finger and she couldn't stop the growing smile on her lips, her eyes softening, her heart filled with warmth.

Her voice grew tender "So he acted as if he was hating me... but actually he made this for me and loves me. He put it on my fingers the next instant I asked him..."

"He is really so sweet."

Ling Meiying giggled "Oh and he also like sweets...well, I will go and make tea for him."

"I am also joining."


-_- Ling Xin smiled dryly, looking at Zhao Tian and Ling Huang submerging themselves in the lake while she was also bathing there naked.

Zhao Tian glanced at her and Ling Xin submerged herself even more hiding her cleavage in the water. "Um... Mr.Tian."

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