I Accidentally Created a Villainous Organization

Chapter 58: Black Fangs VS The Empire (6)

Chapter 58: Black Fangs VS The Empire (6)

Chapter 58: Black Fangs VS The Empire (6)

At the Empire’s unexpected shadowboxing,

For a long moment, I was completely dumbfounded, staring at the actual photo of the moderator... desperately trying to hold on to my sanity.

I still couldn’t believe it, but no matter how many times I rubbed my eyes, the scene before me didn’t change.

The real name listed was some bizarre name, “Furry Furry.”

Attached was a photo of a middle-aged man you might occasionally run into on the street. Below that, there was a caption explaining that this man was the head of the Black Fangs.

This was the wanted poster the Empire was distributing nationwide.

The person conducting such a bizarre act was so brazen that it made me wonder if this could possibly be true.

‘No way.’

There was no chance that the head of Black Fangs was possessed idot like me.

I hadn’t been able to play Blood and Bone 2 immediately upon its release because of work, but...

That guy would have definitely played it multiple times, all the way to the end.

‘Then, how do you explain his actions so far?’

Prominent main characters like Siel,Lien, and Miss Rubia.

It made no sense that someone who knew the original work inside out wouldn’t even try to contact such important figures.

Logically, it was impossible.

Therefore, that guy couldn’t be the head of the Black Fangs.

In the end, there was only one conclusion.

Either the head of the Black Fangs had done something tricky, or the Empire had made a huge blunder on their own.

How did an attempt to attack the head of the Black Fangs lead to the public revelation of a game gallery moderator from another world?

No matter how much I speculated, I couldn’t figure it out.

‘There’s only one thing I need to do.’

Whatever misunderstanding the Empire had, and whatever ingenious method the Black Fangs used to fool the Empire,

those things weren’t really my concern.

It was more important to prepare for the backlash that was sure to come.

Once that wanted poster was distributed nationwide, the Empire would begin to seriously crack down on the Black Fangs.

I had to take action now.

I stood up from my seat immediately.

Siel, who had been approaching and petting me, had a puzzled look on her face.

“Siel, can you gather everyone for me?”

I couldn’t keep lying in this situation. It was time to properly explain everything.

…It was time to reveal the truth.


People began gathering one by one in front of the shelter.

As they did, the ominous murmurs grew louder and louder.

It was only natural. When you hear there’s important news and everyone is called together, without exception.

Such a thing had never happened before.

“Has something happened?”

“Now that you mention it, I think I saw a few knights nearby recently...”

“What are you talking about? The captain already made them submit ages ago.”

But those noisy murmurs quieted down with the appearance of just one person.

Again, it was only natural.

Standing before them was none other than the undisputed leader of the Black Fangs.

He was a giant among men, someone who lived in a different world from them.

All eyes focused on the white-haired man wearing a wolf mask.

“I’ve gathered you all here because there’s something I need to tell you.”

His tone was unusually serious, unlike his usual self.

People swallowed nervously, waiting for his next words.

And... soon enough, their expressions turned to confusion. Naturally.

“I am not the leader of the Black Fangs.”

The words that came out of his mouth were incomprehensible.

Why would he tell such a bizarre lie?

No one here could deny the miracles this man had accomplished.

He had subdued the Empire’s knights, making them his subordinates, and healed incurable diseases without breaking a sweat.

He was undoubtedly the leader of the Black Fangs.

“I impersonated them due to certain circumstances.”

Even as he continued to explain, it did nothing to help anyone understand the situation.

If this man had deceived them for personal gain, claiming to be the leader of the Black Fangs would make sense.

But all they had done was aid in relief efforts.

Who in the world would impersonate someone to help others?

People were lost in confusion due to his continued strange lies when...

“The Empire is going to search for the Black Fangs nationwide soon. If you’re not careful, you could get caught up in it.”

That statement.

As soon as they heard it, everyone understood what was happening.


They were from the slums.

Those who didn’t have a sharp mind wouldn’t have survived this long in the first place.

So everyone here understood the true meaning behind the man’s words.

“You have nothing to do with the Black Fangs. Therefore... hide yourselves so you don’t get caught up in this.”

This was just like everything the man had always done.

When he first opened the shelter, when everyone had been wary of him with sharp attitudes, he had always treated others kindly.

Even though he had the power to force everyone into submission, he never used it to oppress others.

He only used his strength to protect, help, and give.

This was just a repetition of everything that had happened before.

As always, the man was ready to shoulder all the burdens for everyone else.

That was why he was telling such an obvious lie.

Claiming he was not the leader of the Black Fangs, just to keep them away from danger.

“We will help you hide properly and settle into a new place.”

Despite making such sacrifices, the man did not ask for anything in return.

He simply requested that they allow him to help them until the end.

After the leader’s speech, a cold silence settled among the people.

‘This... is the right thing to do.’

Among the people, one man gritted his teeth.

He thought that they had been indulging in an overly idealistic story and that this was ultimately the realistic choice.

‘There’s no other way to survive.’

Escaping when the slave traders’ guard was down, somehow surviving in the slums day by day.

Life here had taught him that to survive, he had to act selfishly.

He knew.

He knew that pretending not to know the person who had helped them so much when he was in danger was despicable.

But the man had survived until now by being selfish. He wouldn’t have made it otherwise.

Probably, the majority of people here were like that.

That was why everyone remained silent.

So, they just had to do what the man said.

The man was thinking that... when he remembered.

Life before the leader came and changed everything.

Back then, he had beaten a young girl to death.

The reason was very simple. The girl had tried to steal his money.

He had a family to support.

That money was his family’s lifeline.

So, the man was furious. He took out all his anger on the ungrateful little girl who dared to endanger his family.

He thought it was only natural.

If you didn’t retaliate when wronged, you couldn’t survive in this place.

And not long after, the man met the girl at the shelter.

Along with her apology, he learned about her circumstances.

The girl wasn’t some cruel murderer trying to kill his family.

She was just a little girl who had no choice but to do anything for her sick mother.

Both the man and the girl apologized to each other, but the man still couldn’t understand.

Whose fault was it, really?

Everyone was just struggling to survive. They were desperate to protect their loved ones.

But simply because they weren’t born noble, because they were born in the slums,

they lost the right to live like human beings.

They lost the right to be good.

They had to steal from others just to barely get by.

Was this world truly just?

“Just forget about everything that happened.”

The man recalls the events of yesterday.

He recalls the days he spent helping at the shelter, helping people.

He remembers the smiles on their faces. He remembers the smile that appeared on his own face as he watched them.

He recalls those ordinary, yet beautifully ordinary, days.

“You can erase the Black Fangs from your minds.”

The man’s feet begin to move.

Before he even realizes it, he’s stepping forward.

“I refuse.”

As he speaks those words.

He feels everyone’s eyes turn to him.

But he doesn’t care and keeps walking.

Walking, he says,

“A life that doesn’t feel like living, I refuse even if offered.”

He doesn’t want to live like this anymore.

He doesn’t want to pass this life on to his unborn child.


“Please, let me join you.”

The man kneels before the leader.

And… he wasn’t the only one acting this way.

They were undoubtedly the most selfish people. People who had no choice but to be the most selfish.

But because of that, they all spoke with one voice.

“Please, Captain!”

They no longer wanted to live selfishly.

They wanted a world where everyone could live ‘ordinary lives’.

[ Join Patreon to support the translation and to read up to 5 chapters ahead of the release of "I Accidentally Created a Villainous Organization" and 4 chapters ahead of the release of "I Became a Childhood Friend With the Villainous /Jade43 ]

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