How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

I was only able to grab a little bit of the cyclops blood and the minotaurs horns.

I u-understand! Priscilla nodded hastily.

Eugene continued. Dont ask me why I kept it a secret from the Evergrove County. They probably will not want to know the truth, and even if they did, they will likely only be thankful towards me.

Of course. Then we will take care of these in secret. Even though she had been working with mana stones for a long time, it was the first time Priscilla saw mana stones from high-ranking monsters. She accepted the stones with trembling hands.

Amazing! Its as twice as big as the stones from intermediate-rank monsters. How much should I sell each for? I knew it was a great idea to sign a contract with Sir Eugene. Something like this could be a recurring event, right?

Although she would have to dispose of these secretly, she could still sell mana stones like these at any price she wanted.

Mere plate armor? Ill even buy you two pairs!

Priscilla quickly saw how wrong she had been to feel regretful about signing with Eugene. Her attitude quickly changed as she responded with a bright smile. Then the Palin Association will definitely take responsibility! And present Sir Galfredik with plate armor!

Hmm? Ah, sure.

Eugene quickly nodded without hesitation. He wasnt sure why, but Priscilla was offering him Galfrediks armor for free.

By the way, what are you planning to do with the captured knights?

The Evergrove County was one of the Palin Associations customers. Although it was highly unlikely, if Eugene became hostile towards the county, things could become difficult for the Palin Association who stood in between the two.

I already told their soldiers that they would be released for a ransom. I dont think the relationship between the county and me will sour. It seemed like the knights acted on their own. Well, if the lord is narrow-minded, I supposed he could hold it against me and switch his business partner.

Ah! That should not be a problem. The Evergrove Countys lord is our long-time business partner, and he is a very generous man. He should not care too much about a scuffle between knights. Well as long as the knights are fine.

I am treating them honorably, so you dont have to worry about that.

Yes, I understand, Sir Eugene. Priscilla nodded in response, but she had a hard time believing Eugenes words at face value when she knew exactly how he had dealt with his enemies until now.

But contrary to her expectations, Eugene actually told her the truth.


Can we really stay here?

Perhaps due to consuming many mana stones, Marvels bruises were quickly starting to fade away. He looked around with a wondering gaze at a first-class suite in the Heavenly Constellation. The same was true of McCullay, who was missing five teeth and had a sunken nose, and the knight named Philton. The last knight had surrendered relatively quickly, which was why he was in a relatively better condition compared to the others.

Although they were knights sworn into the county, they had suffered hardships until then. It was the first time in their lives seeing such a large, fancy accommodation.

Think of it as Lord Evergroves castle. Although we crossed our swords because of a small misunderstanding, that doesnt make us mortal enemies, does it?

You sir, are really

The knights of Evergrove were truly touched by Eugenes words and actions. After beating them senseless like dogs a few nights ago, Eugene treated them properly as prisoners.

Rather than prisoners, they felt more like envoys. Even though it was customary to respect prisoners and hostages with high status, this level of luxury was rarely enjoyed.

Please forgive us for doubting Sir Galfrediks honor and your own, Sir Eugene.

I think Young Master Jevin must have misunderstood. When I get back, I will explain the situation to him.

The knights of Evergrove shared a gaze before nodding. They were a little hasty, but they werent foolish. Judging from how lavishly Eugene and Galfredik had treated them so far, they were far from how rude Jevin made them out to be.

Aside from the luxurious accommodation they were provided with, Eugene set a low ransom for them considering the circumstances and even fed each of them a mana stone to aid in their recovery. Such honorable, faithful knights had killed Lugates in a cowardly way? Moreover, in front of the territorys successor?

The knights of Evergrove could not believe it. Moreover, Eugene and Galfredik never told them the reason behind the secret duel. They remained honorable and kept their promises to keep the details a secret.

The knights of Evergrove could not help but feel a deep sense of admiration and respect.

I would appreciate it if you could put in a good word for us, sirs. Then rest well. I already called for a doctor, and they should be here soon.

Thank you, Sir Eugene.

I will never forget your chivalry and mercy.

The knights bowed their heads while showing maximum courtesy towards their fellow knight.


What do you think, Master? Arent you glad you followed my advice?

I think so. But will they not run away if we leave them be? Eugene asked after admitting to Galfrediks great insight.

The burly knight responded while giggling. Even I was stunned by this place. Those guys? Theres no need to even mention it. In addition, for knights serving a lord to break a promise made on their honor would be akin to denying their very existence. They will be able to return after enjoying a few days of paradise here, so why would they do such a thing?

I see. And since we treated them well, theyll say good things about us?

Exactly. Jevin will be boiling on the inside, but what can he do? A respected lord cannot simply ignore the advice of his knights.

Hmm. There are quite a few restrictions placed on being a true noble after all.

Its to maintain their authority and dignity. They have no choice but to abide by it unless they are a tyrant. And tyrants dont last long. Carls Baggins is in such a state right now because of a single tyrant as well.

I see. Ah, come to think of it, we need to head to the Carls Baggins Peninsula for our next subjugation.

Although Eugene obtained two high-rank mana stones, it was true that the results of the Mount Morrison Labyrinth subjugation were rather insufficient. As such, Priscilla booked Eugene another subjugation right away.

Oh, really? Where is it?

Philia Ruins.

Hmm. A ruin. We should make sufficient preparations this time around.

Galfredik narrowed his eyes.

Eugene asked, Is it different from dungeons and labyrinths? Well, I guess the environment will be a little different since its without a ceiling.

Thats the problem. There are flying monsters in ruins.

Flying monsters?

Harpies, gargoyles, wyverns. In particular, the entire ruin will be a hunting ground for a wyvern, so you could encounter them anywhere. They are literally the king of the skies.

Are wyverns really that dangerous?

Its essentially a monster as large as a minotaur with wings. Its easily more than 10 meters long from wing to wing.

Moreover, it was nimble and crafty. If it spotted humans with bows or crossbows, it would never approach within the firing range of those weapons and would only provoke them at a safe range.

As far as I know, no one has ever killed a wyvern in an evil land, though there are records of people catching a few roamer hatchlings.

Then I guess we might be the first.

Galfredik became startled at Eugenes words, then responded with a large grin, That would be cool. Our reputation would soar at once.

Whatever it was, being the first would go down in history. It went without saying that the first wyvern slayer in the history of subjugations would be deeply imprinted in the history books.

We have about 10 days before departure, so lets take a good rest and plan things out. If you need anything, buy it. Theres no need to be stringent.

Good, good. I chose the right master to serve. Will we be heading to the market right away?

Yes. Ah, before that, lets go get your armor first.

Kuwuooh! Plate armor?! Galfredik was honest with his emotions as usual.

Eugene nodded. Yeah. Lets get the best one available for you.

Eugene decided to be generous to his first vassal. It wasnt like he was paying for it anyways.


After measuring his dimensions at the Betissark Workshop for the plate armor, Galfredik bought five fancy hats. He was all smiles.

Kyah, Im so fortunate to be your thrall, Master. Theres no downside to it except for the fact that I have to be careful of the sunlight.

Fortunately, being averse to the sun was only a minor inconvenience for Galfredik, since he was always wearing his armor and gloves even when he was still a human.

You only have to make sure to cover your face well. And be careful not to stand in front of a mirror when you are amongst many people.

Of course. Well, its not like I use the mirror regularly anyways, so it should not matter.

Just as he said, Galfredik had no interest in improving his appearance at all. He couldnt even be bothered to shave, and his long, shaggy hair was simply tied up.

Mirian called Galfredik a big bear not only because he was big, but because he possessed a fierce, heinous appearance. Anyone would have the same thought after seeing him for the first time.

However, he underwent a transformation after becoming Eugenes vassal. His skin was now clear, and his plump cheeks were slim, which created a very strong impression on anyone.

Excuse me, Sir Eugene, Romari spoke quietly while looking around the surroundings. She had tagged along to purchase some materials for her experiments.

What is it?

Awakened Origins will be reflected on mirrors. Did you not know?


Its true. The progenitor of our school was also reflected on bronze mirrors, silver mirrors, glass mirrors, and so on.

Hmm. Eugene was greatly surprised. He wasnt too worried because he synced his Black Scales to match his skin color, but he intentionally avoided mirrors just in case. But according to Romari, his actions thus far had all been in vain.

Wait here for a moment.

Yes, Master.

Eugene quickly entered an alley after ordering his slaves. Galfredik and Romari followed. After looking around the surroundings, Eugene removed the Black Scales on his face and drew Wolfslaughter before looking at a reflection of his face.

How is it?

Wow! Its really true. I can see your face just as it is. Here, let me try.

Ah, for thralls

Romari fell silent. Even Galfrediks face was clearly reflected on the cold blade.

Then all you have to do is watch out for sunlight. Its fine for me as long as I dont look at it directly since I have a special ability, but you should be careful, Galfredik.


Um Sir Eugene?

What? Is there something else, wizard? Eugene looked back.

Romari replied with an awkward gaze. Im not sure exactly what kind of special ability you have, but an awakened Origin should be able to walk around in broad daylight without any problems. I thought you already knew because you were already walking around

Eugenes eyes were filled with an even greater shock than the first time. Romari felt an unknown sense of pleasure and gratification as she continued. You should be fine even looking directly at the sun. Only regular vampires cant show their bare skin under the sunlight and look at the sun. An Origin should be fine even walking around naked after awakening.

Wizard, you arent spouting nonsense to assassinate me in the daylight, are you?

H-how could I dare? As I said before, the progenitor of our school

Romari quickly shook her hands while explaining, but Eugene didnt bother listening to her words until the end before taking off his gauntlets and removing Black Scales. Then he stretched out his hand out of the shade into the sun.

It was fine. He didnt feel anything rise from his skin like it did in the past, and he felt no pain at all.

See? I would never lie to Sir Eugene. I swear it on the names of myself, my teacher, and my school

Can I do it too?

Romari spoke proudly with her shoulders stretched wide. Galfredik simply ignored her while stretching his own arm out of the shade.

No, that wont!

A thrall was a normal vampire. Romari shouted with a sense of urgency and attempted to dissuade him.


It worked?

It worked.

Ah. I shouldnt have bought those hats.

I guess so.

I should go return them. Ill just keep one to commemorate.

Romari was thrown into great confusion and distress as she watched the two vampires converse joyfully under the bright sunlight.

Its like all of my knowledge is being denied!

Sir Eugene can walk around confidently in the middle of the day now? Youre not just a great demon king, oh no The great demon emperor is more like it! Kieeeek! Kiekekekekekekek!

If she could see the excited spirit circling around Eugene and could hear her frivolous laughter, Romaris despair would have grown even greater.

DantheMan's Thoughts

An FYI moving forward: The author has changed the names of 2 characters.

1) Crema Galfredik -> Rowan Galfredik

2) Mark -> Luke

All instances of the names will be updated in the earlier chapters to reflect these changes.

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