How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Mmm, hmm

Pascal slowly opened his eyes and felt a tingling pain from his jaw. It was still dark. For some reason, his back felt stiff. He quickly looked over himself after feeling a constant, up-and-down motion. The only things he could see were the horses well-toned legs, the horses armor, and the fluctuating ground.


Realizing that he had been knocked out, Pascal attempted to move his body. However, he couldnt move because something was wrapped tight around his body.

Are you awake?

Pascal struggled to raise his head at the voice. He saw Eugene.

Sir! What do you think you are doing?

What else? I am currently riding on a horse.

Pascal recognized his current situation from Eugenes answer.

He continued while gritting his teeth. Sir! Do you think you will get away with this? I am Lord Bommels nephew! I am warning you

Warn me all you want. I was hired by Lord Fairchild. And Lord Fairchild and Lord Bommel are on the brink of initiating a territorial war. No, perhaps it has begun already.

Keugh! You dare commit such a cowardly act before declaring war?

I heard Sir Robos is in captivity. It seems that a ransom is also being demanded in exchange for his release. Since either side hasnt declared war just yet, wouldnt it be customary to just either punish or release him?


But asking for a ransom It seems as though the war has already begun. Am I right?


Pascal could not find words to retort to Eugenes sharp criticism. He clenched his teeth. But soon, he spoke ferociously. So, are you going to take me to Lord Fairchild and ask for a ransom? No. I guess you would trade me with Sir Robos.

Something like that.

Then you need to treat me as a noble. This is a serious insult to my honor, sir!

Well, I guess this certainly is capable of causing a misunderstanding. Whoa!

After stopping Silion, Eugene loosened the robes wrapped around Pascals body.

I only tied you up because I thought you might fall off without it. I hope you did not misunderstand.


His wrists and legs had been bound way too tight for that to be true, but Pascal remained silent while glaring at Eugene. However, Eugene gave it no thought. He warned Pascal, who was rubbing his hands and feet.

You should know well, but dont even think about running away. I will not kill you considering your status, but as soon as you try, you might find yourself with a couple of broken bones.

He disarmed me. Dammit!

Pascals expression darkened after he discovered that his armor, chainmail, and longsword were hanging on the belt located on the side of the saddle. Eugenes threats deterred his will to run, but more importantly, he knew that it was suicide to wander around in such an attire.

He would most likely be targeted by monsters or beasts, and even if he was lucky, he would be caught by robbers or bandits. He would simply become a prisoner to be traded for ransom.

Fine. I swear on my honor that I will not run away. However, you must treat me properly as a nobleman and take me to the castle of Lord Fairchild.

Isnt this bastard way too shameless? Are all nobles like this? Well, I guess the ice-face acted similarly.

Just as Mirian said, his actions were simply too shameless for a prisoner, but Eugene knew that noblemen regularly behaved like this. As such, he concurred. I will treat you accordingly based on how you act, but I will not take you to the castle of Lord Fairchild.

What?! Dont tell me Are you planning to

Pascal became pale and shuffled back. Eugene raised his visor and shook his head.

I will not kill you, so relax. If I wanted to kill you, I would have taken care of you last night. Why would I bother dragging you all the way here if I wanted to kill you, sir?


Pascal did not like the fact that Eugene was treating his life too lightly, but Eugene had a point.

Pascal became slightly relieved. Then, what is it that you want from me?

I need you to guide me to Lord Bommels castle. I was trying to navigate, but I think I must have taken the wrong way.

In fact, he had intentionally circled around the same path, but Eugene lied. Pascal had been unconscious the entire time, so he couldnt have known the truth.

What? D-did you just say that you wanted to go to my esteemed uncles castle?

Thats right. You have nothing to lose from it, right? I am taking you to your lord.


Pascals forehead creased. He had no idea what the knight was up to, but heading to Lord Bommels castle would only benefit him.

If I get lucky, troops patrolling the villages near the castle could rescue me. But what is he thinking? Why does he want to go there?

The opponent was a knight with black armor and black hair, similar to the dark knight Brittling, whose name once spread like wildfire across the kingdom decades ago. At a glance, it seemed that the knight stemmed from a renowned noble family, judging from his beautiful face and high-end equipment. However, when he recalled the previous nights battle, he felt his goosebumps rise.

There are three knights and more than a hundred troops in my uncles castle. No matter how confident you are in your skills, you wont be able to do anything. Hmph! I guess you are just someone who is thirsty for fame.

Lord Bommel would surely praise this knight. After all, the knight defeated the mercenaries alone and captured him, the keeper of Langbon.

Although Eugene was hired by Viscount Fairchild, it was natural for a nobleman to praise a knight possessing courage and skills. In addition, the bravery he possessed to visit the enemys castle alone was praiseworthy.

Fine. I will show you the way.

Excellent choice. We will set off after taking a short break. Ah, are you thirsty by chance? Do you want some water?

Hmm. I would appreciate it.

Pascal nodded. He felt rather touched that Eugene was showing him a favorable attitude. After receiving a leather pouch from Eugene, he took a large swig. The water was incredibly refreshing.

Kyah! The water tastes incredible. Is it from a stream? Is it spring water?

Ah, well I just came across it on the way, Eugene waved it off with a vague explanation. He couldnt tell the truth. He couldnt tell him that the water was from a water spirits spit and wizz.

Did you hear that? Did you hear? I told you! I told you that it tastes better when it comes out the other way! Didnt I? Ehem! Ehemhem!

Eugene felt complicated emotions upon seeing Pascals reaction. Meanwhile, Pascal was in awe after drinking the water, and Mirian was reveling in the glory while floating above his head.

I guess since both of them are satisfied.

That was all that mattered.


What did you say?! Baron Bommel jumped up from his seat while striking the armrest of his chair.

The mercenary leader hurriedly bowed while responding. I apologize! It was in the middle of the night, and the knights steed was simply too fast. We could not catch up to him.

Is that supposed to be an excuse?! My nephew was kidnapped, and you simply watched from the sidelines!

M-my apologies!

The mercenaries had no choice but to apologize while bowing their heads. Baron Bommel was not a picky employer. He was never late in paying them their wages. They had no excuses after losing their employers keeper, and his nephew, right in front of their eyes.

I trusted in your skills and sent you to Langbon, yet this" Baron Bommel collapsed into his seat, then sighed. Haaah He said to come to Lord Fairchilds castle?

Yes. I think he might want to exchange Sir Pascal with Sir Robos

Shut your mouth! Do you think I wouldnt know that?

The mercenary leader quickly sealed his lips, and Bommel Baron glared at him for a while. Then, he turned towards the knights standing on the side. They had been observing the mercenaries with disdainful eyes.

What are your thoughts, sirs? Appiel is my deceased brothers only son. Trading him with Sir Robos would be the best decision, right?

Naturally. However, the Fairchild family might be preparing something. I think it may be better for us to head there in advance and crush their spirits before we exchange prisoners.

I agree with Sir Polmons words. If they want a siege, thats what they will get. If Lord Fairchild values honor and desires a frontal battle, that is what they will get. Whatever it may be, we are prepared.

Oh! I am very reassured to hear that. So what do you suggest? Should we leave Sir Robos for now and mobilize all of the mercenaries?

Although nobles received education in various fields that set them apart from commoners, not all of them were knights nor well-versed in tactics. That was why there was a distinct class called knights.

Lord Bommel. I think we better leave about half of our troops behind. A knight calmly expressed his opinion. He had been silent until now.

Hmm. Why is that, Sir Raviola?

The other two knights were armed with rather refined plate mail, but he was dressed in an old plate coat. It was passed down to him from generation to generation. Baron Bommel frowned after hearing the young knights suggestion.

If Lord Bommel personally leads the troops, it makes sense for all troops to be mobilized. However, if that is not the case, a portion should remain behind to protect the lord and the castle.


It was clear from Baron Bommels expression that he was asking for clarification.

Raviola continued, We have to take it that an unofficial declaration of war has been made already. We do not know what the Fairchild family has planned, right? Half, or at the least, we need to leave behind thirty percent of our troops here.


Baron Bommel did not seem convinced. It could not be helped. Although he was a dignified employer to the knights and mercenaries, in truth, he had exhausted most of the territorys reserves already.

It was inevitable since he had been paying three knights and more than 100 mercenaries for almost a month by now.

If I cannot finish this war as soon as possible, I will continue to waste money. I need to finish this at once.

Baron Bommel swiftly came to a decision and solemnly declared. No, we will mobilize all the mercenaries. My soldiers will be enough to defend the castle. And each of my sons will fulfill their duties as well.

The Bommel family was a noble family with a title bestowed to them by the kingdom. Their territory was fairly large as well. As such, Pascal and a retired, but fairly skilled mercenary, were made guard captains, and they commanded about fifty troops armed with leather armor and various weapons.

Even if Lord Fairchild has something planned, would you sirs not run into their troops on their way here? There is only one way back and forth.


It was clear from his response that Raviola had something to say, but Polmon interjected and made a mocking, invidious response. The problem with Sir Raviola is that you are too cautious. Prudence is a virtue for a knight, but only in appropriate doses. Too much, and you could be misunderstood as a coward.

What did you say?

Raviola jerked his head, and the remaining knight laughed. I feel the same way. Dont tell me that you wanted to leave one of us here so that you could take all the credit? I value your eagerness, but do you not think that you are playing cheap?

Look here, sirs! What do you take me for? To speak such insulting remarks and

Now, now! Stop it, all of you. Baron Bommel interrupted with a clap. The knights then quickly bowed their heads.

Sir Raviola. I fully understand your opinion, but I also agree that you are being too cautious. You may set off with the other sirs, Baron Bommel continued.

If you say so then I will obey.

The final decision and the resulting responsibility belonged to the employer. The freelancer had no choice but to give up.


Sir Eugene. Why are you not heading into the castle?


You said you would take me to my uncles castle, did you not!? Why are we not heading straight in? Why are you hiding here?! Pascal roared at Eugene. The two of them had been waiting on a small mountain for hours, overlooking Baron Bommels castle and village.

If you say one more word, I may stop treating you as a noble. I will keep my word and take you to that castle, so shut up.


Eugenes warning forced Pascal to shut up.

In fact, the red-eyed knight took good care of him so far on their way here. He made sure not to taint or disrespect his honor.

Ah! The castle gate is opening! Mirian shouted excitedly, and Eugene lowered himself while looking towards the castle. He saw a considerable number of troops crossing the drawbridge, led by three people on horseback.

It was said that Baron Bommel hired about 100 mercenaries.

The distance was too far for Eugene to count one by one, but it seemed that the number of people coming out of the castle was around that number.


Pascal showed puzzlement after discovering the leaving troops. As if something had crossed his mind, he became wide-eyed. D-dont tell me!


Eugene whispered after placing his dagger on Pascals neck, If you shout, you can forget about any kind of treatment. I advise you to keep quiet.

Of course, even if he screamed here, no one would hear it.

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