How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Whats this? Did Duke Batla come personally?

Federiques eyes narrowed. He had already guessed that his brethren from the continent would be similar to himself in status as a high lord. However, the energy he felt was vastly different from the other vampire high lords he had met until now. It was strange.

Perhaps Is he above me?

Federiques eyes glowed coldly. Even if they belonged to different clans, it was an ancient custom of the vampire society to show respect to anyone with greater status than oneself. However, customs were just customs. They werent necessarily enforced.

His Fear might be a little unique since hes from the continent. And his identity wont matter once I kill him.

Federique became determined as he aroused his Fear.

It seems like Duke Batla is here in person. Sirs of Brodia, join me in taking care of Duke Batla. You all will deal with the one accompanying the duke, Federique said.


Yes, Lord Helmond!

The knights of Brodia and the vampire knights unsheathed their weapons. Soon, two armored horses stopped after coming within observable distance. The knights and the vampire knights became rather nervous once they saw that the two enemies were wearing armor that was distinctively different than their own. At the same time, however, their eyes sparkled with a desire for victory and greed toward their opponents equipment.

On the other hand, Federiques eyes were fixated on only one person.

Duke Batla. I never expected you to come in person. I commend your courage, but you were foolish. How could you have possibly

The one receiving Federiques attention tilted his head and turned toward his colleague before speaking, What did that bastard just say?

Hmm. I think he must be mistaking you as Duke Batla, his colleague said.

Kieeeh? Is he an idiot? Isnt it obvious that our sir is the great Duke of Batla? Vassal Gal is just a bandit boss without his shiny armor.

Oi, evil gold spirit. Watch your mouth.

Kieeeh! I could say the same to you!

Quiet. I think it must be because of the Fear youre emitting, Eugene spoke before turning his eyes to the young vampire in silver-blue armor. He had realized not long ago that there were vampires among the group of Brodian knights who had taken Reyma Fransil hostage. It was only natural for Eugene to recognize them since he was openly radiating his Fear at a short distance.

Anyway, hes fine in the sun?

Eugene looked at Federique with interest.

Ha! As expected of a hooligan. You know not of the clans laws and the honor of a knight. Its basic etiquette to learn the language of your kind once you arrive in another kingdom. Unlike Eugene, Federique was furious at the two knights for daring to chat leisurely while facing him.

Federique was born in Brantia and had never left the mainland. He could not understand the conversation that the two knights were having since they were conversing in the language of the Caylor Kingdom. In particular, he could not hide his disappointment at Duke Batla, who was clearly the burlier of the two knights.

I cannot believe that such an ignorant man is a high lord of our clan and the Duke of Batla. Tsk! Anyway, since I cant understand their words, I wont get a chance to find out which clan they belong to and who they serve. No, this isnt too bad, Federique said. If he was ever put in a sticky situation, he had an excuse for the one who transformed Duke Batla into a vampire.


Federique drew his longsword without hesitation. The vampires standing behind him flinched. Unlike Federique, who was a high lord and a daywalker, they were vulnerable to silver weapons.

Take care of the black one standing next to him. You lot and I will take care of Duke Batla. Even though he may be an ignorant wanderer, he has been blessed by a noble one. It is also our duty to let him pass with honor, Federique stated.

Yes! The vampire knights raised their shields and shortswords.

What the hell is that bastard talking about? Whys he trying to show off?

Kehehehe! Guys like him always receive a harsh beating from Sir Eugene.

Eugene ignored the giggling spirit and his scoffing vassal. He narrowed his eyes while observing the crests embedded on the shields of the vampire knights.


He was certain. The vampire lord he had destroyed in Mungard had been wearing armor with the exact crest.

The Helmond Clan, right?

Eugenes thoughts were disrupted as the vampires roared after mistaking Galfredik for Duke Batla.

Kill him!


Federique and the other vampire knights unleashed their Fears simultaneously.


Although everything happened in a flash, Eugene noticed it. The opposing vampires Fears had gathered together to separate himself and Galfredik. Naturally, Eugene was unaffected, but Galfrediks horse reared with shock and ran off.


Whats wrong with this horse?! Galfredik became flustered and pulled on his reins, but it was useless. The horse hurried in the direction away from the Fear, which was toward the knights of Brodia and the vampire in silver-blue armor.

Youre ours! Kuwuuugh!

Kill that man and present his armor to Lord Helmond!

Your blade looks nice! Kuhahahaha!

Simultaneously, a group of vampire knights in chainmail charged at Eugene. A wave of dirt ruptured when more than ten horses began moving at once.


Shuuack! Shiick!

The dizzying sound of galloping horses resonated. Battleaxes and maces pierced through the obscuring dust toward Eugene. The vampire knights had no doubt that their attacks would connect.

A pre-emptive strike would always gift them a victory. And no matter how durable the opponents armor was, it would be useless in the face of their overwhelming numbers.

Clang! Kakang!



The vampire knights were left bewildered at the intense impact that followed the clear, metallic sounds. However, they were vampires powerful enough to be direct subordinates of a high lord. They immediately adapted to the situation and attempted to ride past Eugene. It was the best judgment since their initial attacks had failed, and since their vision was impaired by the dust.



However, a scream was immediately followed by a loud noise. It was impossible to differentiate whether the scream belonged to one of their allies or the black knight, but the vampires stuck to their original decision and passed by without panicking. The vampire knights had trained together and fought together for a long time. As such, they managed to turn their horses at the exact same time without any cues.

At that moment



Their eyes became filled with confusion. A long, cylindrical path was being created through the curtain of dust along with the sound of strong wind. And as soon as they realized that there was a black object responsible for creating the phenomenon, the object flashed and curved before piercing the three of them.

Terrible screams broke out from all directions.

The vampire knights were greatly shocked, but as experienced veterans, they kept their composure and ran in the direction of the black flash.


Although their vision was still impaired, they were still riding toward the same place by each others sides. Moreover, there was only one opponent. In other words, whoever was standing in their paths should be the enemy.

The vampire knights glared straight ahead while keeping their concentration at its peak.



As soon as a horses head appeared through the dirt, a vampire knight swung his battleaxe just above the horses head.


However, the axe struck nothing but air. There was no one on the horses back. No, to be exact, the rider wasnt a human being.

Kihehehhe! Youre so stupid~ My subordinate number one~ Giddy up! Giddy up! Kiehhhh!

What?! The vampire knight gasped as the insidious voice passed him by. His eyes filled with disbelief.


Suddenly, a sound similar to the flapping of a large animal resonated, and the dust was pushed to the ground like a wave.


The vampire relied on his instincts and attempted to swing his battleaxe upwards.



His eyes captured a beam of silver light penetrating through his visor.



Black smoke and blood poured out from the vampire knights face like a fountain, and the horse collapsed to the ground as the weight of the knights killer bore down on it.

W-what?! one of the vampire knights let out a frightened shout.

Eugenes glaring, crimson eyes immediately turned toward the shout. He had set Silion as bait before jumping up like a bird and taking care of the first knight. The vampire knights possessed considerable strength and physical abilities. However, although they possessed excellent night vision, it was useless when there were physical obscurities, such as dust, in their path. On the other hand, Eugenes five senses were incomparably superior to the vampire knights. He had used it to pinpoint the precise location of the knights.

Its rather fun to fight without using my Fear. Its good training.

Eugene flung himself at the next target while licking the blood of the defeated knights armor that flowed through the gap in his helmet. He was like an abyssal beast.


Several silver-tipped arrows were released at once. Simultaneously, Galfrediks crimson eyes glowed a hue darker. His longsword blurred for a moment and left behind a trail of lights.



Galfredik had only deflected the arrows aimed at the gaps in his plate armor with his longsword, but Federique became wide-eyed after witnessing the opponents terrifying swordsmanship. He had heard rumors regarding Duke Batlas skills, but this was above his expectations.

Even so! Kuwuuuuugh! Federique unleashed all of his Fear at once. The Fear of a vampire high lord contained a powerful force capable of causing medium-sized monsters such as lycanthropes and trolls to hesitate momentarily.

Even another high lord would surely


This damned horse! Galfredik shouted angrily when his horse reared once again. He climbed onto his saddle.

What?! The knights of Brodia were taken aback by Galfrediks action as they prepared to fire their arrows once again. However, they were brilliant knights in their own right.


Several arrows left their bowstrings even in the midst of the chaos, and Galfredik slashed down from the air.


The arrows were deflected by his armor, and Galfrediks sword hacked the head of a horse belonging to one of the knights. Galfredik continued without hesitation and wielded his longsword while bathing in the fountain of blood.

Craaack! Crack!

Neiiig! Neiiiiiigh!

The horses of the human knights collapsed with decapitated heads and broken legs.



The knights grunted, but they managed to roll down from their steeds without any injuries. However, Galfrediks two maces were waiting for them as they straightened themselves out.

Bang! Bang!

Although quite shabby, the knights had been wearing plate armor. However, the armor proved ineffective against the maces. Their limbs were crushed, their heads blown, and their bodies were blown away.

Galfredik was a knight who stood at the top. The knights couldnt handle the tremendous force behind Galfrediks attacks.



Blood, broken blades, and unrecognizable pieces of flesh scattered in the air.


In an instant, five knights were killed or disabled. The survivors shouted with fear. They turned to their only saving grace and begged.

Lord Helmond! Help us!

Lord Helmond!


Federique had been watching the scene unfold with a blank expression. The knights shouts brought him to his senses. Galfrediks entire figure was caked in blood. The burly knight grinned at Federique.

Hey, you. The one who looks like a man-whore. Are you coming or not?

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