How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 142

Chapter 142


As the vassals Fear collided with the evil energy, a thunderous roar occupied the narrow corridor. As the obsidian energy and the crimson aura merged and scattered in the darkness, a thin light tore through it.

Ah Clay was dumbfounded by the sight of the spectacular swordwork cutting and separating the evil energy. Vampires were called the Tribe of the Darkness, and she never imagined that a creature belonging to the night could tear apart the darkness with such a cold, beautiful light. On the other hand, Eugenes gaze penetrated through the darkness and keenly observed Galfrediks swordsmanship.

Amazing. He has improved even further.

Eugene had first acquired Galfrediks swordsmanship when he took the burly knight as his vassal. However, Galfrediks current skills had vastly improved compared to their initial meeting. The death knights evil aura was capable of affecting not only living creatures but the spirit of vampires as well. However, Galfredik was easily cutting through the evil energy with a single sword. Simultaneously, he continued to deal blows to the death knight with the mace in his left hand and restricted the monsters movements. The enemy would have screamed with pain and faltered if they were capable of sensation. However, the death knight didnt back down or collapse even though it was being continuously pummeled and stabbed.


Eugene was amazed at the death knight, but he wasnt worried about Galfredik at all, neither did he think Galfredik would lose. His vassal was currently enjoying a confrontation with a rare, skilled knight, who was also a death knight. It was evident by the fact that Galfredik didnt take several opportunities to cut the death knights head and end the battle outright.

But it seemed Galfredik became bored quite quickly. After a while, he thrust Wolfslaughter under the death knights helmet while blocking the monsters attack with his mace.


Black smoke started to spew from the stab wound along with a terrible cry. Galfredik pulled out the sword and then drew it horizontally from the left side.


The death knights head, which had been half severed and dangling, fell to the floor rather pathetically.

Is it over? Hmm?


Both Eugene and Galfredik paused. It had seemed as if the death knight would collapse after being decapitated. However, the monster staggered for a moment before suddenly bending down and picking up its lost head. Eugene was at a loss for words after witnessing the horrible, bizarre, yet comical sight. Galfredik seemed to be just as dumbfounded. He simply stared as the monster picked up its fallen head.

After scrounging around, the death knight successfully picked up its head, placed it on the stump of his neck, then spun his head a few times as if reassembling it. Then, the death knight was made whole once again. It roared vigorously.


It was quite dispiriting.

Master, do I have to keep fighting this thing? Galfredik asked.

Eugene responded, It seems like I will have to find the culprit who turned him into a death knight. Keep it company for a while.

Got it. I will have to test how many times itll attach its head, Galfredik said before pouncing on the creature once again.

Eugene turned his head. Lets go.

What? Ah! Y-y-yes! I will obey your orders! Clay shouted. Banneret Randolph had been a powerful knight who was unrivaled by anyone near Brighton except Baron Riwad. In addition, his power had been elevated significantly after turning into a death knight. However, Galfredik was regarding him as mere practice. Clay felt shocked as she hurriedly followed behind Eugene.

Shuack! Slice! Clang!

She had only taken a few steps when Clay heard the sound of the monsters head falling to the ground along with its helmet. Then, it sounded as if the death knight was fumbling around


How strange. Will you put your arms or legs back together if I cut them as well?

Shuuack! Slice! Thuck!


Wow. Then what about your dick?

Keugh! Banneret Randolph! Please wait a little longer! Im sorry!

Clay felt hugely apologetic and sympathetic. The banneret had met an unfortunate fate and had now become the plaything of a vampire duke.


After traveling for about 30 minutes, Eugene and Clay arrived at an empty chamber about 10 meters high and five to six times as wide. They fought three battles during their trip, but ghouls, zombies, and skeletons posed no threat to Eugene. Rather, they provided Eugene with an unexpected bonus.

Did you grab everything? Eugene asked.

Yes, oh great one! Clay bowed with a polite reply. She had been degraded to a mere porter before she realized it. She was carrying a large bag, which had belonged to a certain ghoul. It was filled with treasures and coins.

I didnt expect anyone to have used this place as an escape route, Eugene stated.

N-neither did I. I never imagined anyone would have entered this place after the map was lost, Clay responded. The members of the search party for banneret Randolph werent the only transformed undead roaming the sewer and underground waterways of Brighton. Judging by their conditions and clothes, it appeared there were quite a few who had been wealthy nobles and their servants. It was presumed that they had escaped underground during wars and conflicts.

Each of them possessed quite a bit of coin and wealth on their bodies, and as such, Eugene made an unexpected income.

Hmm. I might be able to recover some more if I roam around a little bit more, Eugene muttered.

Kieeee Im scared, but if thats what you want N-no. Ghosts are scary after all. No! Money comes first! We have to scrape together more money, even if its a single coin. Kieehehrk?! M-my inner money dragon is about to awaken. Ah! S-sir, s-stop me Kieeeehhk! The spirit eventually lost her mind and fell into a deranged state as greed and fear tugged at her heart from either side. Eugene shoved her into the leather pocket. His gaze happened to meet with Clay's.

Eugene felt the slightest bit of guilt when he saw her expression, which was a mixture of fear, awe, and anxiety.

We can take care of the rest later, Eugene said.

Y-your humble servant will simply obey the will of the great monarch, Clay responded. Even though she had served Bannaret Randolph for decades, he couldnt be compared to someone who stood at the apex of their race.

I wouldnt forego my promise. It just so happens that there is a culmination of evil energy on the other side. The person or object responsible for cursing your master should be located over there, Eugene said.

I am truly grateful. And indeed, Clay was thrilled.

He was so merciful! He was truly a great man who looked after all the members of their race.

There was a round, dome-shaped sinkhole located in the middle of the chamber, which was closed by a large stone gate. It appeared as if it was a dam to collect river water or rainwater. Eugene started to cross its center before suddenly coming to a stop and whispering, You, get down immediately.

I obey your orders! Clay quickly fell flat without daring to ask why. A moment later, the cries of hundreds of undead could be heard from her surroundings.

Guoooooooo.! Huooooooo!

Cover your ears, too, Eugene added. Clay quickly covered her ears even before Eugene finished. Nevertheless, the terrible cries of the undead still penetrated her ears. Even the very ground trembled at the vibration generated by the cries of hundreds of undead.


Clay began to tremble. However, she was able to muster up the courage to slightly raise her head. As expected, hundreds of undead were rushing toward her and Eugene from all sides. The hundreds of undead belonged to different races, but all of them had damaged bodies and terrible appearances.


Clay froze with shock.


The Origins roar merged with the Fear emitting from his figure, then became a translucent wave rushing in all directions.


The waves spread in a hemispherical shape around Eugene and washed over the waves of undead like a tsunami.


Clay could not believe her eyes. Every undead swept by the translucent waves of crimson subsequently burst in place. Most of the monsters exploded above their knees, leaving behind only dark gray grains, but the fresher ones erupted into red mists as their bodies exploded.

The mist of blood was absorbed by the Origin, who was the lord of blood and the ruler of darkness.


The sight of hundreds of slender, crimson threads gathering toward the center where Eugene was located was a truly spectacular sight. The blood of various creatures engulfed Eugenes entire figure and seeped into his Black Scales. Although they had already died once, the total amount of blood Eugene had absorbed was tremendous. His eyes became filled with a glint as he took it all in.

Eugenes eyes glowed even deeper than before and shone like rubies. His gaze was directed at the end of the pit. A figure was standing there.

The figure was wearing a robe made of animal skin and a goats head. They faltered after seeing Eugenes gaze.

They were the one responsible for turning Randolph into a death knight and creating the undead.

******* *******?! The figure shouted.

Clay couldnt understand, but Eugene was capable of understanding all languages due to the ability he had gained from consuming the drakes red mana stone. He responded to the figure, Theres no need for you to know from where my esteemed self came from. Die.


Eugenes spear shot forward even before he finished his words. And just as he finished, Madarazika was already piercing the figures goat head, who was likely a black wizard.

Bang! Whoooosh!

The figures body dispersed like smoke as soon as Madarazika penetrated the goat head.


Eugene instinctively recognized it as magic. A long, murderous flame filled with magic shot toward him from the left.


Eugenes body was covered in evil energy along with a loud roar.

******! *****! ********! Kukakakakaka!

A sputum of laughter was followed by the figures unknown shouts. And as the bizarre laughter and the evil energy dispersed

This is that magic shield, you little bastard, Eugene shouted. Before he finished his sentence, Madarazika left behind a trail of red light and pierced the source of the laugh.



A long, terrible howl filled the chamber. It was distinctly different from regular screams, and it sounded as if the figures very soul was being extinguished.


***! *****, ** **** Even as their body was engulfed in flames, the mysterious figure uttered a few more words before falling flat on the spot. Then, they disappeared completely with a crimson smoke, leaving behind only their clothes and belongings.

Phew Eugene took a breath before turning his head. Clay was still shivering, sprawled on the floor.

Its over. Get up, he said.

Yes! Yes! Clay jumped to her feet. However, she staggered, unable to overcome the remnants of Eugenes massive fear and the evil energy.

Everything good? Eugene asked.

Clay checked all over her body before shouting in a touched voice, I-Im fine!

Yup! Yup! The backpack is fine! The money, jewelry, everything is fine! Kiehekhehehehehe! Clay and Mirian answered almost simultaneously.

Thats a relief, Eugene said.

Kihehehehehe! Hooray!

Ah! Ahhh!!!

The spirit of desire was happy that their treasures were safe, and the vampire knight was touched that Eugene was worried for her. Although the vampire knight was gravely mistaken, both her and the spirit of desire were filled with joy.



Banneret Randolph! Clay exclaimed in joy. Randolph had recovered to his former state as a vampire.

Im so glad! Im so glad! Clay shouted. Vampires didnt shed tears. However, Clay bowed her head with reddened eyes, as if she were about to shed tears of blood.

Its all thanks to you. Your loyalty brought me back. And the two of you! Randolph exclaimed before turning toward Eugene and Galfredik.

No words could ever repay you for helping me. However, in the name of the Rivoles Clan, I am willing to provide a fortune to compensate you. It wont leave much more to be

Clay interrupted him, Banneret!

Hmm? Whats wrong? Randolph asked.

T-these people are Clay attempted to dissuade Randolph from offering mere treasure to a duke and an Origin with a pale expression.


Money? How much can you offer? Eugene said.


Hahaha! Two boxes of gold coins! No, I will pay three boxes of gold coins! Randolph shouted.

Thats good to hear. Eugene grinned before glaring at Clay, who was trembling with fear.

Clay understood the great monarchs intentions perfectly. She bowed her head with a look of exaltation.

The monarch is currently hiding his identity. I cant give it away!

Ah, by the way, my body feels rather sore and squeaky. Is it because of the curses remnants? Banneret Randolph muttered while rubbing his neck and limbs.


Clay flinched. The scene of his battle as a death knight flashed by Clays head. She glanced at Galfredik.

Hes feigning ignorance!

Clay quickly commented, T-thats probably why. I believe its the aftermath of being subjected to a terrible curse.

Is that so? But hmmm. Randolph stopped himself from touching the place where it was most sore, then smiled awkwardly.

Ahaha. That must be why.

Why was his genitalia so sore? Randolph remained rather suspicious, but Galfredik coughed and interrupted his thoughts, Ehem! Isnt that better than going bald? I know someone who went bald because of a curse.

Ah! Thats true. Randolph trembled as he instinctively stroked his rich hair. Vampires could regenerate any parts of their bodies unless they were struck with silver weapons. However, even they couldnt regenerate their hair.

Kieeehhehe! Some of my seniors were bald as well. They would always get teased. Even magic cant fix baldness!

Eugene thought that perhaps, among all kinds of magic and the mysterious, the curse of baldness might be the scariest of them all.

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