How to Live as a Wandering Knight

Chapter 199: ๐‘๐ž๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง (7)

Chapter 199: ๐‘๐ž๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง (7)

โ€˜๐˜ž๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ฌ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง *๐˜ด๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜จ๐˜ถ๐˜บ๐˜ด ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜บ. . .?โ€™

Johan was dumbfounded for a moment, at a loss for words. The current situation was not like they were facing each other on an open field in broad daylight. It was an ambush outside the town.

Naturally, the opponents would be confused and chaotic.

And yet, there were guys who couldnโ€™t handle it and ran away?

โ€œIt seems the knights on the right wing brought soldiers who were inadequately trained or lacked experience.โ€

โ€œHow shameful.โ€

Iselia and Suetlg clicked their tongues, but were not too surprised.

In the first place, Johanโ€™s standards were rather peculiar. Johan basically wanted his subordinates to have a high level of training and tight discipline.

Of course itโ€™s not bad if soldiers are well trained, but itโ€™s not something you can have just because you want it. It was realistically impossible.

Most of the soldiers participating in the conscription were mercenaries or conscripts. It was impossible to move as one body in this situation, synchronizing hands and feet through daily training.

Wealthy feudal lords could keep mercenary corps for a long time and train them like private soldiers, but the lords here were far from that. Why would they waste money on something they didnโ€™t even need?

If they didnโ€™t have the orderly ability to fight each other, the battle would ultimately be greatly affected by the abilities of individuals like knights.

With just a few skilled knights among the enemies, this kind of thing could easily happen.

โ€œIt seems the enemy can fight better than I thought.โ€

โ€œIf we leave them alone any longer, it will completely collapse.โ€

It was upsetting, but Johan prepared to go help. If the right wing was breached, things could get bigger. Visibility was poor due to the darkness. Fear was infectious.

โ€œCentaurs, itโ€™s time to fight! Follow me!โ€

Happy shouts burst out behind Johan at his call. The time for battle had finally come.


โ€œDo not back down! Those Peninsula b*stards are cowards who do not even know how to wield weapons! Even if you get hit, you will not get hurt!โ€

โ€œSir Felix! Please provide some support over here! There are too many enemies!โ€

โ€œIโ€™m on my way now! Hold on!โ€

The knights from the Holy Empire, under the emperorโ€™s command, were fighting fiercely in the town.

Despite readily rushing into the town with Advikoโ€™s boastful words, what awaited them was an abrupt ambush.

As expected of seasoned knights, they were fighting well even against such a surprise attack, but the enemies pouring in from all directions put great pressure on them. They could not even guess how many enemies were hidden in the darkness.

The first ones to start running away were the inexperienced mercenary recruits.

โ€œDonโ€™t scatter! Maintain formation against the fence! Iโ€™ll behead any deserters!โ€

As some of the mercenaries tried to flee, a knight stepped forward and cut them down with his sword. Only then did the others take notice and divert their gazes.

โ€œThat idiot mongrel Adviko!โ€

โ€œDid you send a request for reinforcements?!โ€

โ€œI sent it, but it will take some time! We have to endure!โ€

โ€œItโ€™s as if Adviko conspired with a petty thief to bear this. . .!โ€

They had no idea what Adviko did or how they were found out. The knights raised their weapons, vowing to capture Adviko by the collar when they returned as they retreated.

โ€œMy brothers! Crises like today are neither the first nor the last. Raise your swords and seize glory!โ€

The surrounded Empire knights raged like beasts. They pushed back even the ambushers with their momentum. As the mercenaries fell while bleeding, soldiers hurriedly ran over to report.

โ€œThe empire knights are over there!โ€

โ€œTheyโ€™re terribly feisty! Go and show them your skill!โ€


A knight also stepped forward from the Baronโ€™s side, but collapsed miserably against the joint attack of the empire knights. The baronโ€™s face was dyed in bewilderment.

โ€œ. . . . . .โ€

At that, the empire knightsโ€™ morale rose even higher. Hearing the cheers from the opponentโ€™s side amidst the chaos, some of the ambushing mercenaries mistakenly assessed the situation and began to flee.

โ€œNowโ€™s our chance! Theyโ€™re shaken! Charge!โ€

โ€œThese *sshole b*stards. . .! Get them back here!โ€

โ€œThereโ€™s the enemy commander! Take down their commander!โ€

While the mercenaries were of similar caliber, the empire knights were far more seasoned than the ambushing knights. Having followed the Emperor and fought on battlefields, they had ample experience.

In such chaotic situations with no grasp of who is who, targeting the commander was the most effective approach.

โ€œTaking him down will open up the path! Seize him! Iโ€™ll give half the ransom to whichever mercenary captures that noble!โ€

โ€œProtect the Baron! Do not back down!โ€

They clashed, but the momentum was with the Empire knights. The bewildered Baron tried to flee, but with the abundance of soldiers nearby and the darkness, slipping away was no easy feat. The distance rapidly narrowed.

โ€œIf you are a noble who understands honor, fight me fair and square!โ€

Despite the Empire knightโ€™s provocation, the Baron ignored him. Why would he want to help the opponent out?

But regardless, no escape path could be seen. Perhaps getting off the horse earlier and slipping away amidst the soldiers would have been better.

When he wondered if he really had to surrender, the trumpet sounded from behind.


The trumpet sounded once more. At the same time, the thundering sound of galloping horses began to be heard.

Piercing through the darkness, Johan was leading his cavalry.



Some of the fighting mercenaries suddenly grabbed their necks and faces as they collapsed. The flying arrows were so fast they could not even be seen before striking them.

โ€œMore enemies have gathered!โ€

โ€œNo need to fear! With terrain like this, they canโ€™t charge all at once no matter their numbers! Maintain formation!โ€

However, contrary to the Empire knightsโ€™ boasts, Johanโ€™s forces began penetrating and collapsing their formation like the sharp points of spears. As the mercenaries quickly crumbled, the Empire knights realized the situation and were shocked.

โ€œThe enemyโ€™s knight is quite skilled! We must face him!โ€

โ€œSir Aneat, follow me! Let us take him down together!โ€

The Empire knights halted their pursuit of the Baron and charged towards Johan instead. Amidst the flickering fires swaying in the darkness, they spotted Johanโ€™s shining figure and shouted:

โ€œIf you are an honorable knight, declare your family name!โ€

โ€œJohan of Yeats Family.โ€

Along with his horse, Johan swung his sword. Sir Aneat, as he was called, quickly lowered his head, but the attack narrowly grazed above his helmet.


Ah! Her vision shook and she couldnโ€™t keep her balance so she collapsed.

To the knights watching from the side, it was incomprehensible. How could she collapse from that attack?

Johan looked around at the knights and said,

โ€œSurrender. If you surrender, I promise honorable treatment according to custom.โ€

Being attacked from all sides in an encircled situation. It was natural to consider surrendering in this situation. If they were mercenary captains, they would have certainly surrendered.

But the knights were a bit different. Whether because they were fearless, didnโ€™t care about their lives, or unconsciously, because of their self-worth and customs, they were confident they wouldnโ€™t die.

They donโ€™t easily surrender until after being hit by a spear and falling off a horse and getting caught.

โ€œIf you want us to surrender, come take us yourself!โ€

โ€œI see.โ€

Johan didnโ€™t seem particularly surprised, as if he had expected it. Especially Erlans elves, but Empire knights werenโ€™t very cultured and sensible either.

โ€œIselia. Take the one on the right.โ€

โ€œGot it.โ€

Iselia gripped her spear and rode to the side. Although elven knights were known to be powerful in the Empire, the knights here focused on Johan rather than Iselia.

Thereโ€™s something about that guy!

โ€œSir Khoti, be careful. Seeing Sir Aneat collapse, he may be using some strange magic.โ€

โ€œI know. Iโ€™ll be careful.โ€

Just because they were knights didnโ€™t mean they always insisted on decent methods. They would poison their swords and sell their honor to evil magic. The Empire knights suspected Johanโ€™s sword was cursed with evil magic.

โ€œI will go first!โ€

Sir Khotiโ€™s swordsmanship was known to be solid and flawless within the Empire. It was so firm that the knights who faced him would become anxious without realizing it and make mistakes.

With Sir Khoti, even if the enemy had a magic sword, he would be able to withstand it for a while and find out its identity.

โ€œI am of House Barver. . .โ€

Before he could finish speaking, Johan charged in like lightning. Caught off guard by Johanโ€™s attack at an unthinkable speed, Sir Khoti was startled.

But his battle-hardened body moved on its own without him realizing. Sir Khoti bent back to avoid the first attack.


The sound from above was so fierce that his bones chilled. Sir Khoti hurriedly raised his sword to restrain Johan.

It wasnโ€™t an ancient Empire heirloom, but Sir Khotiโ€™s sword was a decent heirloom that had been passed down through his family for generations. Thanks to the magical aura embedded in the steel, the sword was sturdy and slick.

But no matter how good the sword, it was meaningless if the wielder couldnโ€™t handle it. As he swung it to restrain Johan, the sword he was using to parry suddenly slipped out of control and Sir Khoti was so startled that he let go of it.

โ€˜๐˜Ž๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ด.โ€™

If he had held on, he would have died, stabbed by his own sword. Now empty-handed, Sir Khoti rolled to the side. The watching knights were dismayed.

Even Sir Khoti couldnโ€™t withstand him?

โ€œYour Excellency the Count! Let me help you!โ€

Perhaps his mind cleared a bit since Johan had come and pushed everyone away, the Baron shouted. His guards also gathered around again, and the knights brought some more men to prepare to fight again.

โ€œCount? . . .Count Yeats! Was it Count Yeats?!โ€

Before Johan finished speaking, Iselia took down a knight. The price for taking his eyes off his opponent.

Johan didnโ€™t let up either and targeted another one. Sir Felix, aware of Johanโ€™s reputation, tried his best to avoid clashing swords with him directly and kept circling around.

Johan took out Warhammer and threw it. Sir Felix tried to block it in surprise and collapsed vomiting blood.

โ€œI surrender. I have no confidence in defeating the Count!โ€

The Empire knights around them gave up on further fighting and lowered their swords. When actually facing him, it was suffocatingly intense. Three knights had already fallen and were writhing on the ground.

Seeing the knights surrender, the mercenaries around also quietly lowered their weapons, gauging the situation.

In fact, looking at the situation, they could have kept fighting. There were still many soldiers left, and many knights remained, so if Johan dodged well and broke through the encirclement, an opportunity could have emerged.

However, having lost in battle, the Empire knights honorably chose to surrender by custom. Although it may seem foolish at first glance, such customs held greater value to the knights.

โ€œSir Knight! Reinforcements are coming! Adviko-nim has sent support, so please hold on a little longer!โ€

A messenger ran over shouting from afar. It seemed he still didnโ€™t have a full grasp of the situation. Due to the noisy surroundings and many still fighting, he thought the knights were still battling.

The Empire knights looked at the messenger with bewildered and embarrassed expressions.

If reinforcements are coming, they should have come sooner, not after weโ€™ve all surrendered!

โ€œYou surely wonโ€™t go back on your surrender?โ€

โ€œ. . .T-That wonโ€™t happen.โ€

Although they spoke like that, their dissatisfied feelings showed as the knights stammered.


Upon hearing the request for support, Adviko was surprised and urged his soldiers. He didnโ€™t expect to have to use the soldiers he had kept on standby like this.

This was not just a problem of a few hundred people getting annihilated if the expedition group got caught. It was about many of the Emperorโ€™s knights getting caught. From Advikoโ€™s perspective, who didnโ€™t want to make regretful noises towards the Emperorโ€™s side, this was the worst situation.

โ€œWake up the mercenaries and get them moving! Request support from the remaining knights as well. Move as fast as possible!โ€

Although it was chaotic and frantic, Adviko succeeded in preparing the soldiers quickly. Troops close to the entire army dashed towards the town in the darkness.

Including Adviko, no one could have expected that they would clash against each other so greatly in such an unexpected situation!

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