How to Live as a Wandering Knight

Chapter 102.1: 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 (2)

Chapter 102.1: 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 (2)

Johan did not refuse the embracing bishop and accepted it.

Despite the rumors of having a greasy and corrupt soul, the bishops appearance was plausible enough to deceive even Johan.

True to being a sheep beastman, he had two well-groomed, stylish horns on his head, his face was slightly emaciated like a priest practicing asceticism, and his voice and eyes were full of restrained power.


Surely, not just anyone could be a bishop. Of course, one needs a supporting family in the background, but personal capability is essential too.

After the greetings, Bishop Biagione praised Johan for capturing the troll and wiping out the den of the heretics, clapping his hands and stamping his feet in an experienced manner.

Even a knight who shunned the bishop upon hearing his rumors couldnt help but be swayed by his reputation and aura once meeting him face to face.

Especially after hearing such words directly!


Of course, Johan was thinking about what to have for dinner, letting the bishops words go in one ear and out the other. What was interesting was how well the bishop knew about the events that happened far away.

It meant that the communication between the church orders was that detailed.

No surprise there. Even now, most of the record-keeping and administration in the fiefdoms were handled by the church. . .

Johan waited, then bowed his head and covered his face with his hands. To anyone looking, it seemed like he was overwhelmed with emotion and holding back tears.

Whats wrong?

I didnt expect to meet you, Bishop. . .

Dont be too nervous! I, Biagione, am just a humble servant of God.

Karamaf, who was lying next to them, growled indifferently. Biagione flinched. It seemed he was quite afraid of wolves, given Karamafs size.

We are all the same souls before God. I, Biagione, consider you a brother in faith, and you should also consider me one.

After an awkward moment passed, the bishop began to get to the point.

He praised the bravery of the mercenaries and warriors led by Johan, and then asked where he planned to go now that the citys fight was over.

I havent decided yet.

Then fight for faith and belief, brother.

For a moment, Johan thought the bishop was suggesting going on a crusade, but realized the bishop wasnt that insane.

It was just a fancy way of saying to fight under the bishops name!


In this era, everyone had many enemies, especially the powers attached to the Edene Sea. For instance, the Beneto Republic fought with other city-states in the west, small kingdoms in the east, and pagans and pirates in the southern sea.

In this light, the several hundred fierce and brave warriors led by Johan were certainly noteworthy, especially for their accomplishments in the recent siege.

Fighting for the city?

No. Youre fighting for me, Biagione. Remember, thats different. Dont fall for the city folks attempts to corrupt you.

The bishop stated it bluntly.

Johan was puzzled. Dont people usually say theyre fighting for the city?

The path of a faithful person is always lonely. There are many who target me, Biagione. Both outside and inside the city. Will you protect me with your well-honed sword and fiery faith?

Of course.

Though Johan intended to negotiate depending on how much the other party was willing to pay, he initially agreed. After all, he could always come up with an excuse to refuse later.


However, the bishop turned out to be surprisingly generous.

He had a servant bring out a chest full of Empire gold coins and insisted that Johan fill his hands with them himself. It was an effective display of wealth. With this much, he could easily employ people for a year and still have some left.

I dont doubt your faith, brother, but those you employ will need gold. Is this sufficient?

Its more than enough, thank you.


Johan felt slightly baffled as his expectations were off. He had thought the bishops friendly demeanor and mention of faith were ploys to hire him cheaply.

But with this amount of gold, such tactics were unnecessary.

Was it just a conversation to build camaraderie?

But, Bishop, I am a knight of His Excellency the Duke, and at the same time, a cavalry officer. . .

D-Dont worry about that, brother. I have no intention of clashing with His Excellency. Even if I did, I wouldnt send you to such a place. Do you feel reassured now?

Yes, thank you.

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