Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 141: Dong’s Circumstances

Chapter 141: Dong’s Circumstances

Yui Mei stepped forward and introduced herself.

Hello, I am a court lady from the Hundred Blossom Palace, and the subordinate of Mings old friend.

And I am her escort.

It actually didnt matter that Yui Mei didnt say her name, but Li Yong didnt bother to give it, too.

Was it perhaps because it would seem off that Yui Mei wouldnt name herself but he would?

Apparently, he respected Yui Meis wish to remain anonymous.

I see, nice to meet you, Miss Court Lady of the Palace. I am Dong, and I am the person currently under their care.

Dong also introduced himself, then they moved on to another place. It was decided that they would enjoy the gao that Yui Mei had brought.

Of course, Yui Mei also had her share.

Everyone sat around the table. The old lady reheated the gao and distributed it with the tea that she had prepared.

The old lady also secured some for herself apparently; as expected of her.

And so, they enjoyed the gao with everyone.

Hm, Mei Nas gao are so yummy, no matter when, where and who you eat it with!

Yui Mei happily had her fill, then they moved on to their real purpose.

Actually, we heard about Mr. Dongs condition. It seems that you lost your memories?

Yui Mei was direct to the point, but Dong didnt stiffen, seemingly used to being asked by the people around him. He nodded, instead.

Mr. Dong, cant you remember anything at all?

Yui Mei probed further. Dong nodded before replying.

But, theres a persistent thought that I should go to the capital at all costs, although it is quite vague. I decided to go for it since I dont have anywhere else to go, and thats how I reached this place.

Hmm, is that so.

Yui Mei gauged that Dong didnt seem to have completely forgotten everything and it made her feel relieved.

She also dealt with patients suffering from post-traumatic amnesia after getting involved in accidents from time to time. As long as they had the tiniest clue about their memories, their treatment options would also increase.

Since you remembered that you have to go to the capital, there must be something urgent and important business that you have to do here?

Yui Mei pointed it out, and Dong seemed to reflect on it while he replied.

Important mattersYes, I think it is indeed something tremendously important. Thats why I wanted to remember what it is as soon as possible, and I tried several things in order to hasten my recollection. I also considered the possibility of remembering it if I walked around the city, but to no avail; I still cant remember anything.

Dong seemed miserable as those words spilled from him.

Mmmm, seems like hes brooding over it

When a person brooded over it, remembering would become much more difficult, and the person might become more anxious.

Anxiety would complicate all illnesses. 

It was mentioned that you came from Dong; where is it, precisely?

Li Yong also started interrogating Dong.

It seemed that he was also curious.

The village head told me that my own village was somewhere near the provincial borders of the neighboring country and this empire. He told me that he picked me up because I had collapsed in the mountain.

Provincial borders, is it? Thats quite far.

Li Yong seemed to be deep in thought after hearing Dongs explanation. Yui Mei saw him exchanging glances with Ming, who lightly nodded when the two mens eyes met. 

It seemed that they had a tacit understanding.

Whats up with that, Im itching to know whats going on

Yui Meis heart was pounding a bit, because it seemed that something was about to unfold like the situations in Chinese dramas. She tried to calm herself by taking a sip of tea that the old woman poured for her, when her attention was suddenly caught by the unexpected deliciousness of the tea.

Perhaps, this old woman was actually an excellent maid when she was young?

Yui Mei felt refreshed after having that tasty tea, then she turned to Dong after deliberately plastering a bright smile on her face.

Mr. Dong, did you know that lost things seem harder to find the harder you look for them? Theres also a chance of unexpectedly recalling them just when you forgot all about searching.

 Is that true?

Dong widened his eyes in surprise at Yui Meis words.

Yes, thats how it is. Thats why, Mr. Dong, dont brood over it and just take it slow.

Yui Mei said, but Dong shook his head.

No, I cant just wait idly. I must hurry and remember them, because the longer I stay here, the more troublesome it is for this kind home.

No need to worry about that.

Ming refuted Dongs words, but he still looked gloomy.

Well, its not like I dont understand how he feels

Without memory, purpose and meaning, it would be easy to fall into the feeling of security,Oh, its okay to stay here, so he must be feeling anxious about that.

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