Hitman x Wives

Chapter 83 83- Origin Artifacts (Part 2)

Chapter 83 Chapter 83- Origin Artifacts (Part 2)

Chapter 83- Origin Artifacts (Part 2)

Eva's mind was submerged back into confusion as she stared at Kai. Although he was just giving his assumptions, from how confident he looked, they were most likely the truth.

However, how dangerous was such an ability? Granted, the weapons she can create are top-grade and sharp enough to pierce the toughest of bodies and even ignore Origin barriers if they are weak enough.

"Compared to normal weapons, how stronger are these Artifacts?" Eva asked.

"Way stronger," Kai replied as he lifted his sword in the air. "This one over here has a talent called 'Anti-Talent'. Using it, I can deactivate any target's ability instantly. It's very hard to avoid and almost impossible to stop when it touches the target."

The women gulped down a mouthful of saliva when they heard Kai's explanation. A sword that can stop all kinds of Talents? That's absurd!! Just the mere thought of it sent a chill down their spines. This weapon is almost cheating. However, what Kai said next made them reconsider what they thought was the case.

"However, each time someone uses it, there is a risk that the sword would consume their minds. As I said, Origin Artifacts have sentience and that sentience for the better part is malevolent and evil. Getting soaked in the blood of countless people fills these things with negative emotions like hatred, bloodlust, and fear. That's why, those who use Origin Artifacts don't live long."

Kai's tone was cold and detached as if he didn't care about the fact that he was included in that category of people. Kaya, who was oblivious to his hidden meaning, only frowned slightly.

On the other hand, Eva had a completely different reaction. She already knew why Kai didn't really care whether his life was long or short since he will die in a year or two.

'No, I must not think negatively.' Shaking her head, she focused on the matter at hand.

"But, if they are this eager to acquire it and are even ready to sacrifice my family just to get it… What kind of weapon could it be?"

"... I do not know, yet. Whatever that thing is, they will never be able to get it either way." Kai returned the sword to its sheathe and focused his gaze on the two girls. "We are going to topple down the Guild."

"Wait, wait, are you serious?" Kaya almost jumped from her seat in surprise.


"That's impossible. There are too many people involved with the Guild. Even Divinity wouldn't dare to attack them directly yet. They are too influential." The blonde-haired beauty argued.

Divinity was certainly growing in speed extremely fast and was even now considered a very renowned organization in the world. However, even then, they never dared to directly confront the Hitman Guild unless it was necessary.

"Although I hate to admit it, I do agree with Kaya. How are we going to do this, Kai? Fighting them head-on is not an option, is it?"

"I would've gone that way if I had nothing to lose. But, that's indeed not the way it's going to happen. Instead, we will simply make the Guild do the job for us."

"Huh?" The two girls looked at each other confusedly before they shifted back to look at Kai.

"It's simple, really. What is the most important thing that keeps the Guild together?"



Kaya and Eva gave two different answers. But, both got the same headshake from Kai.

"It's neither. The thing that keeps the Guild together is ironically trust. All the hitmen that work under the Guild trust that the guild will treat them fair and squarely according to the rules. They trust that as long as they are following those rules, they are bound to get their rights. Now, imagine if that trust was broken."

A flash of realization hit the two girls at the same time. If the trust was broken, the Guild will crumble!

"The Guild's structure of hierarchy is very fragile. That's why they abide by the rules almost religiously. Because they knew if they were broken, the whole Organization will come falling down like a house of cards."

Kai's tone was deathly cold and dangerous which made even Kaya and Eva feel intimidated when they aren't the targets of that look.

"But, how are we going to do that?"


"Don't leave a single drop of blood inside that room, you understand?" V said coldly to someone on the phone.

At the same time, inside the room where Kai was captured previously. After V left, he called a few of his subordinates to take care of the mess.

An hour or so passed before a few cloaked figures appeared in front of the room. They were V's workers that dealt with all kinds of situations including getting rid of corpses or burying them. They were the 'Cleaners'.

"We want this quick and silent. These corpses belong to very important figures or the boss will be angry." One of the instructed.

The others nodded their heads and opened the door. However, what welcomed them inside wasn't the sight of dead corpses alone. Instead, they found a mysterious figure walking idly around as they carried the dead and put them inside big sacks.

Because of their dark clothes and the cloak that covered their heads, the Cleaners weren't able to see their faces or even know their gender. But, what chilled them to the core was this mysterious person's casual demeanor.

They ignored the Cleaners and kept putting the corpses inside the sacks. They could hear them humming idly.

Realizing what was going on, the group of Cleaners immediately pulled out their guns and aimed them at the figure.

"Don't move! What are you doing here?"

'How did he gain access to this room? Only those with specific access permission could enter it.'

The figure didn't reply and continued its work.

"I said don't move!" Maybe it was the anxiety they felt or maybe it was simply because they felt threatened by this person, but the Cleaners immediately opened fire.

Bullets flew from all angles, targeting the figure. However, the moment they reached the target, they suddenly stopped. Looking at the mysterious person's body, the Cleaners frowned.

The Anti-Origin bullets… were stopped the moment they touched their body. Looking closely, the bullets have penetrated the body but weirdly enough, they looked as if they touched a slimy substance rather than the flesh of a human.

They could even see the ripples the bullets created in the person's body. For a second, they almost believed they were some kind of monster.

'H-How did the Anti-Origin bullets not take effect?'

Normally, Anti-Origin bullets are capable of penetrating anything created by Origin. So, for them to be stopped like that was a huge shock.

As the Cleaners were falling more and more into confusion. The figure finally moved their hand and pointed it at them.

Instantly, weird black liquid started dripping from their body and to the ground, quickly accumulating in a pond. Then, that pond started moving as it crawled toward the Cleaners at an alarming speed.


A moment later, spine-chilling cries of agony echoed inside the room. However, they weren't heard by anyone outside.

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