Hitman x Wives

Chapter 137 137- Intentions

Chapter 137 Chapter 137- Intentions

Chapter 137- Intentions

The two stayed silent as they gazed at each other. Charles's face didn't change one bit throughout these tense moments. Then, he made a low chuckle.

"Hahahaha, no, no, no. I can see what you're trying to say and my answer is no." Then, he bent forward as he rested his hands on his thighs. "I don't really know where you would come up with this fucked up idea that I would kill my own father. The person who took care of me my whole life for what? For the patriarch position? I won't stoop that low. No." He said with a smile.

"I'm pretty sure you can stoop that low. But, I will tell you from now. The old man won't die. Sorry to tell you that the millions or billions you paid to find this poison all went Blop! Down the drain." Kaya said.

Charles raised an eyebrow in confusion before he asked.

"Did you find a cure?"

However, Kaya didn't reply as she stood up and walked toward the door. "We will talk later. Now, we need to leave and let the old man sleep."

"My little sister likes to keep her secrets, doesn't she?" Charles laughed before he stood up and walked after her before he closed the doors.

A few seconds later, inside the quiet room, a silhouette appeared out of nowhere.

"Charles Raullot, huh?" Kai murmured as he looked around.

He had heard the conversation that occurred between Kaya and her brother and he was certain that Charles was the main suspect. He seemed to be the type to manipulate people with his gentle and elegant facade.

'Anyway…' Putting this matter aside, Kai approached the bed and looked at Mikayla from up close.

The man was visibly getting worse by the second. Kai didn't even need to touch him to know his current condition and it was definitely not good at all.

"I will be taking a sample of your blood before I heal you, Mr. Raullot." He announced before he pulled a syringe out and extracted some of the old man's blood before storing it in a container.

'I will analyze it later.' He mused before he finally put his hand on the old man's chest. A second later, everything about Mikayla changed.

His feeble aura suddenly flared and his deathly pale face started regaining color. His heart also regained its stable rhythm.

'What a nasty poison… I doubt anyone could survive consuming it.' Kai thought as he looked at his hand and then shook it slightly. The feeling of getting rid of that poison from the old man's body was very uncomfortable which spoke volumes of how effective it was.

As Kai was contemplating what kind of poison this was, he heard Mikayla whimper before his eyes started parting open.

"Welcome Back, Mr. Raullot," Kai said as he sat down casually on the chair.

"U-Ugh… My head. What happened?" He murmured as he sat up slowly, touching his head. "It was like I was hit by a train albeit 100 stronger."

"I assume so. The poison was very effective. It consumed your main seal and was close to destroying it, effectively killing you." Kai explained.

"Is that so? Wait, what the hell are you doing here?" Mikayla looked at Kai confusedly as if he didn't understand the situation. It seemed his mind took some time to register that Kai was the one speaking to him.

"I heard the news so I decided to give you a helping hand."

"... Helping hand? Hahaha, and why is that? I doubt you opened a charity to help the poor and needy?"

"No. But, let's say that I still have some matters with you. After that, whether you die by poison or by a sword, I do not frankly care." Kai replied.

"You sure don't. So, I'm supposed to be indebted to you?"

"I wouldn't call it 'debt'. We are strangers, Mr. Raullot. We simply ended up partnering for mutual benefits. I would call it a 'transaction'. I help you, you do what I need. It's simple."

'Cunning bastard.' Mikayla clicked his tongue before he asked. "What if you were the one to do this simply so I can do what you want, ey?"

"Unfortunately for you, Mr. Raullot, I do not use poison to achieve my goals. If I wanted to put you on your deathbed, I have a million other ways to do that."

Mikayla stayed silent for a few seconds before he chuckled. "I already know. You aren't that type of person. Still, you have my gratitude for saving my life. This old man shall help you in the future in case you need my help."

"Good. Before, I leave. I want to ask a few questions about a certain person you know."


"Charles Raullot. Your son."

"That bastard? Why? Wait… Is he here?" Mikayla's face frowned when he realized that his piece of shit of a son was in his house. "Goddamit. I told Sebastian to never let that scumbag inside my house or I will cut his throat."

"From what I can see, you harbor hatred toward your son. Why is that?" Kai asked.

"He is my worst failure. My biggest disappointment. I never thought I could ever end up having someone like him as my son."

Kai squinted his eyes as he listened to Mikayla. He could see hatred basically oozing out of the old man. It wasn't just a simple disappointment that could trigger such deep-rooted feelings. Something must've happened.

"So, you hate your son. From what I have seen, he didn't seem to carry the same feelings toward you or so he seems to show. I shall assume it's not the case?"

"He hates me as much as I hate him. It's always been my fault that he ended up what he is. Perhaps my end was meant to be by my biggest mistake." Mikayla's tone sounded conflicted and slightly lost. Perhaps it stemmed from his deep regret for how things ended up with his son.

"So, he does have a reason to kill you? I heard that you didn't allow him to take the patriarch position in the family."

"As long as I'm alive, he shall never take it. He isn't qualified for such a thing."

"In other words, if you die, he can freely take it since there will be no one to stop him, am I correct?" Kai asked.

"... If there is anyone who would dare to poison me, it will be him."

Kai didn't reply for a while as if he was thinking about something. He got an idea in his head.

'If Charles really did it, that still doesn't solve the matter of where he got the poison. Such a thing shouldn't even exist. Tsk… I guess I have to find the truth myself.' Kai thought.

"One last question, Mr. Raullot. If I eliminate him, are you going to try and take revenge?" Kai's tone was deathly cold and threatening.

"... I won't. If you kill him, I won't come after you." Mikayla shook his head. "However, even though I can't really stop you. But, take it as this old man asking for another favor. Don't kill him."

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