Hitman x Wives

Chapter 126 126- The Archangels (Part 1)

Chapter 126 Chapter 126- The Archangels (Part 1)

Chapter 126- The Archangels (Part 1)

Kai felt Kaya turn his face around before he sensed two soft lips touch his. The world went quiet in a mere second. His eyes widened a little as he looked at Kaya's awfully close face. Her closed eyes, her beautiful skin, and the blush on her face.

Usually, he would've instantly reacted and pushed her away but during that moment, his mind oddly told him not to do that. But, that only lasted for a second as he then pulled away and looked at her with squinted eyes.

Looking at her face, he could see that Kaya was still in her own world as her lips were still pursed and her eyes were still closed. As if she didn't realize that Kai pulled out. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at him as a small smile appeared on her face.

"And your lips are now captured. You're far more delicious than I thought." She said as she licked her lips seductively.


"Listen to me, Kai. I know that I will never be able to understand how it feels to be like you. To be so different. But, don't let that decide who you are. So what if you have those powers? They are simply a tool for you to not allow others to trample on you. You shouldn't think that they are the only thing worth something about you." Kaya's finger extended till it touched Kai's chest, right where his heart is.

"The fact that you're the strongest and yet you didn't use that power to terrorize and destroy everything in your way speaks volumes of what you have here. If another person were to get those powers, they would've felt as if they were gods on earth, ready to pass judgment to innocent and guilty alike." She said with a frown.

She knew what it felt like to be powerful and honestly, if it wasn't for Kaya's values, she wasn't certain she would've not drowned in that intoxicating feeling. So, that feeling must've been tens of times harder to fight on Kai's side, the strongest creature in the world.

"When you told me about your identity. I felt glad… and relieved at the same time. Glad that I was able to make you open up to me and glad that you were the Black Phantom. Because I knew you won't become something I need to fight or kill."

Kai's eyes shone with a myriad of complicated emotions.

"So, whether others tell you that you won't be able to live your life the way you want it or that you will never be able to find happiness, it doesn't really matter. What matters is what you want to do."

Kai stayed silent as he listened to Kaya. Her words resonated with him because they made sense. His powers shouldn't be all he has to offer. Maybe he knew that should be the case for a long time and yet refused to accept it simply because he found himself at the lowest point where he lost everything.

Kaya realized that her words have fortunately reached her beloved and she smiled happily.

'My Kai knows what he has to do. I guess my childhood wasn't all for naught. If I can help him understand that he isn't alone and that he will find happiness, then it's worth it.' She thought to herself as she looked at the sky again.

"Did you find your answer?"

"... Yes. Thanks for the help." Kai said calmly.

"No, no. Don't say 'thank you'. Instead, how about you have some fun with me?~" She said as she leaned forward, showing Kai her cleavage.

"Don't even try. You're here to focus on training." He refused her sternly.

"Sigh, well, I tried at least. I still didn't give up yet. I will get to ravage you way sooner than you might expect, dear."

Kai ignored her provocative words and jumped down, followed by Miyu. Kaya chuckled happily before she also jumped down.

"Let's go back. The time is almost here." He said.

"Roger, captain~"


Then, for the next three days, Kai made Eva and Kaya train like maniacs. They kept on repeating the process of meditating inside the lake again and again and again. Each time, their progress will increase drastically.

From 7 hours, they were able to reach an astonishing 15 hours by the third day, doubling their first record. Their bodies also evolved beyond recognition. Their skins, bones, flesh, muscles, and even organs were soaked in pure Origin till they also evolved to a whole new level. They were now far stronger than a few days ago, and when the two of them realized that, they were beyond shocked.

They couldn't believe that such a way of training existed that nobody was aware of. To get this stronger in such a short period of time was beyond anyone's imagination. However, that didn't mean that it was easy. In fact, it was indeed as Kai described. Each session was more painful and more draining than the one before.

They were constantly pushed to their limit and beyond and that process was awful to the point where if it wasn't for their strong mental prowess, they would've already crumbled and lost their minds from the pain.

What made it worse was that Kai didn't allow them to rest for a long period of time. Between each session was a mere few hours of sleep and food, that's it. Still, they didn't complain at all. He was bestowing upon them a way to reach their goals and even spending time overseeing their progress, making sure they don't die because of it, cooking nutritious food for them to recover, and even doing all the chores while they were recovering.

It would be a huge shock to the underworld if they knew that the Black Phantom, that monster, had such a caring side to him. Not that he showed that on his face.

The two girls were immensely grateful for Kai. It was a favor that they could never pay off even if they died a thousand times over trying to repay it.

Finally, the fourth day came which was also the day that Kai had to leave for a while. He had decided to make it a day off for the two girls to rest.

But, how could they rest when they knew what he was about to do? Kai was going to meet the archangels.

"You two stay here. I will be back by midnight." He said as he put on the mask and walked toward the door.

"Be careful, Kai. Please." Eva said with a concerned tone.

"The other archangels are a bunch of fucked up bastards, Kai. Always expect the unexpected from them." Kaya gave him a warning as she recalled what happens whenever she crosses paths with one of them. Another nickname for the Archangels was 'The Crazy Angels' as they were as depraved as anyone could get. In fact, Kaya would rather cross paths with a virtue rather than an Archangel simply because Virtues are more rational.

"I honestly don't think that they will accept working together. But, if you wish to meet them then I won't stop you."

"They will accept," Kai replied. His tone was deathly cold. "And if they don't. I will make them accept unless they grew tired of their lives."

Eva and Kaya flinched slightly when they sensed Kai's terrifying bloodlust. They could only pity the fool that will try to do anything stupid against him.

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