High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 148: The Secret of Creating Techniques and Star Meridian Level 10

Chapter 148: Chapter 148: The Secret of Creating Techniques and Star Meridian Level 10

As time ticked by, it was past midnight when Li Yuan's consciousness gradually cleared, and he noticed the strange changes within himself. Silently sensing, he was filled with shock.

"Life Stars!"

"The so-called spiritual guidance of the Divine Palace actually directly guided me to imprint life stars? Lighting up the life stars," Li Yuan sighed inwardly. "Not only that, but it also unknowingly formed a star cycle within me and created a prototype of a cultivation technique?"

This was truly unbelievable.

After all, in Li Yuan's understanding, one must become a level 20 source martial artist to truly cultivate source energy techniques and form a life star cycle within their body.

At level 20, the body could automatically absorb external source energy.

In human civilization, so-called 'spiritual awakening' for ordinary people and first-rank martial artists involved specific postures to slightly stimulate life stars, allowing brief absorption of source energy each day to enhance physical fitness.

However, the effect was significantly weaker than that of source martial artists, amounting to only a fraction of their effectiveness.

Many ordinary martial artists, even with high-level training methods, would take 10 to 20 years to reach physical fitness levels of 15 or 16, with annual punching power improvement of only a few hundred kilograms.

Source martial artists, if their techniques were up to par, could increase their physical fitness by half a level each year, with punching power improving by at least tens of thousands of kilograms annually.

The difference between the two was substantial.

This was largely due to the fundamental difference in the operation of their techniques.

"And me?"

"Before today's spiritual guidance, I was clearly only at level 14," Li Yuan looked at the palace panel.

Life Level: 14.2 (First Rank)

Punch Power: 9022 kilograms

Speed: 43.9 meters/second

Mental Strength: Level 23.0

Willpower: Level 29

Spiritual Awakening Degree: 25% (current limit 25%)

Star Meridian: Level 10

Technique Proficiency: Spear Technique (Stage Four 93%), Movement Technique (Stage Four 86%), Fist Technique (Stage Four 93%)

"In just a few hours, my life level increased by 0.2?" Li Yuan sighed inwardly. "Of course, this is partly due to the excellent initial training effect."

"But it also shows how terrifying the training effect of the source energy technique is once it starts."

With a bit of analysis, Li Yuan understood that he had created a prototype of a technique and successfully cultivated and operated it.


Once he trains with full effort, even without relying on any treasures, his body's evolution speed will far surpass that of talents like Yang Hong and Wu Luo.


Li Yuan's current training speed, in essence, is that of a 'source martial artist' who has initially succeeded in creating a technique.

If he continues to use treasures like Hundred Marrow Spirit Withering, High Source Spirit Spring, and Star Earth Marrow Crystals.

It will only get faster.

"There's a more than 90% probability."

"Before sophomore year, I will become a source martial artist," Li Yuan concluded with a bit of analysis, "Even if the effect of self-created techniques is not as good as I imagine, I will become a source martial artist before turning 19."

19 years old, before September 2044.

By then, Li Yuan would not have been in his sophomore year for long, less than a year from now.

This rate of progress was astonishing to Li Yuan.

Previously, Teacher Li said.

If he attains a micro-level of spiritual insight and with the school's abundant resources, he could hope to become a source martial artist by the end of his sophomore year.


After spiritual guidance, with the appearance of the technique prototype, the training efficiency has more than doubled!!

The key is, it doesn't consume much training resources.

While thinking.

"Willpower Level 29?" Li Yuan also noticed some changes in the palace panel.

Two new items: Willpower and Star Meridian.

Willpower, Li Yuan understood.

A willpower of level 29 meant that Li Yuan's willpower was strong enough to rival many top source martial artists.

"But Star Meridian Level 10? What does this mean?" Li Yuan pondered.

From the name and today's spiritual guidance, Li Yuan could only think of one thing.

Life Stars!

"Today's changes in the Divine Palace are too significant," Li Yuan shook his head slightly. "To understand, I might need to look at the advanced training methods in human civilization and some experiences of predecessors in creating techniques."

With Li Yuan's current authority, it was easy to access advanced training methods and materials on self-created techniques.


Li Yuan subconsciously always thought that creating techniques had to wait until after level 20, so he hadn't paid special attention before.


Not long after.

Buzz~ A light screen projection formed in front of Li Yuan, showing the image of a book with a bright star on the cover, against an endless starry sky.

"'A Brief Introduction to Life Star Awakening', authored by Dongfang Ji?" Li Yuan murmured.

While reviewing the database of 'self-created techniques' in the Starlight Martial Hall, he found that many materials referred to this article as a 'must-read' for creating techniques.

Li Yuan immediately decided to read it.


"The human body is like the universe, containing great secrets, with countless stars inside... These stars are not real stars but products of life evolution and mental fusion."

"Most of the stars inside are dead stars, only a few are life stars."

"The number of life stars, in a certain sense, represents the body's talent and source energy growth potential."

Li Yuan pondered; this was similar to what Dean Hai had said.

"From level 10 to 19, our bodies gradually strengthen, nurturing more powerful life stars until we become level 20, that is, second-rank life forms."

"Becoming a second-rank life form means the body and mind are strong enough for the mind to sense the 'life star space.' This life star space is not a physical space but a product of the fusion of countless internal stars and the mental world."

"If the mental strength is strong, it can be sensed in advance."

"Life star space has no physical form and is not a real space but exists in reality."

"The so-called creation of techniques is gradually imprinting and lighting up stars in the life star space, but the life star space is dim. If the mental strength is insufficient..."

"Life star space?" Li Yuan understood.

The mysterious dark space he had entered three times was clearly the 'life star space,' a fusion of countless internal life stars and the mental world.

Illusory, yet real.

When the consciousness is in the life star space, it is essentially the mind trying to sense all the life stars in the body.

"Normally, although my mental strength is strong, my body is not strong enough."

"So, even if I enter the life star space, I wouldn't be able to sense many life stars, let alone light them up." Li Yuan understood a lot.

"It was the purple streams that appeared midway. They should be the mysterious power contained in the 'spiritual guidance,'" Li Yuan quickly deduced and understood the whole process.

For ordinary people creating techniques.

They must painstakingly try one star at a time in the life star space. Failure in imprinting not only damages mental consciousness but also backfires on the body.

And for him?

With spiritual guidance, his consciousness was able to turn into countless thoughts in a short time, successfully integrating into a large number of life stars.


Li Yuan continued reading; the following content was about techniques.

"Life stars are not without patterns."

"There are countless star trajectories within the body."

"A single life star, if imprinted, can only absorb a minimal amount of source energy."

"Only by awakening enough life stars in the body, allowing a star vein's stars to meet the initial operation requirement of 12,960 stars, can a preliminary internal cycle be formed, drastically increasing the speed of source energy absorption."

"This is the prototype of a technique."

"The star trajectory forms a line, cycling continuously. Once it operates, it appears externally like the 'meridians' described by the ancients, thus can be called 'star meridian.'"

"The minimum requirement for successfully creating a technique is for a star meridian to achieve an initial cycle."

Li Yuan was shocked.

So, human civilization had understood star meridians and the creation of techniques to this extent.


"The human body has numerous life stars. Although limited by our techniques, mental strength, and other factors, we can only sense a part of the life stars."

"If all life stars were awakened, anyone could cultivate four or five, or even seven or eight star meridians..."

"The more star meridians formed in the body and the more life stars awakened on each meridian, the higher the efficiency of source energy cultivation."

"To become a flying martial artist, at least three star meridians must be formed in the body."

"Although human bodies vary, many life stars share common traits."

"The so-called high-level techniques, if compatible, can initially awaken three star meridians for a source martial artist."

"To form a star meridian, at least 12,960 life stars must be awakened, and up to 129,600 life stars for a full meridian. It's extremely difficult. Even if star meridians have patterns, finding over 100,000 life stars on a meridian is nearly impossible. No one in human civilization has done it."

"The total number of awakened star meridians varies from person to person."

"The highest number of star meridians formed by a martial artist in our civilization is six, though the awakening degree of each meridian was not high... Yet his cultivation efficiency and physical foundation were astonishingly strong."


'A Brief Introduction to Life Star Awakening' seemed like an article but covered a wide range of content.

Li Yuan kept reading and gained sufficient understanding of life stars and creating techniques.

"The number of star meridians? The degree of awakening for each meridian?" Li Yuan pondered. "So, the high-level techniques of those powerful families that Dean Hai mentioned probably awaken more star meridians."

Closing the light screen, Li Yuan gently closed his eyes. With a thought, he sensed his entire body.

He sensed every corner of his body, the faintly glowing life stars.

"The spiritual awakening degree of 25% brought about spiritual guidance."

"It seems I have only awakened one star meridian." Li Yuan carefully sensed. "I just don't know how many life stars have awakened on this meridian."

After a moment of sensing.

Li Yuan was stunned.

Because with a slight mental focus, he discovered that on this one star meridian in his body... there were exactly 129,600 life star light points.

Exactly the 'full star meridian' mentioned by Dongfang Ji in 'A Brief Introduction to Life Star Awakening.'

"In other words."

"Although I have only awakened one star meridian, all the life stars on this meridian have my imprint? Not a single one is missing." Li Yuan was shocked.

After all, this was something even Dongfang Ji couldn't do, and no one in human civilization had achieved it.

"A fully awakened star meridian."

"Compared to the three incomplete star meridians formed by normal source martial artists cultivating high-level techniques, whose cultivation efficiency is higher?" This thought involuntarily appeared in Li Yuan's mind.


After all, Li Yuan could only see his own 'star meridian level' on the palace panel.

He couldn't see others' star meridian levels.

"According to Senior Dongfang Ji, if I want to become a flying martial artist, awakening one star meridian is not enough. At least three star meridians must be awakened," Li Yuan thought. "In other words, I still need to continue creating techniques."

"Unless the spiritual awakening degree reaches 50%, leading to a second spiritual guidance, which might give another significant boost."

"Otherwise, awakening other star meridians will have to rely on myself." Li Yuan thought, but he was not worried.

At least, spiritual guidance had laid the most solid foundation for creating techniques, solving the problem from zero to one. Becoming a level 29 source martial artist in the future wouldn't be difficult.


"The matter of spiritual awakening and creating a technique prototype must be kept secret," Li Yuan thought.

Whether it's awakening star meridians at level 14 or the operation of the technique.

Or a fully awakened star meridian, all involve too much.

These are unprecedented in human civilization.

"Keep it secret for now."

Star meridians are difficult for others to detect when not training.

"What I need to do now is use this fully awakened 'star meridian' to train with all my might, quickly reaching level 15 and becoming a source martial artist," Li Yuan was filled with anticipation.

"At the fastest, I can reach level 15 next month, meeting the minimum requirement to explore the Astral Realm."

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