High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 126: Spirituality? Bloodline? The Withering of a Hundred Marrows

Chapter 126: Chapter 126: Spirituality? Bloodline? The Withering of a Hundred Marrows

"High-level spirituality?" Li Yuan's face showed confusion. "Dean, how is that different from a normal spiritual awakening?"

In reality, Li Yuan was internally shocked. Initially, the Divine Palace panel had alerted him about an 'unawakened high-level spirituality' within him. However, after killing the Fish Spirit Clan, that prompt disappeared, and 'spiritual awakening degree' appeared instead. Could Dean Hai see through him so easily? For a moment, Li Yuan felt uneasy. Could the other person really see through his Divine Palace? Were flying warriors this powerful?

"You've been training for a while, so you should understand the essence of high-level cultivation methods," Dean Hai smiled. Despite looking only eighteen or nineteen years old and very handsome—handsomer than Li Yuan—his eyes were much deeper.

"Alignment with source power," Li Yuan replied, something he had known for a long time.

"Exactly. The higher your alignment with source power, the faster you can absorb it and grow," Dean Hai explained. "Similarly, the more mental power and stronger skills you have, the more you can tap into your body's potential and absorb even more source power."

Li Yuan nodded slightly. It's like a person with a naturally large frame who grows faster and naturally eats more. If this person continues to train and build muscle, they will consume even more energy.

"All things have spirituality. Source power is the essence of the universe and nature, so every life form can be close to it, but the degree of closeness varies," Dean Hai continued. "Although you don't align with any high-level cultivation method, your ability to absorb source power is exceptionally strong, isn't it?"

Li Yuan listened quietly.

"Dean Li said you possess some heavenly treasure, which caused your physical fitness to spike overnight during the practical assessment," Dean Hai said with a faint smile. "But after contacting Hall Master Yang of the Starlight Martial Hall, I found out they never gifted you any treasure."

Li Yuan's heart skipped a beat. Can they play like this? This is cheating!

"Earlier, when I sensed your entire body, besides the remnants of absorbed source power, there were no traces of other treasures," Dean Hai sighed. "This proves your alignment with source power is unimaginably high."

"Along with your comprehension and mental power... it's almost certain you have a high-level spirituality within you."

Li Yuan was speechless. Hey! Big boss, I haven't even spoken yet, and you've already filled in the gaps yourself?

"Dean, your insight is remarkable," Li Yuan said vaguely. Since the big boss had already provided an explanation, he had no reason to refuse it.

"A so-called high-level spirituality means a very high alignment with a certain type of source power, making your martial path naturally much smoother than normal people," Dean Hai explained. "It can even affect your skill growth."

"When you reach the fifth stage in skills, and eventually the sixth stage, this high-level spirituality will greatly assist you."

Li Yuan was internally amazed. Was it really this powerful?

"High-level spirituality sounds mystical. Another term you might understand better is 'bloodline,'" Dean Hai smiled. "Some creatures are naturally strong due to their bloodline."

"For example, the black dragon outside our building. It is a second-level creature at birth, and with a bit of effort, it becomes a third-level creature... all because of its powerful bloodline," Dean Hai said. "In some distant astral realms and alien civilizations, there are many naturally third-level life forms."

"The strongest ones are even born beyond the flying warrior level," Dean Hai sighed. "What human warriors strive for is just the starting point for others."

Li Yuan was shocked. Born at the flying warrior level? Even beyond? That's too exaggerated! How can one compete?

"Of course, life forms born at the flying warrior level are extremely rare and have nothing to do with us," Dean Hai smiled. "They can't cross over to us."

Li Yuan nodded slightly. Different strength levels bring different perspectives. Talking to Dean Hai greatly broadened Li Yuan's horizons.

"Dean, you mean to say that there's a powerful bloodline hidden within me?" Li Yuan pondered.

"Yes," Dean Hai nodded. "This bloodline, or high-level spirituality, enhances your mental power as you grow. Now, it has reached the level of a source warrior, allowing you to easily absorb a large amount of source power without high-level techniques, and your physical fitness is improving rapidly."

Li Yuan listened outwardly but was thinking inwardly. According to this analysis, the 'high-level spirituality' Dean Hai mentioned might not be the same as the one on the Divine Palace panel. After all, his mental power and physical fitness were earned through hard work, not just natural talent.

"Dean, from what you said, there are many people like me in human civilization?" Li Yuan asked curiously.

"Many, but not too many," Dean Hai said. "In theory, you don't have the qualification to know some secrets yet."

"But considering you are one of them, it's okay to tell you, but remember not to leak this information," Dean Hai said calmly. "Mainly, some large families continuously produce individuals with high-level spirituality."

"Or rather, bloodline awakeners."

"Large families? Bloodline awakeners?" Li Yuan was surprised. "Can high-level spirituality be inherited?"

He had never heard of such a thing before.

"It can. Just as genes can be inherited, so can spiritual talents."

"For instance, the well-known 'Flame Family' has many bloodline awakeners with strong abilities. Over generations, they have accumulated experience and created a unique technique called 'Nirvana Divine Codex,' which is far more efficient than high-level cultivation methods," Dean Hai said calmly. "So far, the family has produced dozens of flying warriors."

"Dozens?" Li Yuan was astonished. That's too exaggerated.

"If these families keep reproducing, won't human civilization produce a large number of flying warriors?" Li Yuan couldn't help but ask.

Such bloodline inheritance had too many advantages.

"It's not that simple."

"First, most descendants are normal people, with only a few able to awaken, although their probability is much higher than normal people," Dean Hai smiled. "Second, they created special techniques suitable for this type of high-level spirituality, which makes the success rate appear high."

"Third, the stronger the individual, the harder it is to reproduce."

"For example, someone beyond the flying warrior level—do you think ordinary people can be their partners? One burst of..." Dean Hai changed the analogy, "It's like an elephant and an ant—can they produce offspring?"

Li Yuan wanted to laugh but understood Dean Hai's point. From the first to the second level, and then to the third level, although still human, it's essentially a fundamental leap in the level of life.

"Of course."

"High-level spirituality cannot be detected, at least I can't. I can only guess from the outside that you have it," Dean Hai said. "Your current biggest challenge is techniques."

Li Yuan listened attentively.

"Without techniques, even if your alignment with source power is high, it would take at least twenty years to become a level 29 source warrior, even if your body can naturally absorb source power ten times faster than a normal source warrior," Dean Hai said.

Li Yuan's mind was stirred. Does that mean a normal source warrior without techniques, relying on the body's natural absorption, could become a level 29 source warrior in two hundred years?

Of course, skill breakthroughs are required first.

"And what is the essence of techniques?"

"Perceiving the life stars within the body, forming a complete cycle, and making the source power flow endlessly," Dean Hai explained. "Our body is like a vast starry sea, containing 480 million micro stars."

"480 million stars in the body?" Li Yuan was stunned. Is the human body a miniature universe? And the number is so precise?

"This is a virtual number. No one knows the exact number of stars in the body," Dean Hai smiled. "It's like the stars in the universe—you can't count them all, can you?"

Li Yuan shook his head.

"Most of the stars in the body are dormant and dead. Source power cannot stay in them. Only a few are awakened and called 'life stars,' like habitable planets in the vast universe," Dean Hai continued.

"But these few life stars are crucial for life evolution. They are the nodes where source power operates within the body."

"Just as a few habitable planets make the vast universe uniquely fascinating."

This explanation made Li Yuan feel enlightened, directly pointing to the essence of life evolution.

"The countless stars in the body, even if life stars are only one in a million, the total number is still huge," Dean Hai said. "High-level techniques help the mind gradually perceive the life stars scattered throughout the body, imprinting mental marks, eventually connecting hundreds or thousands of life stars."

"Forming a great cycle, source power circulates through these life stars, nourishing every part of the body, making these life stars stronger."

Li Yuan listened attentively. The essence of high-level techniques was something he hadn't known before.

"The same species have over 99.9% genetic similarity, and life stars are the same," Dean Hai said. "The seven high-level cultivation methods are derived from billions of body stars, finding seven relatively fixed and common life star paths in the human body."

"These methods enable a large number of humans to safely perceive life stars."

"Creating a technique."

"Requires sensing the stars in your body and finding a life cycle path," Dean Hai looked at Li Yuan. "This is very dangerous."

"It's like sending a spaceship to an unknown planet—if it's a dead star, what happens?"

"Death," Li Yuan hesitated but said.


"The countless stars in the body—before the mind guides the source power there, it's hard to know if they're dead stars," Dean Hai sighed. "One failure harms the body."

"Two failures, three failures... eventually, the body will collapse."

"However, as someone with high-level spirituality, the number of awakened life stars in your body definitely exceeds that of normal people," Dean Hai said. "With your strong mental power and high skill level, your mind's perception will be clearer, avoiding many minor mistakes."

"Moreover, this is no longer a few hundred years ago."

"Now, you can refer to the seven high-level cultivation methods, finding common life star trajectories in the human body... Overall, your chance of successfully creating a technique is over 80%," Dean Hai concluded.

"Eighty percent?"

Li Yuan couldn't help but say, "I remember Dean Li said my success rate was only 40-50%."


"When you were signed, was your mental power and skill level as strong as now?" Dean Hai said calmly. "Predictions can only be based on the current stage."

"If your skill progress is slow, the success rate will drop to 50% or even lower."

"Similarly, if your skill quickly reaches the sixth stage, your success rate will approach 100%."

Li Yuan had nothing to say. The sixth stage of skills? He was still far from the perfect fourth stage.


"Creating a technique is for after you become a source warrior."

"Your current priority is improving your physical fitness and skills," Dean Hai said calmly.

"Your skill training is sufficient, depending on your comprehension."

"But your physical fitness."

"The sooner you become a source warrior, the stronger your vitality, and the more creation failures you can endure, increasing your chances."

"I have prepared a heavenly treasure for you, 'The Withering of a Hundred Marrows,'" Dean Hai said calmly. "It contains 20 units. Each unit should allow you to absorb ten units of High Source Spirit Springs continuously."

"In two years, it will double your training speed."

Li Yuan's eyes brightened. This sounded incredibly powerful. His growth rate was already fast, and it could double?

"However, the pain of using it will be several times that of cleansing the marrow."

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