High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 119: 74 Million Blue Star Coins

Chapter 119: Chapter 119: 74 Million Blue Star Coins

"Dean Hai?" Li Yuan was a bit surprised and couldn't help but ask, "Our academy's Dean Hai?"

Having been at the school for some time, he was quite familiar with the history of the academy.

"Is there a second Dean Hai at the school?" Li Yang smiled, "Most of the time, Dean Hai is not at the school. He's either stationed in the Astral Realm or undertaking life-and-death training."

"This time, you're lucky. The Dean will be back at the school today."

"I immediately reported your performance to Dean Hai," Li Yang said, "He has already responded, asking us to bring you to see him when we return to the school."

"Yes." Li Yuan nodded, feeling both expectant and nervous.

Dean Hai!

He was a Sky Warrior, a truly unparalleled force whose strength was terrifying, almost to the point of disregarding thermal weapons.

Such a figure was a mainstay in protecting human civilization.

For instance, in Jiangbei Province, the provincial heads of the Starlight Martial Hall, the Starry Sky Martial Hall, and the strongest warriors in the military were all Sky Warriors.

Such an unrivaled existence, just by stomping his foot, could cause the entire province to tremble.

"Don't worry. Dean Hai has a very approachable personality and won't do anything to you," Li Yang smiled, "He wants to see you because you've performed exceptionally well."

"It's been several years since Dean Hai has summoned a student individually."

Li Yuan pondered deeply.

A super strong person like this had very valuable time. If one did not show potential to become a Sky Warrior, they probably wouldn't summon them individually.

Li Yang did not disclose too much to Li Yuan because he was not sure what benefits Dean Hai would provide and didn't want to raise Li Yuan's expectations.

"By the way."

"You ranked first in the fourth base this time, and the school will reward you with 5 million Blue Star coins." Li Yang smiled, "For being first in your grade, the school will reward you with 3 million Blue Star coins."

Li Yuan's eyes lit up.

Adding those together, it totaled 8 million Blue Star coins.

Quite a substantial amount.

"In addition, you have been assessed as 'excellent' for your role as Senior Brother for the past month." Li Yang's face bore a half-smile, "The six-month reward of 1 million Blue Star coins will increase by 20%, totaling 1.2 million Blue Star coins, which will also be given to you."

"Thank you, Teacher." Li Yuan nodded repeatedly.

He understood that the so-called excellent assessment was probably decided by Teacher Li Yang.

Had Li Yuan really fulfilled his duties? Not necessarily.

But being able to lead the entire academy's students to achieve first place in various assessments meant being an excellent Senior Brother.

Results determine everything.

"Alright, go on." Dean Li smiled, "After the train arrives, change into clean clothes when you return to school and wait at the Black Dragon Building."

"Yes." Li Yuan turned to leave.


Buzz~ The smart wristband on Dean Li's hand vibrated.

"Hmm?" Dean Li glanced at it, his face changing slightly as he quickly stood up.

"Teacher?" Li Yuan sensed something was wrong.

"It's nothing, hurry to the train." Dean Li's expression was serious, "Dean Hai doesn't have time to see you today, wait for my notification."

"Yes." Li Yuan immediately realized that something big had happened.

Whoosh! Li Yang grabbed Li Yuan.

Li Yuan only felt a gust of wind pass by, and they had already moved over a hundred meters from the meeting room.

In the distance, a large number of students were orderly boarding the train.


Leaving a single sentence, Li Yang's figure moved, turning into a stream of light that shot over two hundred meters, yet the air barely rippled.

A few flashes later, he disappeared at the end of the plaza.

His direction was towards the war fortress.

"So fast." Li Yuan held his breath as he watched Li Yang in the distance. This was the first time he had seen his teacher reveal his true strength.

Such explosive speed.

"Probably close to the speed of sound." Li Yuan sighed, "Is this the power of a top Source warrior?"

It wasn't just Li Yuan; many students saw Li Yang's departure.

"I wonder what major event has happened; even Dean Hai seems to be involved." Li Yuan thought, "I hope everything is alright."

Li Yuan didn't think too deeply.

If the sky falls, the tall ones will hold it up. Right now, he couldn't handle big issues.

Diligently training and getting stronger was what a good student should do.

"Let's go."

Li Yuan walked towards the train and boarded the carriage according to his number.


Boom! Li Yang exploded with full speed, leaping tens of meters high, flashing hundreds of meters in a blink, and quickly arrived outside the war fortress.

Originally in the meeting, dozens of teachers.

Almost all of them were waiting outside the war fortress.

"Dean Xu, Dean Qin." Li Yang landed and spoke directly, "What's the situation?"

"It's urgent."

"Our 'Observation Point No. 6' in the Kunlun Astral Realm has been exposed, and the bone marrow crystal vein was discovered by the alien races." Dean Xu's face was grim, "Currently, it is under siege by local forces from the Astral Realm. From the existing traces, there are shadows of major sects from the Immortal Ruins Civilization behind this."

"Major sects from the Immortal Ruins Civilization?" Li Yang's face changed.

At their level, they were well aware of what this meant.

The Kunlun Astral Realm was insignificant to the vast and powerful Immortal Ruins Civilization.

However, it was very important to the Seven Star Sea human civilization, at least to China.

The establishment of Kunlun Martial University here was to guard the Kunlun Astral Realm.

It was also an important source of resources for Kunlun Martial University.

"How were we discovered?" Li Yang couldn't help but ask, "Our observation points have always been very secretive."

"It has to do with Dean Zhao and the others." Dean Qin, the chubby elder, sighed, "Correa from Europa applied to the alliance to enter the Kunlun Astral Realm some time ago... The situation is very chaotic, and it has not been fully clarified yet."


"The principal has ordered us to provide immediate support, to abandon Observation Point No. 6, but to bring back the besieged warriors and the extracted bone marrow crystals, and to eliminate all traces to avoid exposing more observation points." Dean Qin said, "Dean Hai and three other Sky Warriors are already stationed at the three main entrances of the Kunlun Astral Realm."

"To prevent the situation from worsening."

"No more talking, time is of the essence. Let's discuss on the way. Let's go." Dean Xu interrupted the conversation.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dozens of Source warrior teachers and deans, with a minimum physical fitness of level 26, quickly rushed into a nearby entrance of the war fortress.

Deep within the war fortress, there was a passage for quickly leaving this Star Realm.


The train sped forward.

In the same carriage as before.

"Li Yuan, you're amazing."

Senior Sister Wang Chan, a third-year student he met on the way here, gave him a thumbs up, "It's incredible that you managed to take first place in the fourth base."

"Li Yuan, how did your score increase so quickly? Did you encounter a large number of alien beasts?"

"Li Yuan, what's your physical fitness level now?"

Third-year students from various academies surrounded Li Yuan.

For a while, Li Yuan became the center of attention in the carriage.

"Li Yuan, can we spar with spears sometime?"

"Li Yuan, you're so amazing, can I add you on V?" A bolder senior sister extended an invitation.

Li Yuan found it a bit overwhelming. Eventually, a few seniors from the Six Academies intervened, and the carriage gradually quieted down.

Li Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt this was more troublesome than fighting a level 14 Star Realm creature.

"This time, considering the rewards for being Senior Brother and the group reward for the academy."

"I can get over 9 million." Li Yuan calculated, "It's about time to prepare for the first phase of my uncle's physical rehabilitation treatment."

Although his uncle Li Changzhou appeared to have recovered after being rescued, the prolonged corrosion by the flame erosion bone poison and his near-death experience had left deep marks. His apparent recovery was just on the surface, merely pulling him back from the brink of death.

Li Changzhou's vitality had been mostly destroyed by the poison.

His physical fitness had dropped from level 11 before the injury to about level 6 now.

In May, Li Yuan had discussed this with the doctor.

If Li Changzhou continued with normal life and regular health maintenance, his life expectancy wouldn't likely exceed 70 years.

It seemed not short.

But in this era, unless there was an accidental death, the average life expectancy of an ordinary person was over 100 years.

For this reason, after finishing the college entrance exam, Li Yuan had contacted a rehabilitation hospital through Wan Qinghe.

He started preparing a 'rehabilitation plan' for his uncle.

"Three-phase rehabilitation treatment."

"The first phase costs about 16 million, the second phase about 18 million, and the third phase about 40 million."

"A total of 74 million Blue Star coins." Li Yuan had nearly memorized the rehabilitation plan, "If it's all completed successfully, though it won't restore my uncle's body to its peak, his life expectancy should be increased to around 90 years."

The three-phase treatment was very expensive, beyond the reach of ordinary families.

It involved life sciences, which were very complex.

If he told his uncle and aunt the truth, faced with such a huge expense, Li Yuan guessed they wouldn't agree.

But Li Yuan had made up his mind.

"The state rewards me with money to help me improve my strength."

"And the cash rewards are limited. They shouldn't be used for other purposes." Li Yuan understood this, "But I will have opportunities to earn money and give back to the state later."

"My uncle's body can't wait. Delaying for a year reduces the hope of recovery, and later, spending ten times the money won't make up for it." Li Yuan was very clear.

"The first phase, 16 million Blue Star coins, start treatment as soon as possible."

"The whole treatment will last about six months."

"In these six months, I will strive to become a level 15 warrior, and then I can go on life-and-death ventures in many Astral Realms and truly earn money on my own." Li Yuan thought.

There were many dangers in the Astral Realm, but it also contained countless treasures.

Some Astral Realms were so vast that they were ten times larger than China, which covered over a 100 million square kilometers.

Various rare treasures were born from the Astral Realm.

Otherwise, how could those Source warriors and Sky Warriors be so wealthy?


Returning to school, Li Yuan received a warm welcome from over a hundred freshmen from the Six Academies.

After a celebration that lasted until after seven in the evening.

Li Yuan finally returned to his villa, washed up, and then quietly practiced his basic cultivation method for over an hour.

After completing everything, he entered the virtual network pod, connecting his consciousness.

In his personal space.

"Master." A fairy-like girl circled around him.

"List all my wealth in the bank and martial halls according to my previous annotations." Li Yuan said softly.

"Yes, please wait a moment, Master." The girl smiled.


Whoosh! A huge light screen appeared in Li Yuan's field of vision, clearly listing his wealth.

Bank balance: 36.55 million Blue Star coins

Martial Hall Points: 440,000

Martial Hall Training Points: 9.57 million


"Cash exceeds 36 million." Li Yuan smiled, this was all his cash.

This time, the practical assessment rewards, Senior Brother rewards, entry competition rewards, and the school's S-level special training contract rewards.

All contributed to Li Yuan's current wealth.

"For the past six months, I mainly used Martial Hall points to purchase various training resources." Li Yuan thought, "Now at school, I get two portions of 'High Source Spirit Spring' every month for free, worth 2 million Blue Star coins, so I don't need to buy Source Force Essence Pills."

Li Yuan mainly purchased Body Cleansing Spirit Marrow and Level One Qi and Blood Potion each month.

Monthly expenses were about 1.3 million points/Blue Star coins.

"In October, the Martial Hall contract points and cash will be awarded to me." Li Yuan thought, "For the next few months, I will have to spend cash to buy various training resources."

A few million seemed like a lot, but it might not be enough.

As Li Yuan's physical fitness improved further, his need for 'High Source Spirit Spring' would only increase, and the school couldn't provide it indefinitely.

More training resources would have to be purchased with his own money.

"First, prepare for the first phase of my uncle's rehabilitation treatment." Li Yuan thought, "By the end of this month, I will strive to reach the Bright Moon rank in the Starry Sky Fighting Network."

"In October, aim to win first place in the Ten Schools Freshman Battle."

If both tasks were accomplished, each could earn him 20 million Blue Star coins, totaling 40 million Blue Star coins.

That would solve Li Yuan's immediate financial difficulties.


After exiting the virtual network, Li Yuan called Wan Qinghe on V-link.

A video projection formed.

"Li Yuan." Wan Qinghe appeared in the projection, smiling at Li Yuan.

Judging by the background, he was in the Martial Hall office.

"Uncle." Li Yuan smiled.

After exchanging some pleasantries.

"Uncle Wan, I need your help with something." Li Yuan got to the point, "The rehabilitation plan that Professor Zhong at the rehabilitation hospital made for my uncle, I want to start the first phase. Can you help oversee it?"

"The rehabilitation plan? The one costing over 70 million Blue Star coins?" Wan Qinghe seemed slightly surprised.


"I want to transfer the money to you, and have you communicate with Professor Zhong." Li Yuan smiled, "No need to tell my uncle the truth for now, just let him undergo the treatment. Do you have time?"

If it were someone else, Li Yuan wouldn't feel safe handing over tens of millions of Blue Star coins.

But Wan Qinghe?

Given his power, status, and connections, there was no need for him to embezzle this money.

"Haha, no problem." Wan Qinghe agreed readily.


16 million Blue Star coins were transferred to Wan Qinghe's account by Li Yuan.

After the video call ended.

"Li Yuan is not someone who can't distinguish between priorities. He wouldn't be foolish enough to spend money without considering his training needs." In his office, Wan Qinghe's smile faded as he thought, "This means that spending this amount of money probably doesn't impact his training."

"It seems."

"He's doing very well at Kunlun Martial University." Wan Qinghe smiled slightly.

He didn't think Li Yuan was doing anything wrong, instead, he greatly appreciated it.

Such gratitude for his uncle.

By extension, he probably wouldn't treat other elders and benefactors poorly.


After the transfer.

Far away at Kunlun Martial University, Li Yuan suppressed many thoughts and continued his normal training, practicing with his spear, the cultivation method, visualization method, and fighting on the Starry Sky Fighting Network...

The next day, August 2nd.

Just after five in the morning, while practicing with his spear in the underground martial arts room, Li Yuan suddenly felt his smart wristband vibrate.

It indicated an important message.


"What's the matter?" Li Yuan paused his spear practice, clicked the wristband screen, and a light screen quickly unfolded, displaying the message.

"It's from the school."

"An obituary notice?" Li Yuan's face changed as he read the gray notice document on the light screen.

"... Qi He, Fan Jin... and eleven other school teachers, died in a rescue mission in a certain Astral Realm on August 1, 2043, Seven Star Calendar..." Li Yuan read the names of the eleven teachers on the notice, his mind reeling.

Especially one familiar name—Fan Jin!

The elder who had guided him many times with a kind face, had he really died like this?

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