He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 273: Lesson They Learn

Chapter 273: Lesson They Learn

All the attention of the people from the room go around the old man's who entered the drawing room. Beside the old man was a young tall man with a stern face. The old man was none other than the one who Xiao Yun met in the maze garden. Wang Feng Yi looked at the old man and bowed.

"Elder!" Wang Yongyi stood up from his seat, walking toward the old man who had a cane on his hand to support his bad walking posture but his offer was swatted by the old man. "You stupid man! I've heard everything from Luian, you are a father to support your son's and grandson's choice. I thought you would learn a thing or two from what happened to your eldest son but you still learn nothing."

Wang Yongyi looked away and spoke. "But elder why are you here I told you are still outside the country."

"I heard a news about this family. If something happen to Li Lei, can you ever think what would be the future of Wang Family? You are too hasty and only think for yourself that you don't see what is important." Hearing the elder's words which was similar to Xiao Yun's words, the man silenced down without anything to reply. Seeing that Wang Yongyi was quiet, the old man could tell that he had give a few thought of what happened. "What are you two worried of now? That Li Lei's fiance isn't a woman of your choice? That if he choose a wrong person to stay by his side he would regret it?"

"You know what happened decades ago, elder. I don't want it to happen again."

The elder sighed, he knew well what Wang Yongyi meant. Decades ago, when Wang Yongyi was still in his twenties he fell for a woman of a lower status. The woman was a gentle person and a kind one who always smiled or that was how she looked outside. Deep inside the woman was a sly and a cunning person. She purposely made Wang Yongyi to fall for her by using her charms to twist the man by her finger. Wang Yongyi was a person who believed in love as well in the beginning only until he found out the true personality of the woman and felt betrayed when he knew the woman had trapped him in a scheme of taking over his company. This lead to him almost losing his wealth but fortunately with the help of the elder, he got back up to his feet.

"Yongyi." The elder spoke a sigh followed his pause. "Not all people are similar to the people you once met. I know you can't trust them but it isn't correct to not try and judge the person based only on your experience. Wen Qu and Li Lei have his own life, the people they met, and the lessons they learn is their life. Being protective is good but it isn't your place to against them even if they are your children." Pursing his lips to a thin line Wang Yongyi didn't gave a response.

"Li Lei already has enough problem, don't add more to his worries. Also that girl is a very kind one, I know." The elder just stated when the door of the room was knocked lightly. Giving a cue to his assistant behind him the door was opened for Wang Li Lei and Xiao Yun to enter.

Xiao Yun was greeted by an unknown man about as tall as Tian Yi. Straining her neck to look at the man's face, she felt his whole stature looming in front of her that she couldn't help but place a step back. "Please come in." The man spoke, walking behind the door after opening it for them.

"Do you know who was that?" Xiao Yun questioned in a whisper. Was there someone that large and tall in Wang Family? She never seen the man anywhere before.

Wang Li Lei took a moment in silence his eyes moved to the elder and he returned her question. "He is someone I know." Xiao Yun heard his words and was taken aback when she saw the old man she met before in the maze garden. "Grandpa?" She gasped. Why is he here? She looked at the old man whose clothes was different than their first meeting. If before his clothing was simple this time his clothes was an exquisite one made from a named designer. As if last time he was trying to conceal his identity and her thought was right on the money.

"Elder Pei, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, and aunt good evening." Wang Li Lei started. "Good evening everyone." Xiao Yun greeted alongside him.

"Good evening Xiao Yun." The elder spoke his smile was gentle. Standing up, he strolled toward the two and took Xiao Yun's hand with his gently. "Last time for your help thank you very much. Even though you were busy at the time you still helped this old man."

"That is nothing, grandpa. As a person one shouldn't ignore people who need help." His smile smoothened from her words.

"Elder, you have met Ms. Yu before?" Wang Yan Zhi raises her voice, questioning their familiar greetings.

"Yes, Xiao Yun helped me when I was lost in the maze garden. That's why she was a little late to the tea party." He let go of Xiao Yun's palms and rubbed Wang Li Lei's upper arm with a nod. "You've grown up well. I heard the latest issues from Suan Lung, you did very excellent."

"Thank you for your words, elder." His tone was a little riding but it didn't disclose the gentle tone he had as he spoke with the elder.

"You also chose a great woman to stand by your side. I'm happy for you." The old man added, having Xiao Yun who was still confused of who the grandpa was shyly smile. "Thank you."

"No needs to thank me, I'm just stating the truth come and sit now. You must be still confused who I am don't you?" The old man beckoned them to sit on the couch. "My name is Pei En, the person who oversee the four families, I guess you know the four families already?"

Xiao Yun took a seat beside Wang Shi Ning. "Yes, grandpa I know. So you are an important person?" At her words the old man chuckled. "Yes, well something like that."

Wang Yongyi and Wang Yan Zhi didn't say much after replying her greetings. Thinking that they still need time to ease the awkward air of the room. The old man cleared his throat to take all the attention of the people in the room and stated loud enough for the people to hear. "Look at the time, the party is about to start. We shouldn't be here and ignore the guests. This old man should go now then. See you later again, Xiao Yun and Li Lei." The old man ushered the last person of the room to step out.

As Xiao Yun stood from the seat she saw Wang Cai Zi smiling and had a little conversation to her. "Li Lei is a gentle person isn't he? I hope everything goes well tonight." The woman said knowing their plan of announcing their engagement publicly today.

"He is, Thank you aunty." The woman nodded at her as a reply. "My husband and I had been worried about him but we can't see him often as the branch company my husband is managing is in abroad. But I'm happy to see he finally could find someone to be with." She nudged her chin faintly to Wang Li Lei who walked in front of them. "Father and mother may be harsh but they are not a bad people. Believe me, it will not be soon until they accept you with open hand." Speaking from her own experience she could tell the slowly change happening to her mother in law.

"I hope so." Replied Xiao Yun. Even if it is slow for the future no matter how long it will take she will wait, it would also benefit to changing their future. The future of their children too.

"Xiao Yun Jie-jie." Wang Shi Ning crossed her arm, still having her haughty posture yet to Xiao Yun now she look a little cute.

"Yes, Shi Ning?"

"I saw the new picture," she trailed and spoke in a hushed tone shyly. "It was very cool. That's it, only that." Said the girl who started running toward the party hall.

"Don't run, Shi Ning!" Wang Cai Zi raised her voice slightly and shook her head. "Sorry for you to see her behavior, Xiao Yun. She's a little spoiled." Knowing it better than Wang Cai Zi she nodded at her word and giggled softly. Shifting her gaze, she looked at Wang Li Lei's broad back, having the urge to hug him from behind every time she stand beside him.

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