He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 256: Black Umbrella

Chapter 256: Black Umbrella

Once Xiao Yun was in the car to Zhiujang New Town as Zi Gong recommended her, having nothing to do in the car, began to sunk to her train of thoughts. Although fortunately she had began living in Wang Li Lei's house like a couple of husband and wife, she was drowned in works and often fell asleep before he came back. She still wondered the gem that brought Wang Li Lei his dream. Since they didn't have a time to test it out, she couldn't stop her worries of the gem and the anonymous person who sent her the present. If the anonymous directly sent the gem while knowing the power then he must be someone who knows well that she had come back to the past, but who?

In her previous trip to the music theater and met the mysterious man, Lin Yan Hui, mentioned the two people who was also went to the past like her. The first suspect was none other than Choi Yeon Jun and the second one would be Choi Kang So. Then possibly one of the two? But Choi Yeon Jun wouldn't bother sending that, wouldn't he? Knowing how psychotic he was, he couldn't be arsed to make his opponent remember things and would rather do something worst such as kidnappings by now. Then perhaps it is Choi Kang So? No. He wouldn't conceal his identity when he already took a picture on her phone.

Then who?

Finding no answer no matter how hard she turned her brain upside down, Xiao Yun tousled her hair, letting a sigh to emerge from her mouth. It was her mistake to save Choi Yeon Jun's life once. The memory of the first time she met the demon clouded her fatigued self. The day when she first met him was perhaps three years after her engagement with Wang Li Lei. It was a few months before she rejected Choi Yeon Jun's confession, when she had just gotten over her past crush Kou Xin Lin and was in love deeply with Wang Li Lei. At the time, she went to Korea for a trip with Wang Li Lei, having a date happily in the foreign country until Wang Li Lei received a sudden news of his work that made him absent on the second day of their trip.

Sullen from being left alone in the new country, Xiao Yun puffed her cheeks as she exited the hotel alone. "He could have told me beforehand not from a one word message 'I'm sorry'." She muttered, standing outside the hotel to see that the gloomy ashy sky that had been weeping now had calmed down. Reaching out her hand a little outside the roof, she felt the soft tapping from the rain. 'It seemed that it will stop after another half an hour.'

Taking her folded black umbrella, she swept her hair over from the side of her shoulder. "Geez, I'm here on a trip with him yet he is still stuck with his job! Usually women get angry with their lover having an affair but rather than affair in his mind he only have his work!!" Saying it aloud, she didn't know whether she should laugh or cry on her own words. Pulling her phone what showed first was his face, pouting her lips she vent her complaints. "Cold man! Hmph!" She stomped her feet, sliding her phone to open the note that was filled with the date spots she searched multiple times for over a month that she created for her second day abroad trip with Wang Li Lei. "I'm not going to answer his calls again!" She declared yet despite her words if he called her now, her ears would perk up and immediately took the call.

With the rain, she thought rather than cooling herself in the hotel room with nothing but endless of stealthy bodyguards and her phone she decided to went to some famous spots in Seoul. Myeondong street, the place filled with new pretty cafes and stylish clothings.

Arrived there by a taxi, she unfolded her black umbrella and went to shopping with her not-so-subtle bodyguards that kept on tailing her. She went to many places to the point that she didn't realize since when did her bodyguards lost her or where she was now. Having a bad sense of direction, she noticed that she was lost in an abandoned alley soon after she realized how creepy the street she was now.

"Oh no." She mumbled, looking around she gulped. A woman in an abandoned alley, a news normally seen in morning news with the woman ended up dead. What a bad luck, she cursed in her heart. Looking back she couldn't remember how did she come to the place now but one thing was sure she should retrace her steps before anything happen. Yet the second the thought wind up to her mind, a shout and footsteps echoed to the alley.

"Where is he?! Fuck! We should have killed him without using a poison!"

Dropping the shopping bags on her hand, Xiao Yun went by her instinct and hide to the pillar on her left. She gathered her courage and peeked a little she saw a man roared madly to the other four people next to him. Their faces and hands were covered by tattoos, their expressions were grim and eerie but what made Xiao Yun gasp were the guns that their holding. Hiding her body behind the pillar, she covered her mouth from letting a voice to escape. Her hands were trembling like a leaf and she could only think how to escape without being seen by the gangsters.

"You go two go the left! The rest follow me!" The man yelled, his gun barrel was sparkling as the rain hit its body.

While waiting for the men to leave the place, she crouched under her umbrella, her whole body now was drenched with cold water but she couldn't care less about her appearance now. Cursing she sneaked a peek to the rest of the alley.

Where is my bodyguards?! Why aren't they here when I need them the most?! Yet she saw no one from her side. Thankfully the gangsters didn't search her directions. When she heard no voice from the gangsters who came by earlier, she finally took a step out, trying to find her way out to find any rowdy street she could find.

Taking the previous path that directed to the abandoned path, suddenly from above her head, a person jumped down nimbly.

"Shit." The man cursed, his face had turned pale as a sheet and his red lips had turned almost purple. His long black hair that fell to his chest was soaked with fresh water drops, making it to drip down waters endlessly. When he heard a gasp from his right, his gaze hurled, making his black eyes to turn red. "Who went you here?!" He couldn't see Xiao Yun's face clearly but as sensitive he was to all the damned enemies who had been chasing him everyone who to his proximity now was his enemy. Harking no reply of identification, he released the safety of his gun and prepared the trigger.

"Wait!" Xiao Yun yelled, her voice shook at the sight of the gun aiming her head. "I'm not anyone bad." She said, hoping that he wouldn't pull the trigger and make her as one of the dead women that she usually watch in the morning news.

"A woman?" He whispered. How admirable for Yeng Group to hire a woman, he thought when suddenly he felt ice needle poking holes to his chest. Xiao Yun saw the man abruptly grunting while holding to put pressure on his chest. "Are you Alright-"

"Don't come near me!" Choi Yeon Jun swatted the hand she offered harshly, making her brows to twitch at the pain in her palms. "Just fucking go if you don't have anything to do here!"

Okay if that what's you want! She protested in her heart. Does he have to point a gun to her head when she meant no harm?!

She clicked her tongue, better go than meeting the gangster again and become a corpse!

Seeing the woman went, Choi Yeon Jun mustered his strength yet his legs had turned weak like a newborn fawn, shaking every time he tried to move. Unable to walk steadily, he dragged himself with his hand on the walls.

"Geez!" Xiao Yun took his hand, placing it carefully on her shoulder. "You're a stubborn one." Choi Yeon Jun widened his eyes, as his eyesight had been a blur all the time, now he finally took a good look at her face. The girl was grumbling, her furrowed brows were beyond complex yet her hand was gentle as she helped him to lean on her. He saw her fluttering down her long lashes that grew heavy from the teardrops that eventually fell from the end of her black lashes. Her cheeks were slightly reddened perhaps due to the fact that the rains, her eyes were almost sparkling like inky waves. She finally took a glance at the gun and spoke sharply. "Don't use your gun or else there will be two people going to the hospital now!" Yet despite her arrogant words, he could see how her fingers were trembling in fear.

"I will not." He didn't realized how his cold voice had melted.

Choi Yeon Jun found her odd, she was frightened now but she didn't stop herself from helping him, a stranger. Her eyes were bold, he couldn't make out what her whole feature as he was still under the effect of the poison. But one thing he knew, from the touch of her fingertips she must a very beautiful woman with a heart of the Sun.

Once she helped him out of the alley, she made him wore a cap to hide his face and took him to the hospital. Xiao Yun didn't know what happens after she brought him to the hospital as not soon after she received a call from Wang Li Lei. Not soon after, she met Choi Yeon Jun again 'coincidentally' which she doubt it was the case now. They become a rather good friend until she realized that the demon had fell for her.

Caught in his trap, she was involved in an accident and fell from the staircase, leading her to forget her memory and hypnotized to despise Wang Li Lei.

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