He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 253: Seeping through

Chapter 253: Seeping through

Before the night fell to color the sky into an inky color, Xiao Yun who had just took off from her house finally arrived at Wang Li Lei's house. Holding a tingling hum over her lips, she hopped her stairs playfully and greeted the servants of the house who bowed a ninety degree bow to her and went in. Turning her head, she spotted Yue standing next to the door and called her up.

"Yue." Yue lifted her chin, stepping herself from her spot and went over to the right side of Xiao Yun. "Welcome back my lady."

"Mhm! I'm back, Li Lei has not come back, isn't he?" She asked, looking around as she spotted no shadow of Jang Hyun who usually by the time would stand along with the rest of the servants after receiving the news of her arrival. To her answer, Yue gave a shook of her head.

"The master stopped at the house for a moment at four this evening and left again not soon after. He also led a few words, my lady, he would be a little late tonight and hope you can rest before him." Xiao Yun sang an understanding oh.

"Then, Yue can you help me with something?" She asked with a smile to have the maid inclining her head to her left side despite her agreeing nod.

Xiao Yun took out her apron that was in a different color then Wang Li Lei and tied it to her back. Taking a black hair tie, she took her hair upward and secured it to a tight knot. Yuen's stood beside her, holding her hand out with a white apron that Xiao Yun borrowed from another maid. "What are we going to do, my lady?" Yue asked, her hand was still hanging out on the air as she gazed at the flour and eggs laying on the kitchen slab.

"Baking." Xiao Yun replied as she folded her sleeve up to her elbow. As Old Madam Wang's and Old Master Wang's anniversary was around the corner, Wang Li Lei's birthday was also near. Although there are various fancy birthday cake that she could buy for his birthday, she want to make his birthday with her more memorable and decided to bake her own cake. However, after receiving Andy's comeback of how inedible her cooking was, she decided to practice before the day come.

"Oh." Yue sang her answer.

Xiao Yun opened her baking instructions book and recalled. "But can you cook or bake, Yue?"

"I can, a little." Yue replied, helping Xiao Yun by cracking the eggs. "But my lady, why do you suddenly want to bake? If you want to eat a cake, you could ask Mrs. Me."

"It's for a practice, Li Lei's birthday is around the next three weeks and I want to surprise him." Xiao Yun took her spatula and mixed the bater gently, meanwhile, Yue used a hand mixer to mix the white eggs into a fluffy white substance.

"Birthday." Yue repeated. "There is also my acquaintance whose birthday is around the corner."

"Is that so? Is it someone important?" Xiao Yun asked again taking the bowl that Yue passed to her and mixed it with her batter.

"It is." Yue briefly returned.

"Then, you should try baking him a cake too." Said Xiao Yun lightly. "After all a handmade cake is special don't you think?" Yue gave a long hum in a thought and nodded. "That is correct. Then, my lady can I lend you a hand again at some time?"

"Sure," Xiao Yun agreed. She didn't ask again as it was a private matter but she was sure the person Yue mentioned must be a man. Perhaps a man that she loved? But then it was odd, Xiao Yun wondered. A few days ago, Yue claimed that she doesn't have an important person. As she pondered, Xiao Yun's hand which was holding the carton milk box bumped to Yue's elbow, making the milk to spilt over the sleeve of Yue's uniform.

"Oh no..." Xiao Yun muttered, her hand quickly went to take the towel beside her right but stopped when she heard Yue speaking, "No, it's fine young lady. I could use the tap water." She said and went to wash her sleeve before coming back again to her spot. Seeing the wet sleeve, Xiao Yun offered. "I think we should fold the sleeve or perhaps do you want to dry them?"

"No, thank you." Yue replied quickly. Xiao Yun was about to mix the bater again, however, her eyes stopped still when she saw Yue's arm. Although being tanned was normal as Yue's skin color was a little darker then hers, what caught her eyes was that despite how lean Yue was, her arm was muscular and firm, holding some raw strength hidden underneath. Her fingers were long and a little calloused which she didn't noticed before.

"Do you often workout, Yue?" Asked Xiao Yun curiously.

Yue turned her eyes, pulling her wet sleeve again to cover her arm and smiled as she nodded. "A little, I often move heavy furnitures around the house." Xiao Yun hummed. "But, my lady, I think you should bake the cake now." She pointed as the fixed bater on her bowl and Xiao Yun agreed. "That's true."

When the night came, a yawn slipped from her hand That covered her lips. Xiao Yun took her blanket, moving herself into the bed to cover her body with the quilt. She thought of waiting for Wang Li Lei to arrive back to the house, however, she felt too sleepy that she couldn't open her eyelids again.

Wang Li Lei who had just came back from his meeting with the people from the underworld group stepped out from the car. Loosening his navy tie, he placed his coat over to Jang Hyun and spotted Yue standing with the rest of the maids. "Has Xiao Yun sleep?" His question was pointed to Yue. "Yes, master. The lady had just went to bed."

After her words, Wang Li Lei went to Xiao Yun's room. Thinking that knocking the door would wake her up he came in without doing one. Seeing Xiao Yun's face sleeping peacefully with her head under her fluffy pillow and her coral lips that made a little smile, Wang Li Lei's eyes turned gentle. He took a silent seat beside Xiao Yun and the memory of what had taken place a few days ago played to his mind again.

After receiving the news from Jang Hyun that their group exposed the traitor hiding underneath their surveillance, Wang Li Lei came to the dragon HQ which was the family house of Suan Lung that had now became his. The house were originally made a couple of centuries ago and since the leader of Dragon Group had never changed the design of the house, the house still held strong their traditional wooden designs that was renovated each year.

"They're here, master." Jang Hyun said, opening the door that lead down to the basement of the house. The basement was a different one than a normal household would have.  As the previous eight head of Dragon Group was a person with many enemy at the time he created the basement as a jail for the traitor of the group and to now the use was still the same. Walking inside the long and dimmed hallway, his footsteps were the only thing that made a noise in the dead still hall. Jang Hyun took a glance at his master, his handsome feature was as cold as ice that could give the people who looked at him a frostbite and when he stood at the hall, the eeriness of the place worsen. Finally jail cell at the place where the traitor was, Wang Li Lei swept his eyes at the man who was tied at the wooden chair.

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