He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 233: Keep Going On Growing Mushroom

Chapter 233: Keep Going On Growing Mushroom

Almost all the fabric that was made by the fabric company that Xiao Yun worked it has a very extraordinary quality made with thoughtful little details that created the fabric. These fabrics were the base of Azure's clothing but now the white long dress that she saw had a different level than anything she ever saw. It was made carefully with embroideries which were Chuan Huan Jing's specialty, she noticed it had a subtle elegant Golden thread to enhance the dress but nevertheless, the off shoulder and the long sleeve that stopped to the palm was beautiful.

"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen before." She praised from the bottom of her heart in awe.

Chuan Huan Jing's smile glowed after receiving the praise from all his hard work. "Thank you very much for the praise."

"This." Xiao Yun was still taken aback. "Did Li Lei asked you to made this?"

"Yes, it's a special commission and we received it from the CEO himself." Zi Gong replied.

At that time, suddenly her phone rang. Looking at the caller's name, she quickly pushed the green button. "Do you like it?" His voice fluttered to her ears, dancing.

Xiao Yun giggled. "Are you a magician? Or a wizard? How do you guess I have just seen the dress? It's amazing! It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! It must have taken a lot of time, thank you."

Wang Li Lei leaned his head to the phone, holding a warming smile. "It's because it's you that I can guess your feelings. Also, it's your subordinate's creation. He is the one who deserved praise."

"Your right." She giggled looking at Chuan Huan Jing to give a thumbs up. "Is this for grandfather and grandmother's anniversary?"

"It's for our engagement publication." Wang Li Lei corrected. "It's to show to the world you're mine alone."

She felt her ears turning red and quickly avoid looking at other people's eyes as she doesn't know how to conduct herself as their boss now after his lovely words. "I can't wait." She whispered.

"Me too, you have a photoshoot this evening, right? I hope it everything will work out smoothly."

"Mhm! I'll not take your time anymore then, see you later, darling." Xiao Yun gave an irresistible tone.

"I'll see you soon." Xiao Yun ended the call, standing up from her seat and praised her subordinate thoughtfully. "Good Job, Chuan Huan Jing. It's a masterpiece."

"It's not something to be praised." Chuan Huan Jing rebuked. "The CEO told me to create an unforgettable dress that reminds everyone of the boss. So it comes without a saying this dress came from the boss as inspiration."

"Me?" Xiao Yun placed a hand to feel the fabric of the dress. "That's an exaggeration, don't you think?"

"That's! Of course, it's not!" Zi Gong and Chuan Huan Jing insisted.

"Well if you say so." Xiao Yun giggled. She gazed at the dress, it was only an engagement, why did she felt like they were about to get married? No, perhaps her marriage in the future would be more chaotic and special in its own way.

'I hope nothing goes wrong.' She prayed a little wish like any normal lady at her age always wished for.

"Then as it's finished now, you can send it to my house." Xiao Yun paused and corrected. "No, send it to Yue Pavilion."

"Yue Pavilion?" Zi Gong asked in repetition and remembered the address was to Wang Li Lei's house. He quickly retracted his question. "I understand I will send it now." He spoke and called someone else to bring out the dress.

Turning her head, she tore away her glance toward the dress and sat down on the chair whilst turning the designs paper that Chuan Huan Jing had made. Staring with glittering eyes of amazement, she spoke. "Is this the design for the Spring Fashion Competition?"

"Yes! But I still think it's insufficient, so I will still plan to design a few more." Chuan Huan Jing scratched his cheeks bashfully for Zi Gong Who had been standing beside him nudge his side with his elbow. "This Huan Jing here had been cooping in his design office for three days without wanting to come out! I just finally dragged him out from his office this morning but if the boss didn't come, I bet he will keep on growing mushrooms inside the office."

Xiao Yun chuckled. "You see Huan Jing hard working is a trait that I like from other people but forgetting your health is a different thing." Chuan Huan Jing obediently nodded but seeing his hard work, Xiao Yun doubted he would keep this in his mind and felt thankful that Zi Gong was there beside him. "And good job for your assistance, Zi Gong. Also, you can design how much as you want as the excess drafts we could use it for the next collection for the new month."

"Yes." The two replied. Xiao Yun stood up from her chair, sparing a gaze at the clock hand of her watch and saw it near to three. "Since I have work to do now, I'll get going."

"Then, we will see you out!" Zi Gong said and brought Chuan Huan Jing with him by grabbing his elbow to exit the office. Not that far from the hallway, Xiao Yun suddenly lifted her brow from the man who appeared. "Zhu Yi Nian." She called.

Zhu Yi Nian grinned. "Good afternoon, Ms. Yu. It had been a long time since we last met, what can I help you with?"

Long time? Yes, a long time because you haven't entered the office for a very long time!!

Xiao Yun crosses her arm, shrugging her shoulder lightly. "It's nothing much, I was only seeing the things around here." She turned to Zi Gong and Chuan Huan Jing. "Since these two have shown me what I need I'll be going now." She stated before passing by Zhu Yi Nian without waiting for his wishes.

Seeing Xiao Yun, his friend, and the head finance left, Zhu Yi Nian rolled his eyes and cursed between his lips. "A spoiled young lady. Just because a tiny bit of luck and Huan Jing's designs now she's getting over herself." He looked at his brand new watch on his wrist and smirked. "Thank god I didn't end up working with them to their demise!"

He strode to his designing office that was right beside Chuan Huan Jing's office and spotted the papers laying on the desk. His hawking gaze turned twisted with his crude smile. Turning the knob silently until he heard a click he chuckled spitefully. "That foolish Huan Jing still never lock his office!"

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