He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 231: How Did You Die?

Chapter 231: How Did You Die?

After her shower, Xiao Yun went out of the room to notice the maid, Yue standing with her hand crossed near the door. When she noticed Xiao Yun, she spoke formally. "Good morning my lady, the Master is waiting for you at the dining room."

"Alright." Xiao Yun replied to go to the dining room. Wang Li Lei sat there looking fresh and called her. "Take a Seat, Let's have a breakfast."

And like his words, Xiao Yun hopped toward him and sat down. Taking a glass of milk from Wang Li Lei, she saw the files beside his left hand and asked. "What were you reading?"

"The document of the company, they disagree on having a new branch on east Asia." Wang Li Lei replied. "Also, Xiao Yun about your company, I heard you receive the invitation to the Spring Fashion Competition. That's amazing."

She giggled from his praise, thinking nothing is far better than his praises. "Yes, but it's still an invitation."

"To receive an invitation is already praiseworthy and I believe you would win." He betted.

"If you say so! I'll do my best!" She cheerfully replied before taking a bite of her breakfast.

Xiao Yun didn't noticed since when Wang Li Lei had stopped eating. He leaned his head toward her, staring as though he wanted to confirm something. When he saw Xiao Yun looking up to him he smiled, a sweet smile that was far sweeter than the strawberry jam she ate just now. "Why are you gazing me now?"

"Because you look adorable when you're eating." He replied quickly.

Xiao Yun looked at him like a big bully, puffing her cheeks. "You're teasing me again."

"I'm not." He smiled a smile that held a little solemness.

"Are you Alright?" Her words wrapped in a careful tone.

He chuckled. "What do you mean? Of course I'm alright."

"That's not what I meant." Xiao Yun paused. "Last night are you alright? What happened?"

Wang Li Lei paused his gaze. It was only a nightmare but it kept on bothering him due to how realistic his dream felt. It may sounds like a nonsense, but nothing would come out wrong from asking verification. "Xiao Yun, how did you died?" His voice shook, it was cold and deep yet held an indescribable fragile.

Xiao Yun pulled a smile, taking his hand gently. Perhaps Wang Li Lei had been anxious after hearing her story, Xiao Yun thought. She gently started. "I was shot around this place." She placed a hand over her the left side of her abdomen.

His eyes darkened, it was the exact same spot as he remembered in his nightmare. "When you died, was it snowing?"

"Yes." Xiao Yun replied, slightly surprised. She didn't remember telling him this or did she? "How do you know?"

"Was it someone from my side who betrayed me trying to shot me but you protected me with one bullet? And that day you were wearing a blue clothing?" He added again, gripping his hand that his knuckles cracked.

Hearing this, Xiao Yun paused. "That's right." Her eyes looked unfocused at him. "Li Lei, how do you know this? Did you- did you remembered what happened?"

"I don't." Wang Li Lei replied his tone held some harshness. "Last night I dreamed of it."

"How?" Although the fact that she went back to time was enough of a tale, for Wang Li Lei to dream of the incident that killed her specifically was also almost impossible.

"I don't know but I do suspect it must have something with this." Wang Li Lei placed the blues jewel they received from the anonymous and placed it to the desk.

"This jewel from the anonymous?" Xiao Yun pondered and her eyes widened. "By I hope you remember in the letter, it was this? But is that possible?" Xiao Yun pursed her lips and sank to contemplation.

No her own rebirth was already impossible, there was also that Liu Yan Hui who was also not a human, then the possibility that the jewel held that power does hold a possibility.

"The things that I have in my room is over five years and yes, the word from the letter also work as a evidence. However, I am still not entirely sure."

Xiao Yun heard this and immediately stood up. Her hand walked across to hold Wang Li Lei's hand and boldly stated. "Then let's sleep together." She paused and repeated. "If we still aren't sure of it yet, then the only thing left is for us to test it once again!" Saying that aloud, all the maids and even Jang Hyun froze like a statue.

If we aren't sure of it, the the only thing left is for us to test it again.

Test what?!

"But don't you have somewhere to go now, Xiao Yun?" Wang Li Lei reminded, having Xiao Yun to slap her forehead and sat down again. "That's true, you also have work to do. I'm sorry I was inconsiderate." She sighed.

He rubbed her forehead and shook his head. "Don't apologize, we can try it next two days."

"Two days?" She asked but as the word slipped from her mouth she remembered. She will be moving to Wang Li Lei's house after the next two days.

"I will help you to move out." He offered.

"There's no need. I only have a few things to bring after all I already have a room here!" She giggled like peach and her contagious smile reflected back to Wang Li Lei's lips.

"Also, Xiao Yun I want to ask you something."

"Mhm? Tell me."

"I want to borrow your bodyguard for a while." He saw Xiao Yun tilting her head to the side. "Which one?"

"Preferably Tian Yi but Hi Gu Han would also do well."

Xiao Yun hummed, her eyes turned slightly cold. "Is it to infiltrate Choi Group?"

"Yes." Wang Li Lei confirmed.

"I agree, but we should ask Tian Yi's violation in this. If he says okay, then I also agree." She replied wisely. Tian Yi maybe her bodyguard but nevertheless he was still a human with will and she knew better that infiltrating that Demon's nest is dangerous. If Tian Yi rejected she would be more than glad to support his reply.

"Of course." He rubbed her head gently.

After the breakfast, Wang Li Lei and Xiao Yun separated for a moment. And like always, Wang Li Lei bid his good bye with a kiss on her forehead although he prefer to kiss her lips, he knew better he couldn't stop with a light kiss as he had been holding himself back since early morning.

Jang Hyun discussed the matter beforehand to Tian Yi. The man for the first time ceased having his air headed expression and nodded in the middle of their conversation.

"I know that it's a dangerous plan and doing this could even danger your life. It doesn't matter if you want to decline and you could-"

"Sure!" Tian Yi replied quickly. Jang Hyun looked at him baffled, having his mouth parted after being cut in the middle of his sentence. Jang Hyun expressed his concern over how easy Tian Yi agreed and explained again. "I don't think you understand, but going on an undercover especially to a Korean base-"

"I understand. That's why I agreed." Tian Yi replied with a wide smile, gazing to Xiao Yun who was having a deep expression. "I'm fine you know boss. I may not look capable but I'm actually very adept and gifted you know."

"I don't want to force you and I hope you could stay safe but Choi Group is very powerful and dangerous." Xiao Yun knew very well how horrific and how danger always lurk in that place. Seeing Tian Yi she felt a little hesitant and sorry as he would be also dragged to her problem.

Tian Yi chuckled. "I have nine lives like a cat, boss! Order me and I'll go, after all my life is already yours when you saved me that day." He spoke gently with a tone that seemed like how he was speaking to his juniors. Hearing his words, she felt in ease.

"Then do your best." Xiao Yun smiled bumping her fist to his chest lightly. "Come back Safe that is your priority."

"Of course." Tian Yi replied with a smirk on the end of his words.

"But," Xiao Yun added again, cupping her cheeks. "There's still I'm worrying about."

"Worrying?" Tian Yi repeated to a question and when he saw Xiao Yun gazing toward Jang Hyun, he also shifted his gaze to his senior.

"He's going to Korea in four days, right? But how can he speak Korean?" Knowing Tian Yi's level of understanding and how he often dazed out, Xiao Yun can't help but worry a out how he could go to a foreign county with language barrier.

"You do not have to worry, my lady." Jang Hyun fixed his collar, emitting a cold air that made Tian Yi to shivers. "I have plenty of ways to make sure that he would speak Korean fluently in less that three days."

"I leave him to you then." Xiao Yun spoke with a giggle while Tian Yi gulped in despair. "Can I just not learn?" He asked when he felt Jang Hyun's Iron hand had clutched his shoulder. "Since today is count as the first day, let's go."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Da-Jie!" Tian Yi wailed how can he study Korean in less than a three day when he never even receive two digits in his exams marks?!

Xiao Yun saw her bodyguard being dragged off and covered her lips to a giggle.

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