Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 132: Difficult to Win

Chapter 132: Difficult to Win

Nana looked at Midnight and softly spoke, "There might be many types of logical explanation for this all but I think the best explanation is that Alex was taken by someone with an ability that allows stealth to the level of Shadow's or just can teleport. Like Jacob said It would possibly be that they came here, took out Alex quietly, destroyed his phone and took Alex and ran But." She looked at the floor and paused. 

Imani furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "but?" She seemed to know which direction Nana's words were leading to. Nana looked down and said in a shaky voice, "It might also be that Alex disappeared on his own He might have taken off or defected to the terrorists or some other enemies of ours It seems to be the more likely thing to happen. He came from another world, so who knows. Someone might have secretly offered him something that he just couldn't refuse and defected" She seemed to be serious when talking about this topic. 

Imani looked slightly annoyed but Midnight stopped her from speaking, "Looking at the situation, It does seem that way. He did come from another world through the gate. His powers are still very baffling and we suspect that he has more hidden powers like Hana. Alex also has the potential to become an S ranked awakened if trained properly. We also don't know his character before he came here, He might have been a criminal who ran into the gate to escape from the chase, he might have been some murdering serial killer or some terrorist. We have no idea."

MIdnight paused and smiled, "But what we do know is that from the second he has been here, Hana has been overlooking Alex's actions. She hasn't been with him recently due to her own missions but I have heard that she was checking up on him in her own ways She also seemed to be completely okay with Alex, She has no doubt about his character. Master Zhun and Ryan both seem to have trust in him as well. Master Zhun apparently was showing more interest in Alex to the point of sending me, Imani, and even Oj to train him You see where the flaw in your assumption comes, don't you? We might have had red him incorrectly and he might have been some bad guy in another world but those three don't seem to doubt him, Hell, I've heard that Hana has all trust in Alex to the point of accepting him on her team for missions once he gets stronger. The only person in this world who has that level of trust in Hana's eyes" She smiled and looked and Imani. 

Imani nodded and looked at Jacob and Nana, "Midnight is correct about that, I've judged his character as not the kind who would defect. He seems to enjoy combat but isn't a bad man. But for the sake of the investigation, we will have to keep Nana's Point in view as well. Human beings are weird creatures and their minds could change like the wind We also have this new mind controller who has been taking away awakened so that's another problem" 

Nana nodded and smiled slightly, "I'm just putting out the possibilities I also heard a lot about Alex from Sir Fire so I don't believe that he could defect, I apologize if I meant it in that way. What I actually meant was that he could have been brain washed or mind controlled" She looked very awkward. 

The three nodded when they heard Nana. They had one big suspect to look into. 

Alex looked at the pitch-black space in a daze, His face was bruised. 'It was following me but now it's on the offensive That means that it isn't my true shadow!' A small smile grew on Alex's face when he realized that the enemy wasn't actually following everything that he did but also had a mind on its own. 

"I don't know how much time passed but I feel like I can finally win!" Alex roared as she jumped towards the footsteps running towards him. The shadow this time didn't repeat what Alex was saying. It seemed to do everything that Alex would do but wasn't exactly following Alex. 

'I thought it was exactly following me but It seems to be studying me until now. It's probably some machine that studies my every move for some time and then determines my every movement and actions and uses that against me in battle that also means that If I can play by hidden cards properly, I can win this battle easily' Alex smiled. He seemed to be happier knowing that he had a way to defeat the shadow. 

Alex saw a fist in front of his face, hurtling towards him at full speed. He dodged the attack and tried to punch towards the shadow's stomach but the shadow also dodged Alex's attack. Both of them could see how each other would attack even before it happened. 'This is a freaky experience.' Alex thought. He could guess how the shadow would attack him next and could dodge the attack easily but the shadow would also do the same. 

However, this wasn't the case for this attack. Alex looked above and jumped back but he didn't see any attack coming from above. A punch came from straight ahead and hit him in the stomach. Alex coughed some blood and jumped back once again. 'This This bastard is now doing moves on his own It was doing what I would do until now but now it's doing other moves guessing how I would dodge It's just thinking like how I would dodge and doing counter attacks to that How do I win against this?' Alex was back to his initial thought process on thinking that it was impossible to beat. 

Everything seemed to not work against the enemy and Alex felt like he would lose regardless. However, Alex thought of something that might change the direction of the battle.

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