Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 120: Jammer!

Chapter 120: Jammer!

It was the dead of night. Only the sounds of the forest surrounded Oj as he slowly walked towards some bright lights. 'This will be difficult.' He thought to himself as he tried to hide within the bushes and trees as the lights panned around, illuminating the different parts of the forest. Oj sighed and slowly made his way towards the factory. He could see soldiers around the factory with huge gadgets on their heads. 'Night vision headsets' Oj was even more annoyed. 

However, it didn't make him stop, Oj had a huge frame but he was very nimble. He quickly and quietly walked through the forest, finally getting close to the factory. The soldiers were just a few dozen meters away from him and the lights couldn't reach where he currently was. 'Only a few had those high tech headsets while the others have night vision binoculars strapped on their body.' Oj noted as he walked towards a soldier. 

He had a plan to get into the factory but it was overruled due to the huge amount of soldiers. 'I need to make a new plan, something that's more effective in such situations.' Oj thought to himself as he stopped and looked around. He had his sights on one vulnerable soldier who stuck out a tiny bit more from the others. 'He seems to be information but didn't notice that he was slightly further away from the others' Oj smiled as he quickly crawled. Every second passed, Oj was getting closer and closer to the soldier. 'At least he's not that alert and isn't using that binocular of his It would have been a bigger problem if he could see clearly in the dark but we humans have a bad sense of sight in the dark.' Oj smiled. 

He jumped towards the man's feet and dragged him into the bushes. A few minutes later, Oj walked out. He was wearing the military uniform and had the soldier's Id with him. 'Kind of tight but I'll have to make do.' Oj sighed as he looked at his feet. The pants didn't completely reach his ankles and the shirt looked like it would rip if Oj made any excessive moves. 

He took the gun in his hands and stood in the original spot where the man was. 'I'll need to learn how they move I was lucky that this one was dumb and didn't realize that he was slightly further and I could have gotten a quick one on him but I still need to be careful I just need to wait for the perfect time to enter the factory, when I'll be replaced by someone else!' Oj thought back to Mary explaining a simple way to infiltrate the factory. He was doing that exact plan. 'It does feel very surprising that such a simple trick had been working pretty well so far Kind of tells you how lousy the lower rank soldiers are I wouldn't doubt that if the attackers were the brotherhood of freedom, by looking at how they are right now I was even worried about how tight they might have made the security.' He complained internally. 

Midnight looked at Imani and smiled, "Well, Nothing can be done, can it? We have to just think about this for now. I was worried about meeting Hana here but since we're already so close to the abandoned factory, we can't turn back. So, why don't we cheer up and get into mission mode?" She seemed to suddenly turn enthusiastic.

Imani nodded, she looked focused as she went through the files again, 'Midnight's right I can't be worried about Hana, it would be foolishness if I let that thought ruin the mission for me.' She looked at the map and smiled," We're close."

Midnight nodded and slowly parked the car in a place where it wouldn't be spotted so easily. The duo exited the car and slowly walked to the huge building in front of them. Midnight and Imani looked around, "This seems like a really small village Only a dozen or so houses and this huge factory." Imani looked at the other buildings slightly far away. 

Midnight nodded, "People follow opportunity If this factory was a huge one then the people around would probably have some more opportunities More markets could be built and this could have been turned into a proper city but It seems like luck wasn't on their side. But that's not what we are here for, We'll be investigating this huge factory. Remember, people around here complained about weird sounds and noises coming from the building so there must be something. We need to be ready for that something." She said as her face turned completely serious. 

Imani nodded and smiled, 'I underestimated her completely I think she underestimates herself as well. Her physical powers are the only thing holding her back or else should have been an amazing leader Hell, she is an amazing leader even now but in combat, physical powers are important. I heard from Ryan that she is still evolving so I wonder if she can be an S ranked awakened later on Well, whatever might happen in the future, I know that I will continue to grow stronger and beat all of them!' She felt motivated. 

Midnight looked at Imani and smiled, "Let's go!" She said as she walked in front of the building. The two slowly investigated all around the building but found nothing. After searching all around, they regrouped. Imani spoke, "It seems like the sounds might have only come from within, I don't see anything else around here that could have spooked the people into calling the police" 

Midnight nodded and Spoke, "Well, be careful. We'll have to split up after we enter so if anything does happen, use the walkie talkies." She spoke as she took out a walkie talkie. However, When Midnight looked at the walkie talkie, her face froze, "It's not working There is a wave jammer!" She exclaimed. 

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