Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 35: Then Listen to Me

Chapter 35

Yuwen Hao looked at her and asked, "What discomfort are you referring to?"

She was feeling all kinds of discomfort currently. However, under high pressure, she did not have time to sense them. Yet when she sat or laid down, she still felt her five viscera and six bowels were curled up together, even more unbearable than the wounds.

Her wet nurse shook her head. "Actually, I don't know the specifics either. Perhaps Doctor Tang or Guard Xu would know more. I only know that after taking the Gold Soup medicine, it would damage the five viscera and six bowels. Initially there would be symptoms like vomiting blood, coughing, nightmares, etc. Previously there was a little attendant who secretly took the antiques from the Prince's manor to sell them off. He stubbornly refused to admit it and even smashed his head against the wall attempting suicide. Doctor Tang made him drink the Gold Soup medicine and he finally confessed afterwards. In around half a month, the person died."

Yuan Qingling listened in fright and shock. "Died in half a month? Was it because of the Gold Soup medicine?"

"Doctor Tang said that after taking Gold Soup medicine, one must take medicine to recuperate for one and a half years before recovering to normal. However that little attendant was truly hateful. Doctor Tang did not let him recuperate properly, so he died. Before his death, he also vomited blood, had stomach pains, and coughed severely, unable to stop once he started coughing. When he died, his face had turned purple."

Coughed until hypoxic?

The wet nurse hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Also, before he died, he kept saying that he saw many ghosts that wanted to take him to the Underworld for trial. He was very afraid. Therefore, the Gold Soup medicine causes nightmare trips to the Yellow Springs."

Yuan Qingling stared blankly at her wet nurse, then slowly squeezed out a bitter smile. Yuwen Hao, how much do you hate Yuan Qingling? And most ironically, she, as Yuan Qingling's stand-in, still had to do her utmost to save him.

If reincarnation really existed, then she and the original Yuan Qingling must have dug up the Yuwen family's ancestral grave, to suffer such retribution.

She collected herself and thought, so-called seeing ghosts should just be hallucinations, hallucinations caused by cerebral hypoxia. Therefore, this Gold Soup medicine would make people hypoxic and cause hallucinations.

Did she hear Fu Bao speaking, or was it just a hallucination?

Even Yuan Qingling could hardly tell apart now.

Seeing her expression, the wet nurse felt she was somewhat pitiful, but as a servant, she had no qualifications to pity her mistress.

Yuan Qingling returned to Xiao Yue Pavilion, with Qi Wang and Tang Yang still inside keeping watch. Seeing Yuan Qingling's return, Tang Yang quickly said, "The Prince woke up a moment ago. Does the Princess want to call an imperial physician to take a look?"

"Not for now," said Yuan Qingling, and wanted to go over to take a look. Qi Wang stepped forward to block her.

Yuan Qingling felt rather impatient with this human pillar. "Qi Wang, just what do you want?"

"While Fifth Brother's condition is better, you should make things clear. Why did you falsely accuse Mingcui?" Qi Wang glared at her and demanded.

Yuan Qingling let her hands drop. "Do you think now is suitable to talk about these things?"

"It's suitable. Mingcui will come soon to see Fifth Brother. I don't want you to make things difficult for her again."

Yuan Qingling gave a cold laugh. "You are really generous. Don't you know that she was the one Yuwen Hao originally wanted to marry? You feel at ease with your wife worrying for another man?"

Qi Wang raged, "Mingcui and Fifth Brother are not as sordid as you imagine. They interact openly and upright."

Hearing these words, Yuan Qingling didn't know what to say.

She didn't know what Yuwen Hao was thinking, but she knew everything Chu Mingcui had done and thought very clearly.

As a prince, being able to have such innocent faith and belief in righteousness was really precious.

Therefore, when she should have raged, Yuan Qingling instead softened and said, "Don't worry, if she comes, I won't make things difficult for her, unless she wants to find trouble herself."

Qi Wang was stunned. He had prepared words to retort Yuan Qingling's even more sour and sarcastic ones, but with this turn to gentleness, haloed figures, he was at a loss instead.

He could only stammer, "She definitely won't look for trouble herself. You don't know her. She's very good."

Yuan Qingling gave an "mm" and walked to the bedside. She saw that Yuwen Hao had already awakened at some point, staring wide-eyed at them.

His focus slowly retracted and fixed on the small wound on Yuan Qingling's forehead.

Yuan Qingling touched it. The wound had already dried, with the bloodstains not wiped off yet.

"How are you feeling, Your Highness?" Yuan Qingling felt a bit uncomfortable being stared at by him.

"Won't die for now," he said hoarsely, lowering his eyes.

Qi Wang squeezed over and happily said, "Fifth Brother, you're awake?"

Yuwen Hao nodded slightly, looking at Qi Wang. "Thanks to your Gold Pill."

Qi Wang waved grandly, "What's a Gold Pill? I'm not on the battlefield anyway, so I don't even need the Gold Pill."

Yuwen Hao smiled faintly, his gaze deep.

After a moment, he said, "Seventh Brother, Tang Yang, go rest first."

Qi Wang said, "I'm not tired, I've rested."

Yuwen Hao gently sighed, looking at Tang Yang.

Tang Yang pulled Qi Wang's hand. "That's right, Your Highness, your subordinate has some matters he wants to ask you about. Please come out with me for a moment."

"What is there that can't be said here?" Qi Wang said in puzzlement, but was dragged out by Tang Yang.

Yuan Qingling felt rather pent up inside initially, but seeing this scene, she couldn't help laughing.

Yuwen Hao gestured, "Come closer."

His voice was very weak without a shred of vigor. One foot still lingered at death's door, but even so, his expression was still rather cold and hard.

Yuan Qingling moved closer, trying her best to lessen his effort in speaking. "Speak."

"How is Imperial Grandfather?" Yuwen Hao asked.

Yuan Qingling had thought he wanted to ask about his own injury, and didn't expect he was worried about the Retired Emperor. It seemed that although this man had a cruel and ferocious nature, he had filial piety.

"His illness has been going on for too long, so getting better won't happen overnight."

"Then you should go back to the palace to continue attending the illness. This king no longer needs you here." Yuwen Hao said.

Yuan Qingling looked at him in surprise. "Your dangerous period isn't over yet. If I leave, you'll have a fifty percent chance of dying."

"This king knows, I've made it through this barrier." Yuwen Hao said.


Blind overconfidence.

Yuan Qingling shook her head. "I'll stay a few more days for now until Your Highness's condition stabilizes before returning to the palace."

"If I tell you to go then go!" Yuwen Hao's face darkened. This woman really could not be treated well.

"I know the situation," Yuan Qingling said indifferently.

"You..." His eyes flashed with anger. He hammered the bedside with his hand. He thought it would be thunderous force, but in reality even the bedding wasn't shaken, only softly sagging down.

Yuan Qingling couldn't help gloating. Now you've got yours.

Although she didn't know who had ambushed him, Yuan Qingling was grateful to this person.

"This king will kill you!" Seeing the ridicule in her eyes, he burned with rage.

Yuan Qingling directly turned around, grabbed a pair of scissors, and threw them on his bed. "Go on then!"

Yuwen Hao looked at her in disbelief. His head buzzed. Humiliation, absolute humiliation.

"If you have the ability, then kill me. If you can't, you still have to listen to me. Hold out your hand for the IV drip." Yuan Qingling said expressionlessly.

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