Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 84 84. Mission Complete

Every time she felt down, he knew just the right words to say to make her feel better again.

If it was like this, then her thoughts, her heart was….

Seeing Veronica lost in thought, Lucius just patted her on the head and said, 

"Since you're like this, it would be best if I took my leave. After all, the one who knows your heart the best would always be you."

After saying that, Lucius just smiled and turned to leave, but he only managed to take a few steps when he felt something hug his back from behind

Lucius was about to turn around when Veronica's sharp voice sounded out 

"Don't turn around!"

That's when Lucius realised his back was a little wet

'Wait? Is she crying right now?'

But it didn't take long before Lucius's thoughts were answered 

"Hick! Thank you. Really, thank you so much."

The sound of faint crying sounded out throughout the silent hallway as Lucius remained perfectly still, allowing Veronica to fully vent her pent up emotions 

Even if his intentions weren't pure, even if they were filled with schemes for his own benefit, at least right now, for this very brief moment Lucius was just happy that he could help this helpless girl in front of him

Lucius remained like that, a little immersed in the moment until he heard a string of notifications 

[Ding! Heroine Veronica Beaumont's favorability has greatly increased!]

Congratulations on completing your mission!

Mission: Charm and win the favour of Heroine, Veronica Beaumont, and steal her away from her fiancé. 

Granting rewards: 

Random Talent Copy Card - Veronica Beaumont X1

+2000 LP 

Hearing this, it was impossible for Lucius to stay calm

Profit! He had just made a huge profit!

Although Veronica couldn't tell what Lucius was thinking exactly, it was obvious that there was a change in his mood, making him extremely happy.

It was only then that she realised she had been hugging Lucius extremely tightly.

One misunderstanding led to another, and now Veronica's thoughts were running wild.

'Is he like this because of me?'

Peeking her head around, Veronica turned to look at Lucius's face only to see him gazing back at her as if he was looking at the greatest treasure in the world.

Faced with such a hot gaze it was impossible for Veronica to remain calm and her face quickly flushed a deep red.

She quickly backed away from Lucius to hide away her embarrassment.

"I-I think I should be leaving now."

Just like a timing startled rabbit Veronica quickly fled the scene, much to Lucius's confusement.

But Lucius didn't think too deeply about it.

With the notification he received, he knew that Veronica still had a very good opinion of him.

Besides, right now, Lucius's attention was all focused on something else.

A random talent copy card!

Lucius was practically buzzing.

This was his opportunity to get a golden ranked talent!

How could he not be excited?

Lucius couldn't contain his excitement and quickly rushed to one of the nearby training halls.

As Lucius walked in he brought out the talent comfy card 

[ Random Talent copy card x1 - Veronica Beaumont]

[Description: allows you to perfectly copy and accept one of the talents of the person named 'Veronica Beaumont']

Thinking about Veronica's talents, Lucius felt his heartbeat speed up.


[Ultimate Fire Resistance] (Gold)

[Fire Caller] (Gold)

[Advanced Magic Aptitude] (Purple)

Each one was a rare talent that could transform someone from ordinary to extraordinary.

But the most eye-catching one would have to be the talent that made Veronica stand out the most in the novel

[Flame Caller]

Similar to Xander's [storm caller] it allowed her to call forth and manipulate fire elects with just a thought. As long as her concentration and mastery reached a certain level, she could manipulate flames comparable to spells performed by an Arch Mage!

Of course, she would also have to have Arch Mage level mana reserves for that to happen, but the fact that she wouldn't have to spend years mastering such a spell to use it and master it fully was already enough to scare people.

It's things like this that granted each person with a golden-ranked talent extraordinary status as national treasures.

But seeing as this was all random, Lucius had to hope his luck was online today, but judging from his past records in gacha games…

Lucius could only pray.

'Dear God, Allah, Buddha, even the bastard who sent me to this world, please smile on me favourably today!'

As Lucius had this thought, he crushed the talent copy card in his hand and his vision was shocked by a bright white light.

Soon a Lucius felt a warm fuzzy feeling over his body 

Soon Lucius opened his panel and as he looked at the description of his talent, he won. Lucius almost swore he heard his heart shatter


  [Ultimate Fire Resistance] (Gold)

[Description: as one favoured by the fire elements, you are granted extreme protection from the fire elements and its effects grant you the pinnacle level of fire resistance applicable to biological creatures. Only pure elemental creatures can surpass you in this regard.]

Damn it! 

'I should have known my luck would be shit in this regard!'

Lucius really wanted to curse up a storm as to how bad his luck could be.

Where the hell would I use fire resistance if I can't even cast fire spells like Veronica?!

There was absolutely nowhere to use this fire resistance…

Wait? What about that?

As Lucius had this thought, his brain suddenly froze before calculating and coming up with a new assortment of palms.

And the more Lucius thought about it, the more excited he became!

This may work, no! It will definitely work!

Hahaha! Maybe my luck isn't so bad after all!

If Lucius's plan could be implemented, then forget about a mere golden-grade talent. He would definitely be able to earn a heroic grade talent and jump directly to the peak level of potential and talent in this world.

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