Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 113 113.

Chapter 113  113.

As Lucius watched on, he could clearly see Veronica's frustration to the point where she was even angrily stamping her legs with a slightly red face.

But even though it answered some questions, for Lucius, there was still a discrepancy.

It was only when Lucius looked back at Veronica again that he realised something.

"You… you actually waited to see me all this time?"

Realising that Lucius had caught on Veronica's face quickly flushed red.

Even if what Lucius said was true, her pride simply wouldn't let her admit it.

"N-no.. I.. was just enjoying the outside, that's all."

Looking at the proud and arrogant girl who had now turned into an embarrassed mess, Lucius couldn't help but smile

'How cute'

For Lucius, there was something quite Charming about Veronica's familiar embarrassed expressions.

But seeing as the girl had actually waited for him for so long, Lucius couldn't bear to send her back, just like that.

So smiling once again, Lucius asked another question.

"Well, since we're both outside under the wonderful night sky, would you like to take a walk with me?"

The two of them walked for several minutes through the splendid grounds designed by the Academy architects.

As the two of them walked around, they didn't say much. Lucius just took the chance to admire the scenery and, as he did so, he even ended up thinking about his old world.

Even in a place as advanced as his old world, it was still rare to see such a beautiful sight all the time.

That was not to say that there were no places this beautiful, but with the copious amount of light pollution, it would be hard to simply walk out near your house and gaze at the night sky and see countless twinkling stars.

It was times and scenes like this that made him think that maybe it wasn't all that bad being sent into this world after all….

As Lucius was slowly getting lost in his own melancholic thoughts, he suddenly got a tug at his wrist.

Looking over, he could see Veronica looking back at him with a shy expression on her face.

"Thank you Lucius."

Seeing that Veronica was about to go on thanking him again, Lucius just smiled as he reached out to pat her on the head.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You really don't have to thank me for any of this."

But before Lucius's hand could reach her head, Veronica grabbed his hand.

"No Lucius, I don't think you understand how important what you did for me is."

"This is the first time in my life I've ever seen someone fight so hard for me. Just seeing you fight so desperately gave me courage. It gave me the courage to fight my own fight. Whether it was Xander or whether it was my own family, you gave me the courage and the belief that I could achieve things on my own as well!"

Seeing and hearing the stern and resolute look and voice that rarely appeared on the face of this girl, Lucius's mouth hung open, a little speechless

Veronica had always appeared proud and arrogant, but those with a discerning eye could clearly see that it was a facade, something that was formed to compensate for something.

The complete domination of Xander and her family in her life had left her feeling powerless and as such she had developed her own arrogance and pride as noble in order to feel some eve of power and control she could ever have hoped to have, at the least, that was until she had met Lucius.

As Veronica looked at Lucius's handsome face which seemed to be glowing under the soft moonlight, Veronica felt her heart skip a beat.

"Every time I think back to what you've done for me, I can feel my body tingle all over with a strange feeling."

Is… is this what love is?"

Faced with such a direct question, even the usually thick-skinned Lucius was a little embarrassed.

But before Lucius could react, Veronica's small and soft hand wrapped around his own and brought his hand towards her and placed it on her chest

"Lucius, do you know, right now my heart is beating so fast think-"

But Veronica didn't even eat to find her words before a soft moan soon escaped her lips


Shocked by the sudden situation, Lucius looked at his hand, who was the culprit behind all this in disbelief.

'You despicable bastard!' Cursed Lucius inwardly.

'Even if it feels good , you can't just go around squeezing anything you want!! Who told you to act like that!'

At this point, his hand practically had a

mind of its own!

Once it was placed on Veronica's soft and bountiful chest, irrespective of Lucius's own thoughts, it wanted to cop a feel and that's exactly what it did without hesitation.

Lucius looked back at Veronica only to see her face flushed completely red and her head down, with her even seeming to start shaking a little.

'Fuck! You've gone and done it now!'

His god damn lecherous hand had now went ahead and fucked things up.

"Look Veronica, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to-"

But before Lucius could say anything, Veronica quickly grabbed his head and pressed her lips against his.

Lucius was shocked!

'W-what is going on?'

Soon Veronica's voice was ringing in his ears loud and clear.

"Lucius, I don't fully know what this strange feeling is. I don't know if it's love or not, but what I do know is that I want to be with you right now."



Lucius looked at Veronica but he really didn't know what to say right now

Looking at the girl who was looking at him longingly and starting to grow even more and more dependent on him, Lucius opened his mouth but no words even came out.

A part of Lucius wanted to do nothing and accept her feelings as a smooth and reliable source of Love Points.

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