Hellbound Heart

Chapter 266 Better

The next day, Elle was stuck with Abi and the kids.

Alicia was not with them for the entire day. According to Abi, she was with Lilith and the two of them were dealing with some important matters. Although Elle was dying to know what those two gorgeous ladies were busying themselves with, she knew better than to ask for more details from Abi.

Alexander was not around as well but Elle did not ask of his whereabouts anymore.

The day ended quite fast thanks to being with the kids. The many different requests and antics they had were enough to keep Abi and Elle busy and on their toes, that they had no free time to feel the miss from the absence of those others who were not there.

Once Alexis, Azy and Alice entered their bedrooms to settle down for the night, Abigail joined Elle in sitting beside the bonfire in the front yard.

The two of them talked about mundane things at first until Elle began to shift the topic into something more serious.

"I am thinking about maybe... learning how to at least protect myself." She finally said, looking at the crackling fire and "My skill is useless to the vampires... And I've been thinking hard about it. I realised that I should learn something else that would be useful to my safety. Perhaps something that won't take too long to hone."

She lifted her eyes, nervous to think of what Abigail's reaction would be like. But she was relieved when what she saw in her eyes was nothing but understanding. Abigail did not need to say it. Her eyes were telling her that she understood fully why she was saying all these things.

"I think the easiest is..." Elle continued, feeling braver now to just spill everything that she had in mind at the non-accusatory look on Abi's face. "... a gun. It should be the safest for me to use as a form of self defense against the vampire's speed. But... I'm not sure if guns can even harm the vampires."

"Guns can actually harm them." Abigail replied while nodding, causing Elle to widen her eyes at Abi.

"And if you put poison on the bullet, it can even kill them." A voice that belonged to Lilith echoed from behind Elle.

She turned and saw the two silver-haired ladies approaching them. Both beautiful and stunning. Elle could not help but be mesmerised as she took in the both of them standing side by side.

When Alicia and Lilith sat on the empty chairs around the bonfire, Lilith continued. "So you're choosing to train with guns, huh..."

"Yes." Elle replied. "I think it's the most practical for me." She then shrugged a shoulder, indicating that she would listen to any better advice if they were to be given.

"I admit guns should be far safer for you than swords or daggers when you're against vampires, Elle." Alicia added. "Lilith and I can help you with the poisons. And I believe that for the gun, Alexander should be able to provide a nice one for you."

Elle's eyes flew to Abi and when she smiled at her, Elle's lips parted in both shock and gladness. She never thought that these ladies... that all of them would actually support her so easily like this! They did not look at her askance nor question her about anything. They just took her words at face value. She had thought that there was a big possibility where all of them would discourage her from touching weapons. But... here they were... even helping her already! Lord... how lucky was she to meet these amazing ladies?!

Gushing with gratitude, Elle rose from her seat and hugged each of them, saying her thanks for their support from the bottom of her heart.

"I was actually worried. That you might object or even stop me." Elle later admitted to Abi while they were ascending up the stairs. A gentle chuckle sounded from the gentle lady walking beside her.

"I won't. I know you needed it in your situation. And I once experienced it... being helpless. It was awful." Abi told her. "But the most important reason is because we know that you truly needed it for your own sake. We never know what might happen so it's always better to be prepared and have at least a secret weapon hidden under your sleeve. Now go sleep and rest, Elle. You heard Lilith earlier. Your training starts tomorrow."

Elle's eyes glimmered with gratitude and she thanked Abi once again.

Outside, Alicia and Lilith were still sitting around the bonfire in silent camaraderie before chatting again.

"I didn't expect you to immediately support Izabelle's desire." Lilith said.

"She needs it. From here on... everything's uncertain. Things could go down the drain in the blink of an eye. Especially when Elijah is advancing with his agenda faster than ever, we can only prepare her as early as we could." Alicia replied, quietly sipping from her glass. "Izabelle is already caught up in a world that requires her to fight and might even force her to spill blood to survive and protect herself and her loved ones. Though these same things are happening in human society, Izabelle had never dealt with blood yet. She needs to learn as soon as possible..."

"What if Prince Sebastian gets angry about this?"

"It's fine. Izabelle can calm him down and I know he'd eventually give in once Elle coaxes him. And he'd definitely choose this alternative. Rather than letting Elle end up learning and using the ability she herself knows nothing about."

"Shouldn't it be easier and more helpful for her if we instead help her learn about herself and her abilities as early as now? You said she needs to be prepared."

Alicia sighed heavily, her shoulders drooping a little as she stared at her glass and then at the fire. "If only it's that easy, Lilith. Even I couldn't help but agree that it's better if Izabelle never learns about it."

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