Hellbound Heart

Chapter 254 I Promise

"I'm going to deal with Elijah and end this stupid game of his once and for all." Sebastian replied firmly, his face turning serious. Elle could hear how resolute he was from his voice.

Seeing that dangerous power and renewed determination in his eyes, Elle sighed out in relief. He looked as composed as usual again. Anyone who could have seen him right now other than her, might never believe that this man had been trembling, vulnerable, and even shedding tears, just several minutes earlier.

"I wish there was something that I could do to help you out." Elle voiced out her genuine wish, knowing that as powerless as she was, the least she could do was not to get herself captured by the enemy and be used as bait to hurt Sebastian again.

He was about to respond when his gaze snapped up and focused towards the door.

Elle immediately understood that someone was outside, so she thought that Sebastian would call for whoever the person who came, to enter the room. But he did not. Instead, he looked at her as if to ask for permission.

Realizing what he was doing, Elle was struck speechless by his thoughtfulness. The feeling that gesture gave Elle was just so heart-warming.

"Who is it?" she asked softly. Though she did not want anyone to disturb them yet, Elle needed to know first, in case it was something very important.

"It's Lucas."

Knowing that Lucas would never disturb them over a trivial matter, a little helpless smile curved over her lips as Elle nodded at Sebastian. "It's okay. He might have something very important to say."

"Get in." Sebastian immediately called and Lucas entered.

Lucas gave them both a respectful nod before he stared into Sebastian's eyes. "Princess, can I speak with His Highness privately for a while? It concerns something important."

Elle stopped herself from frowning. Lucas usually does not do this. If he had something he did not want her hearing, he would have just communicated it to Sebastian through their eyes. So why was he asking her for privacy now?

"Of course. I'll wait ou â€""

"No." Sebastian cut her off. "Stay here, Iza. We're going outside."

After almost ten minutes of waiting, Sebastian entered the room again. Elle scrutinized his face but to her relief, she saw no signs of negative expressions on his face. There was not even the slightest scrunching up of his brows.

"What did... he say?" Elle asked. Part of her was amazed at how she was not hesitating to ask him anything now. Perhaps, due to the divorce, what she used to fear had actually already happened. Thus, nothing seems to be able to scare her anymore.

He strode towards her and without warning, he lifted her before seating her on top of his desk.

"Matters regarding Elijah." He replied without preamble, pressing himself between her parted legs. "We are trying to do something to destroy or counter his plans and it seems we're making quite the progress."

"So... You need to... go now?" Elle could not help but be hesitant in her questioning. She was loath to have their beautiful and passionate reunion cut short. But she knew she could only let him go if it was something really important.

"Tomorrow. You're going to leave the castle tomorrow as well, Iza." Sebastian smiled as he looked down at his Iza, as if he could already tell what she was thinking about.

"So, we have one more night before we part ways...?" she tried not to look disappointed. Knowing that she should be grateful instead for this one more night.

"That's right..." his hungry gaze fell on her lips.

​ "How long? When can you visit me in the Black Forest?"

He returned his gaze to her eyes. "As of now... I'm not sure yet. It will depend on how Elijah will respond once he learns about our divorce. So I can't really tell you any tentative dates yet."

"I see... I understand. Will you call me then?"

"I'm afraid not. Elijah has control over these things. He most probably have bugged the lines already. He can hear and see any conversations if he wants to investigate. So, we need to be extra cautious."

Elle nodded understandingly at his explanation once again. "I understand. I will cooperate and do my best not to make you worry for my safety, Sebastian. But in return, I need you to be careful and don't get hurt. Can you promise me that?"

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "I promise to be careful. But I don't think I can promise not to get hurt. However, I will not die nor disappear, that I vow to you, Iza."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. That heartfelt and sincere promise was enough for her. Though she wished that he would not get hurt, she knew that would be unrealistic of her to request that from him. "I love you... and I will be waiting for you to come get me from there and bring me back to our home again, Sebastian." She whispered and he nuzzled her neck comfortingly.

"I promise..." he replied before once again, claiming her mouth passionately.

Elle kissed him back with as much fervor, if not more. His kiss this time was all-consuming, dominant. Telling her that his beast was back and he was now ready to take the reins back from her.

Tonight was going to be their last joining together for now. Not knowing when they will reunite has only added to their passion. And they were not planning on wasting even a single moment of it.

"Make love to me, Sebastian." She moaned against his lips.

"Yes, Iza... I'll make love to you this entire night."

The fact that he used the words 'make love' instead of f**king had Elle's heart swelling up with so much happiness. Her heart was so full it felt close to bursting.

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