Hellbound Heart

Chapter 238 Busy

That night, Elle only managed to catch a few hours of sleep. The other time was spent staring off into space as her mind wondered about the things concerning her husband.

She had asked everything she had wanted to know. And though Alicia could not answer all of her questions, Elle knew Alicia had tried her best.

The conversation with Alicia broke her heart over and over again. But she was still thankful to her sister-in-law for revealing all those awful secrets to her. It was better for her to know and share in the hurt along with Sebastian than be kept in the dark and let him shoulder all that pain alone. She had always known that Sebastian had a dark past which was the cause of all his traumas. But the reality had still struck her like a tsunami. It was darker than what she had ever imagined. Too dark and extremely twisted that she could barely handle it even just listening to it. It was a hell no one deserves to ever go through. And yet… it happened to them, to Sebastian.

Her heart ached so much that all she wanted was to immediately run to Sebastian and hold him tight in her embrace. She was willing to do anything and everything to help him heal. She might never be able to make his deep scars disappear, but she would anyways be there for him. She would be right by his side and would never leave him nor forsake him. No matter what it takes, no matter how hard it might be, she would do it. Even if it means that she could at least ease even a faint ray of light into his pitch-black darkness.

When Elle woke up, her eyes were swollen. She had asked for an ice compress but Alicia offered to use magic. Having Alicia using magic on her was something Elle still could not get used to. It was still so surreal no matter how many times she has seen it happening right before her eyes.

At breakfast, Elle was planning to insist on leaving the Black Forest. It was because Sebastian was still not answering her calls at all.

Elle had a gut feeling that Sebastian was doing this on purpose. That he was trying to avoid her.

If she had not found out about his story from Alicia, Elle might be feeling all dejected and heartbroken by now and she might have even started overthinking again. But things are different now. Even if it was true that he was trying to avoid her, Elle would not just sit here, looking totally lost and crying like a heartbroken teenager.

She needed to speak with him. They needed to talk. The sooner the better. And it should not wait anymore. She must go and see him now, before… before things escalate down south.

But before she could express her intentions to Abi and Alicia, Alexander arrived.

Upon hearing Alexis yell from outside that his father was back, Elle's heartbeat raced and she even moved so quickly, her chair made a loud scraping sound when she pushed it back and stood.

She rushed towards the main door before Alicia or Abi could even say anything. All she wanted was to see Sebastian. Nothing else mattered to her at that moment. All she wanted was just to throw herself into his arms and hug him tightly, as soon as possible.

However, her smile faded as she halted at the threshold. She looked around once more but there was only Alexander standing outside. He was back - alone. Sebastian was not there with him.

She knew before she could even ask because of Alexander's expression.

Elle walked towards Alexander, nonetheless. Though she nearly stumbled from her wobbly knees, she tried her best to keep at least half of her composure before him.

"Why is… Sebastian not with you? Please tell me he's alright." Elle asked him. Her voice came out sounding so emotional.

"He's alright, Izabelle." Alexander replied slowly, causing her to feel relieved. But not better.

"Then why…"

"He's in the castle right now and well… busy." Alexander seems to find it hard to explain.

Alexander's response made Elle's eye twitch. She did not know why, but she felt as though Alexander had something that he could not say to her.

Clenching her fists, Elle swallowed hard and decisively met his gaze. "Is he really in the castle?"

"Yes. I left him in his study and I believe he'll be in the castle for the entire day."

"Thank you for letting me know." Elle then turned and saw Alicia and Abi by the door. She paused for a while and calmed herself before she approached the two ladies. "I'm… leaving. I need to go to him. I don't think I'll ever see him anytime soon if I just stay here and wait." She then flashed them a helpless smile.

Abi held onto both her hands with understanding brimming in her eyes.

"We understand, dear. We definitely would not force you to stay when you want to leave." Abi smiled gently at her and Elle just hugged the lady tight. She truly loves this woman with all her heart.

"Thank you!" Elle whispered and Abi hugged her back.

"But we need to have you fully guarded, okay?"

Elle nodded as she pulled away. She would not be that foolish and naïve to reject a bodyguard or even a few of them.

"Lucas and Kyle are waiting at the entrance." Alexander said. "We had kind of seen this coming, so I had them stand by the entrance."

"We'll escort the princess to the entrance, dad." Alexis butted in and the three kids stood before them with bright, enthusiastic eyes.

The adults could only agree and the kids rejoiced that they had relented and allowed them at least this.

Not too long after, Alexander, Abi and Alicia watched as Elle and the kids left the house.

Once they were out of their sight, Abi faced Alex. "What happened?"

Alex sighed heavily. "Well… I tried to force him to come but I eventually gave in. It's better for Izabelle to go see him instead."

"But what if he ends up avoiding Elle again?" Abi's brows furrowed as she thought of how stubborn Sebastian can be.

"Don't worry." Alex sighed once again, causing Abi to look slightly worried. She knew Alex would not have these reactions if things were not already at the serious stage. "Izabelle will definitely find him there."

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