Hellbound Heart

Chapter 222 Before...

Inside a speeding black car, Lucas and the youngest prince of Viscarria, Kyle, both had severe expressions plastered over their faces.

Kyle had insisted on following him when he had come across him a while ago. Or more like, the prince had actually chased after him.

Lucas could only tell that the youngest prince had already found out that something had happened. And that something grave was going on.

"I don't understand how this happened at all." Kyle said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't believe my brother got himself captured so easily like that. Is that even Sebastian?! Just what exactly in the world happened?"

Lucas kept his driving speed steady and impossibly fast on the highway as he replied to Kyle, without sparing him a glance. "They blackmailed him."

"What? Don't tell me they caught Princess Izabelle? Like how? Wasn't she under heavy security ever since her disappearance?" Kyle was frowning hard as he asked Lucas, questions shooting out one after another. He had heard that Sebastian had been with his wife since he found her and had never left the castle at all. Even during her birthday party, Kyle knew there was no way there would be any chances for anyone, even Elijah to kidnap her. So how was she even taken captive again?

"Witchcraft." Lucas answered simply, his already hard expression worsened. And his answer had Kyle's eyes widening. "I believe the princess had been under a serious spell. She keeps on getting wounded out of nowhere."

"A poppet!" Kyle exclaimed, eyes narrowing at what Lucas had disclosed.

"I believe that's what is going on with the princess. And the witch who is performing the witchcraft must be someone powerful, as they actually managed to draw blood from her without her even realizing it. I believe His Highness thinks the same and that's why he was hellbent on bringing the princess to the Black Forest, where any and all forms of witchcraft wouldn't work."

Speechless, Kyle could only shake his head again. Now he understood why they managed to actually catch Sebastian.

"That sly fox..." Kyle hissed, gritting his teeth. "He must've already gotten control of the princess since her first disappearance, right?"

"I believe so." Lucas' tone also did not sound good.

"What did Alexander say?"

"He's working closely with the witches in the Black Forest right now. He said he'll move immediately, the moment he gets more information from the witches."

A short silence passed until Kyle spoke again. "Who could it be? That strong witch who is working with Elijah? The princess' disappearance had been very strange even from before, and I believe that the most possible conclusion about that mystery is that a strong witch is involved. Now this... I can't believe this is happening. There shouldn't be anyone strong enough to give us this kind of trouble except for L ... except for the witch queen and Zeres!"

"You're right. Whoever it is that's working with Prince Elijah should be at least on par with the caliber of the witch queen herself. Or... perhaps not as powerful, but their ability for not being able to be traced at all by the witch queen herself is definitely superior." Lucas commented. "And we... I believe even Alexander and everyone in the Black Forest, has yet to figure out who it is as well." Lucas' voice was tight as he told all this to Kyle. It could be seen what a predicament they were all in right now.

A long, deep sigh escaped Kyle's lips. He was starting to feel that this trouble would end really really badly. There was a restless unease swirling within him, and that was growing stronger by the minute now as worry for his brother and his wife began to surge.

"Lucas..." Kyle uttered after another long stretch of silence. "Is my brother really in love with Princess Izabelle?"

Kyle had heard about this already. That Sebastian was whipped so badly by the princess. In fact, the whispers in the castle were full of delight at the news of how the prince was so head over heels in love with his wife. He even heard that his brother who was never fond of pets, actually even had a large dog, Snow, brought to their rooms just so it could keep his wife company!

But Kyle was a bit unsure as he had somehow felt the pretense and acting that had gone on between the couple ever since that first time the princess had arrived at the castle. He had totally not bought into their fake lovey-dovey act as newlyweds, as much as they did seem sweet to each other on the surface. However, he had then kept his silence as he had thought who was he to question what his brother wanted to do with his own love life. But now faced with the whispers going around, Kyle had then felt he needed to reevaluate if his brother did really love his wife.

"He is." Was Lucas' straightforward reply. And Kyle knew for sure that if it was Lucas who could confirm the news, then it must really be true. And that news only made the already bad situation far worse. His brows creased further and deep furrows formed on his forehead, marring his normally flawless and gorgeous face just a little. Because Kyle realized now that Elijah had found a perfect tool to use to destroy Sebastian.

"We really need to find them quick. As soon as possible before... before..." Kyle could not make himself continue speaking. In that moment, no matter how he tried to think positively, he could already feel that things were going to be dark and bloody.

The heavy feeling within him right now was something he had never experienced before. This felt even worse than that battle that had taken place ten years ago. Perhaps because it was a fight within their family, between two Reign princes this time, and it was something that had never happened before.

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