Hellbound Heart

Chapter 212 Present

The words that Alexander had said a few days ago echoed in Sebastian's mind. "You can forget everything else except your present to her, Sebby. I'm telling you... you're doomed if you actually fail to give it to her. So, make sure not to forget about it."

Sebastian had simply responded with a deadpan 'yes'. Because he believed that there was no way he would actually forget it. It is like, come on... her birthday. So why would he forget her birthday present?! Yet here he was, almost actually failing to even remember.

Somehow, Alexander's annoying I-told-you-so-face telling him the words 'See? That's why I told you to always listen to this wise old man of yours' flashed in his mind. He could not believe that Alexander seemed to have even seen this one coming as well! What is he? A prophet now?!

Shifting, Sebastian held her closer to him and buried her face into his chest. His gaze quickly searched for his pants and he very quickly spotted it right there, a few steps away on the floor.

When Izabelle moved to pull away from his tight embrace, he did not let her go. He instead held her a little bit tighter and then stood with her tucked into his side.

He knew he had surprised her, but there was really no time to delay. He needed to give it to her now! Before it passed midnight and would no longer be counted as her birthday anymore.

Using his vampiric speed, Sebastian crossed the room along with her in his arms, in a blur. The pants were already in his hand. He had made sure Izabelle did not even notice not feel how he had bent over to pick up his discarded pants.

"S-Sebastian?" Just as she finally called out his name, Sebastian loosened up his hold around her and settled her on top of a nearby table, making sure that she was steady before leting go. Her back was now against the Victorian mirror.

Her face looked so curious when their eyes met. But then, she suddenly caught his face with both her hands and reminded him, "I thought we had agreed that I'm still in charge, Sebastian. The bargain is for the rest of the night until morning, not just until midnight."

He smiled after listening to her speak that way to him. F**k, it was truly one of the biggest surprises that he actually really liked it when she talked like a boss like this!

"I know, baby... and contrary to what you are thinking, I'm not trying to turn the tables around on you."

She then raised a brow at him, wondering what it was that he was up to this time.

"Really? Then why pin me on a table like this, hmm? I don't think I can keep being in charge if you're not under me..." she blushed hard after saying those last two words before she bit down on her lip. Oh f**k, he really needed to divert the topic before he ended up bringing them both back to the couch! Shaking his head and giving a wry smile, Sebastian told himself to focus and make sure to complete the task at hand. And it was an important task too.

"Don't worry baby... we'll return to the couch or the bed, or anywhere you want to be soon enough. But after this..." he said with a smile on his face, enjoying how his words had her expression changing in an instant.

"After... what?" she asked curiously, her eyes starting to sparkle and brim with anticipation.

A few days ago, Alexander had asked Sebastian about his present. He was not planning to say anything about it to Alexander since he believed that the present was not something the man needed to know about. Also, Sebastian was confident that his present to Izabelle was something more than enough. Though he had thought of giving her far more, he had refrained a little because he somehow felt that Izabelle might feel that it was a bit too much.

However, Alexander was adamant in asking if he had even prepared something, so he had ended up spilling it out so the man would finally stop bugging him about it.

To his dismay, Alexander had made the comment that the present he prepared for Izabelle was not even all that special. And then he went on to preach to him, telling him to be more thoughtful and that lavish material items were not really the most special thing one could give to their one special someone.

When he asked Alexander to just tell him or give him some choices for him to choose from, the man had totally refused to name the special present he was talking about. Instead, he forced Sebastian to think about it and to find the perfect present that Izabelle might want and cherish.

Thinking about it had caused Sebastian several hours of headache. Until Alexander himself had given him a clue. Of course, that was only after torturing him with all his wise old man's talks.

Sebastian was a little doubtful though. He was still skeptical if this present would really be enough and is something that would be able to make Izabelle happy. That was the only reason why he still prepared the original gift anyway and would still give it to her still after this. Alexander was confident that it would, but Sebastian was a little unsure. Would this one little thing really be that effective in making her that happy? Would she really treat this one little thing as something so special?

Sebastian knew that the only way to find the answer was to give it to her and see it for himself.

Taking a quiet breath, he pulled away a little and stood before her.

When he reached for her hand, her pupils dilated and he heard her heartbeat begin to thud so loud. So fast, that for a moment, that was all that he could hear.

"Happy birthday, Izabelle... my baby girl, my princess... my wife..." he said and then he slipped something onto her wedding finger.


A/N: Tysm for all the understanding guys. I'm still unwell so just one chap today too. Hopefully tomorrow, I can finally get back to shape fully.

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