Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 371: Underground Monster Den

Chapter 371: Underground Monster Den

Junior Brother Wan Yan!

Senior Brother Zhan also recognized Wan Yanjun and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

Quick! Quickly save my disciple!

His voice suddenly became a lot louder, but because of his extremely weak body, he still seemed powerless.

Senior Brother Zhan, where is your disciple?

Wan Yanjun frowned and asked.

He just wanted to complete the task. He had no interest in saving people.

My disciple was caught by a fierce beast and was taken to its den. That fierce beast is as strong as me, but it can control the plague. Its very terrible. Moreover, it also has a treasure, which might be a divine-grade treasured artifact.

Senior Brother Zhan gasped for breath as he said.

A divine-grade treasured artifact!

Upon hearing these four words, the expressions of uninterested Wan Yanjun, Chen Zui and Shangguan Lei instantly changed and they were filled with greed.

Ling Xiao, at one side, secretly shook his head.

The reason why people lose their minds was mostly related to greed.

Where is the den of that fierce beast?

Wan Yanjun asked.

Its in this manors underground basement.

Senior Brother Zhan smiled bitterly and said: Originally, this underground basement was the place where I stored my martial art manuals, various pills and weapons. But that fierce beast snatched it and turned it into its monster den. The people in the valley are all also imprisoned there by it.

Are they still alive?

Ling Xiao suddenly asked.

I dont know, now, my time in this world is limited, I can only wait to die. That fierce beast didnt dare to capture me just because it feared that I would choose to self-detonate my martial veins.

Senior Brother Zhang suddenly cried bitterly: Alas, Im useless, a dignified Valley Master actually let this place turn into a monster den.

Senior Brother Zhan, dont be sad, we will help you save those people.

Wan Yanjun said with excitement: Ling Xiao, just stay here and take good care of Senior Brother Zhan. The three of us will go and come back quickly.

But Senior Brother, I also want to complete the task.

Ling Xiao hastily said.

Dont speak nonsense, just do whatever we ask you to do. Like that, after we completed the task, we might give you some benefits. Otherwise, you will not get anything!

Wan Yanjun threatened.

Okay then.

Ling Xiao nodded his head, but there was a hint of an undetectable sneer on his face.

Since these people were so impatient to die, why should he stop them?

Lets go!

Wan Yanjun, Chen Zui and Shangguan Leis thoughts were very simple. Although there might be danger in the underground monster den, it was just a rank three fierce beast, which was equivalent to a Rank Three Transcendent Realm martial artist. The three of them were more than enough to deal with it.

There was basically no need for Ling Xiao to follow along.

If Ling Xiao followed along, then he might hinder them from completing the task and obtaining treasures.

After the figures of those three people disappeared, Ling Xiaos mouth suddenly foamed, fell to the ground and his entire body twitched. After a short while, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Heh heh heh heh, a trifling Half Great Master also dares to go deep into the Plague Valley. You dont even know that you were long infected by the plague.

Senior Brother Zhan, who originally looked weak and leaning on the wall, showed a hideous smirk and said while looking at Shi Hao lying on the ground.

Next, its time to deal with those three idiots. It's not easy to raise a fierce beast, I cant really get it killed by those three fellows.

Senior Brother Zhang casually carried Ling Xiao on his shoulder, then followed Wan Yanjun and others into the underground monster den. Afterward, he completely sealed the door.

Naturally, Ling Xiao was pretending to have fainted.

In fact, he had felt that something was fishy with Senior Brother Zhan from the very beginning. Others might not be able to tell, but with his sharp eyesight, he could naturally see that this fellow was full of evil aura.

Such a person couldnt be normal.

Lying on Senior Brother Zhans shoulder, Ling Xiao noticed that the stone gate that sealed the underground monster den actually had two Refine Array Stones inlaid on it.

After the two Refine Array Stones were used, no one could open the stone door unless one was proficient in formations and arrays or knew the mechanism.

His Master Venerable Yuan had once told him that the Formation Masters didnt exist in the Heavenly Dragon Continent, at least for nearly ten thousand years.

Could it be that Senior Brother Zhan actually had a connection with the people of ten thousand years ago?

When approaching the center of the monster den, Ling Xiao could hear the sounds of fighting coming from inside. He guessed that Wan Yanjun, Chen Zui and Shangguan Lei had already started to attack the Plague Fierce Beast.

Senior Brother Zhans pace accelerated a lot, and after a while, he arrived at the core of the monster den.

There were no common people of the valley here, not e4ven corpses, but there were indeed many martial art manuals as well as a lot of pills and weapons, very precious to secular martial artists.

There were also several thousand low-grade spirit stones.

Senior Brother Zhan directly threw Ling Xiao to the ground, then quietly entered the darkness.

This fellow was truly cautious, and he was obviously planning to carry out a surprise attack.


An emaciated palm appeared behind Shangguan Lei from the darkness and Shangguan Lei screamed as a black hand imprint appeared on his back.

Someone is making a sneak attack!

The complexion of Wan Yanjun and Chen Zui greatly changed. They then protected Shangguan Lei and leaned against the wall. Like this, they could avoid being attack from behind.

Isnt that Ling Xiao?

Wan Yanjun saw Ling Xiao lying motionless on the ground.

He isnt dead, is he?

But theres only Senior Brother Zhan outside, how can he be here? Could it be that its Senior Brother Zhan?

Wan Yanjun suddenly thought of a possibility and a chill ran down his spine. Moreover, fear and regret instantly filled his entire body.

Quickly jump!

Wan Yanjun yelled, no longer caring about Shangguan Lei.

Chen Zui followed closely.

They didnt even care about Shangguan Lei, not to mention Ling Xiao. They then fled towards the exit of the monster den without even looking at Ling Xiao.

However, Plague Fierce Beast had already blocked the exit. It was baring its teeth and claws, which made it look quite fierce.

Heh heh heh, none of you can escape today. Since you are already here, why are you in such a hurry to leave? I worked so hard to set up this trap. Wouldnt it be too wasteful to let you all escape?

In the midst of laughter, Senior Brother Zhan gradually appeared.

Behind him, there was actually a skull with red lights floating in its eyes.

Although Ling Xiao had also seen a lot of martial souls, it was truly the first time for him to see such a martial soul.

Sure enough, the Profound Realm had a mystery within a mystery. Any strange things could happen.

Deep in this monster den, Ling Xiao was not only not afraid in the slightest, but he was also a little excited.

This was an adventure, this was a path that martial artists should walk.

It was too boring to just hide in the sect.

Senior Brother Zhan, as a disciple of the Moonlight sect, what are you doing?

After seeing that there was no way to retreat, Wan Yanjun decided to use force.

Combining his power with Chen Zui, they might not necessarily not be the opponent of Senior Brother Zhan and that Plague Fierce Beast.

After all, the other side was also just two Rank Three Transcendent Realm enemies.

And they two were also Rank Three Transcendent Realm martial artists. Moreover, they often carried out tasks together and cultivated together. Their tacit understanding might not be worse than the other side.

Besides, Shangguan Lei was also there. Although he was seriously injured, he had not died yet. It might have a miraculous effect at a critical moment.

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