Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 194 - Is this So

Chapter 194 – Is this So-Called Fate?

The Little Prince’s residence was equipped with a small kitchen. Usually, it was used to make small snacks and simple things that he wished to eat. However, since his illness, for ease and reliability, it was now being used to brew his medicines too. Thus, Ye Zhen was able to avoid the mundane journey to the Imperial Kitchen to cook the medicated porridge.

As she stepped into the kitchen, she took in her surroundings. She turned around, and immediately requested Madam Nuan, who was close at heels, for paper and pen. Without wasting a moment, she listed several kinds of medicinal herbs and ingredients. Then, she dispatched a maid to fetch it from the Imperial Pharmacy. That done, she swiftly moved on to the next phase: cooking.

If one were to assess Ye Zhen’s cooking skills, one would certainly not find it lacking. After all, when one pours one’s heart into something, how can the outcome be subpar? She had specially learned to cook when she was living in her palace as the Wang Fei of the Qin Dynasty. She had looked around for the best cooks to teach her a variety of dishes. She had spent time diligently practicing too so that one day she could cook for Mo Rongzhan.

Her father had once said, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ and the determined little girl had etched those words in her heart. Although Ye Zhen was the best pupil, alas, there was no one to appreciate it. It was a perfect case of– while the dropping flowers pine for love, the heartless brook babbles on*.

[E/D: 落花有意,流水无情。(Luò huā yǒu yì,liúshuǐ wú qínɡ: Chinese idiom meaning, the flower has intentions, but the water has no feeling. Here, YZ had feelings, but MR rejected her.]

Right from the time she saw her leave the chambers, Qi Jin’s gaze was locked on to Ye Zhen. Unlike girls her age, who were bound to be flustered upon entering a kitchen, what more of a prince, she appeared confident and at ease. The way she delegated tasks to the maids and when she busied herself in the small kitchen, one could not help but admire. As she followed this little girl with her eyes, she was reminded of the shock the girl had brought her only some time back. At that time, she was hard-pressed to contain her curiosity but now, she was still contemplating how to broach the subject.

Ah, but Imperial Physician Qi was not the only one in awe.

To Madam Nuan, Ye Zhen was new to this place. Moreover, her delicate disposition made it hard to believe that this young miss of a wealthy family had ever entered the kitchen, let alone cook porridge. Thus, she took it upon herself and came along to help. However, her fears proved to be unfounded. Dainty as she appeared, Ye Zhen was a bundle of surprise. The ease with which she moved around and took control of the situation without as much as a help, she had shocked this veteran servant. By and by she had demonstrated her versatility leaving everyone who saw in awe.

“Madam Nuan, please look after the Little Prince in the meanwhile. I shall not be long,” Ye Zhen said with a smile. She did not want someone standing by her side, how else could she slip in the miraculous liquid into the porridge?

“Miss Lu, this servant will go back first. If you need anything, just say so and it will be done.” Madam Nuan was the first rank palace maid beside Mo Rongyi. She not only had the trust of the Little Prince but also the Empress Dowager liked her very much. Needless to say, the palace maids in the small kitchen dared not offend her. Seeing that she respected Ye Zhen so much, they dared not put on airs.

Ye Zhen smiled. “You can go back first.”

Madam Nuan left a few words with the palace maid next to her and then went out of the small kitchen.

“You can do your own work. I can do this myself,” Ye Zhen said, thwarting any and all intentions of assistance. She wanted little attention.

Soon, a group of maids returned with the medicinal herbs and ingredients. Giving them a cursory check, Ye Zhen separated the ingredients from the herbs. One by one, she started adding the ingredients to the pot of water. Next, she added the bones and brought it to a boil. Once it had thickened to satisfaction, she ladled out a portion to cook the porridge. Bit by bit the herbs went in.

She ran a furtive eye around her, to see if anyone was noticing her. She dared not be careless. It was time to add a few drops of her miraculous liquid. She had decided against adding too many drops, afraid that Mo Rongyi’s little body would be overwhelmed. Then, she took the washed white rice in her palm and skillfully concealed the miraculous liquid and dropped the whole thing into the soup.

All this was done with such finesse, that even the Qi Jin outside the door, whose gaze never left Ye Zhen, did not notice anything amiss.

“Miss Lu.” Qi Jin called out from outside.

Ye Zhen turned around and bowed. “Imperial Physician Qi.”

Qi Jin smiled faintly and walked towards Ye Zhen. “Did you learn this medicated diet from your mother?”

“No, I read it in a book.” Ye Zhen smiled demurely. “Last time, after I felt the Little Prince’s pulse, I went back and looked for a medical journal. It mentioned that one could have a medicated diet to relieve hunger and pain.”

“I have tried adding herbs to the Little Prince’s diet before, but it has not had much effect.” A puzzled Qi Jin frowned.

She had spent a lot of time researching the disease and its possible cure. After the normal recourse had failed to deliver the desired results, she had turned to unconventional forms. But this involved a lot of unpleasant tasting herbs. Well aware of Little Prince’s aversion to taking medicine and the ensuing temper tantrums, she had secretly changed his diet to a medicated one. However, the outcome, much to her chagrin, was not even a fraction of what she had hoped for. She had almost given up when this little girl had walked in like a ray of hope. Somehow, that acupressure had sealed her faith in her.

Ye Zhen could understand the thought process of this medical stalwart. She knew she was eager to know the solution. However, her secrets were hers to keep. After a moment of silence, she said, “If not, I will lose 40,000 taels.”

This caught Qi Jin by surprise. She was speechless for a fleeting moment before bursting into laughter. “Do you care much about silvers?”

“It took a lot of effort to win, hence, I do have to care about the silvers that will be involved. Besides, it gets the prince to cooperate.” Ye Zhen explained. However silly it may sound, this was the only way to steer this astute mind before her away from the truth.

Qi Jin shook her head and thought that it was rare for a young lady to love silvers so unabashedly. She looked at Ye Zhen with unconcealed geniality and decided to be forthright.

“Where did you learn the acupressure technique?

“I read it in the book too.” Ye Zhen wondered why Qi Jin would ask such a thing. To her, the book she had readQi Clan Medical Classics was a book that Imperial Physician Qi should have read by default. After all, it was a renowned medical canon that every medical practitioner was aware of.

If I remember correctly: Qi Jin’s ancestors trace back to the previous dynasty and should be the Marquis Zhenguo, the god of war- the eldest brother of Empress Qi Yanling. How could she not know the most famous massage technique inQi Clan Medical Classics?

Qi Jin’s expression looked a little strange as if those three words had baffled her. “Qi Clan Medical Classics?”

Ye Zhen nodded and decided to express her thoughts directly, after all, she was still a student and it would do her no good to be presumptuous. “Imperial Physician Qi, have I erred?”

“No! Absolutely not! You did well!” Qi Jin made no secret of her admiration for Ye Zhen. “Continue with what you are doing, I shall check on the Little Prince now.”

In a brief span of time, Qi Jin had envisioned a dozen answers from Ye Zhen. However, what was offered to her in the end, was beyond her expectation. After so many years, the sacredQi Medical Classics left behind by none other than Empress Qi Yanling to the Qi family, had somehow fallen into the hands of a young girl. The late empress had poured her heart and soul to single-handedly compile this canon. Those fortunate to study this would certainly go on to be renowned medical practitioners.

As for Qi Jin... truth be told, she had yet to see this canon, the essence of Empress Qi Yanling’s life, with her own eyes. She knew of its legend and had longed for it too, but had never had the chance. Furthermore, she had least expected it to land in Lu Yaoyao’s hand.

Then, is this the so-called fate?

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