Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 101: Strength is Supreme!

Chapter 101: Strength is Supreme!

The darkness drowned the land of sand. The cold wind had been drifting in every direction aimlessly. The crescent moon was covered by the dark clouds in the sky, revealing only a part of the moon.

At this moment, a group of three girls appeared from out of nowhere. The three girls looked around in confusion. After observing for a few minutes, Rebecca took out a token and saw it was releasing a shiny light, pointing in a single direction, "In that direction."

Rebecca followed the instruction of the token, Noor and Isobel as well followed behind her closely.


Suddenly, the group heard the growling of the beast, stopping immediately in their tracks. 

The group of three girls looked in front of them vigilantly. The two shiny eyes greeted them; afterwards, the body of a black cobra appeared in front of them, flicking its poisonous tongue towards the group threateningly. The body of the cobra was huge, it wasn't like any ordinary cobra-like on earth, the cobra in front of the group had the body comparable to the python. Its eyes shone with cruelty.

"An Archmage beast!" Noor shouted, but then, curled her lips in disdain.

"Let me," Rebecca moved towards the snake, taking out the sword from her waist.

The beast became enraged when it saw that someone dared to be so audacious; it had seen many humans and devoured many of them; they were so cowardly at the face of death, but now, humans in front of it dared to show the look of contempt on their faces.


As Rebecca walked towards the beast, the beast also didn't stay put on the spot. With its long tail, the beast attacked Rebecca.

The other two ladies were standing out of the reach of the cobra. So it could only attack Rebecca who was the closest to the beast. However, there was no worry or fear on Rebecca's face. Looking at the attack of the beast, she smiled confidently, using her sword to block the tail of the beast.


The attack of the beast was blocked perfectly; though, Rebecca had to take a few steps back.

"Oh, looks like Rebecca is trying to measure her own strength by fighting this beast. She didn't even use an ice element. It was just a brute force." Noor exclaimed excitedly.

Isobel looked at Rebecca with a serious expression, not speaking anything.


The cobra hissed furiously when it looked that the girl easily blocked its attack.

Eventually, the beast again moved, closing the distance towards Rebecca. At this time, it tried to coil the lady, however, Rebecca was already prepared for this and jumped upward, avoiding the coiling attack of the beast.

Although when she jumped upward, she ended up in front of the mouth of the cobra.

"Careful!" Both Noor and Isobel warned the lady in the fight. However, Rebecca still didn't show any panic on her face. Her expression was as cold as ice, not changing even a bit.

The beast opened its mouth wide, trying to devour the entire body of Rebecca. The poisonous fangs were revealed, and the beast launched its head towards the lady who was still in the air.

Rebecca looked at the nearing fangs of the beast calmly, but when the fangs arrived just above her head, trying to take her head between them, Rebecca moved.

She swung the sword at the final moment. 

Though the beast looked at the sword, it didn't stop its attack. The beast wanted nothing more than to kill this lady. 

Just when the beast thought that its victory was certain, it felt a chill inside its body.

Before the beast could understand the situation, a huge blue phoenix formed behind Rebecca and dashed towards the beast. However, when the blue phoenix hit the beast's body, it disappeared. 

The beast became stunned when it realized that nothing happened to its body. 

Rebecca landed a few meters away from the beast and stood there with a calm expression, observing the cobra with her chilli expression.


When cobra didn't find anything unusual inside its body, it became furious from shame and humiliation. It was the majestic Archmage beast; it was its territory; but today, a puny human dared to humiliate it.


The beast launched its smooth body and appeared in front of Rebecca, again trying to coil her in its long tail.

Rebecca looked at the beast, and shook her head, "What a disappointment."

As she spoke, the beast froze on the spot. The white ice started to develop over its body. After a second later, the ice turned into a scale, covering the entire body of the beast.

The black cobra had turned white in a matter of seconds; furthermore, there was no trace of life left inside its body. 

In front of the group only remained a snowy white piece of sculpture. Any sculpture lover would pay a high amount of assets to get his hand on such a sculpture. However, Rebecca didn't spare even a single glance at the beast and went to join the other two ladies.

"You have succeeded in practising the blue phoenix codex!?" Noor looked at Rebecca with shining eyes.

Hearing her sister's question, Isobel also turned towards Rebecca.

"It is nothing, I am not even at the elementary level yet," Rebecca sighed when she replied and a little frustrated expression appeared on her face.

Noor looked at her expression and rolled her eyes, "You are really greedy. You are already close to breaking through to the elementary level of the skill and could kill an Archmage like nothing. But you are still making such a face."

"Aren't your fighting skills also at this level?" Rebecca looked at the Noor but then her gaze turned towards Isobel, a complicated expression appeared on her face.

Noor heard Rebecca and sighed, "What's the use of putting so much effort? Sister was never into these kinds of stuff. She was only good in business; but now, she is already at the middle stage of level one. And she has also cultivated her offensive skill at the elementary level."

Isobel, who was silent all this time, rolled her eyes when she saw her sister's act, "Do you think I was able to achieve a middle stage of level one and elementary level in offensive skill without putting any effort? Then why don't you go back to the tower and waste time just like I did. See, if you will have any progress."

Noor looked at her sister speechlessly, "You have changed sister."

"So what if I am?" Isobel chuckled.


"Argh!" the king screamed in pain. His body was drowned in blood and his clothes were torn into pieces, the golden crown which was shining on his head just a few minutes before, was now lying in the dirt and his many trusted subordinates had abandoned him, escaping without turning back. 

Only a few people were fighting alongside him; however, most of them were already on the brink of their limit. It was a matter of time before they would also abandon their so-called king.

What good would the king do if they don't even have their life?

Everyone was there because of the benefits the king of the Vigon gave them. However, no one would fight to the death of the king and their honour. Those things look good only in books and heroic tales, most people use those types of tales to brainwash other people, expecting them to put their life for the benefit of their king and land.

The king was strong but his enemies didn't let him prepare for powerful spells. Furthermore, his enemies didn't even require any spell. Their body was so powerful and sturdy that's low-level spells didn't have any effect over them.


The skeleton dragon roared furiously, launching its bony claw towards the king.

Immediately, a frightening look emerged on his face and tried to dodge the attack of the dragon. Alas, the dragon wasn't the lone attacker, other skeletons at the side were harassing the king, from time to time.

"Who is controlling this undead!? Show yourself, you coward!" the king shouted indignantly. His eyes were dim and his hair was in a mess, filled with dirt.

Ayaan only sneered when he heard the shout of the man. He wasn't stupid enough to show his face in front of the masses. The entirety of the eastern continent was searching for him, like hungry dogs and everyone knew his face. There was a big difference in bravery and being stupid. Ayaan, of course, wasn't stupid.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!'' Suddenly a frightened scream echoed in the battlefield.

He was the same man that Ayaan had defeated in the Doham. At this time, he was so frightened that his tears started to fall, drowning his entire face in tears.

However, Ayaan didn't give him another look. There was only one order, "Kill!"


The man was dissected into two equal pieces. The skeleton looked at its dripping sabre and attacked another enemy who was engaged with another skeleton, killing him smoothly.

As the king saw the massacre happening, all the strength left his body.

Ayaan didn't give a damn about the king. So what if you were a king, without strength, you would eventually end up a pawn or a sacrifice for others. Only the strength was supreme, without strength someone else would snatch your status, your women and money strength is supreme!


A skeleton suddenly separated the head of the king from its body. The entire battle immediately stopped. Some people were so frightened after seeing the death of the king that they passed out while some couldn't hold their fear, drowning their underpants into a heavenly river.

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